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Sempervee1 last won the day on September 4

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    2007 MG Norge

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  1. Lance Weil, Real MC racer - (RIP) of Rickey Racer Laverda in Costs Mesa CA threw me the keys to a RGS to test ride many years ago - and off I went. Powerful engine and tough clutch pull on very stump pulling motor as I recall. Not a popular MC back them amongst the KZ and GS 1000's we were riding back in the day. Good times. He could out ride all of us on a Morini 3 1/2.
  2. Seems that there being 3 fixes for a valve problem that simply did not need to be hydraulic since adjusting is so simple. Why it was over in 2 years of making.
  3. Thanks for your input. I am a bit intrigued with the idea of owning one, always have been.
  4. My GF thinks I am a bit round the bend wanting to get an (another even older Guzzi) EVEN older 2003 Cali touring after all the work I put in on my 07 Norge. I know little to nothing about the Tonti world. Looking at picking up 03 Cali touring with floor boards and bags from Original owner that has been sitting unused for 7-8 years with about 25K miles. Speedo is broke as is the norm from what i understand. ** Easier to work on then Norge? How is overall reliability compared to the CARC models? I am a GuzziDiag kinda guy and love the idea of FI, tubeless tires and floorboards again for comfort. My Norge is not as comfy as I once was with this "older" body of mine. I asked for service records and proof of the recall on Hydro valve. I know little else at the moment.
  5. I recently spent near 3 weeks in France and Italy at ridiculously priced and ill managed AB&B's. Never again. Crowds, over priced and clear that many of these owners are not prepared to service the retail public as I was pained no matter where I was whether in Nice, Marseilles, especially where I wound up fixing their HVAC ductless and believing there are no building codes as well as Bologna and Venice Italy where it is ALWAYS too crowded and the non stop smoking of cigarettes. WHY I am done with that kind of travel.
  6. Make sure you have enough battery by either connecting an aux battery to the connection or leave the battery charger connected when your turn on the "Key" to use Guzzidiag. From what I have read it takes more time to read a map then "load" a map.
  7. My entire adult riding life subscribed to Cycleworld, Rider, Etc... came across this and thought I should share the memories......... Available in many formats, whether articles, ads, reviews, etc. Enjoy! https://magazine.cycleworld.com/search?exactphrase=true&QueryTerm=Moto+Guzzi&start=40&rows=20&DocType=Image&Sort=null&SortOrder=null&startdate=1962-02-01&enddate=2022-10-01&LastViewIssueKey=&LastViewPage=
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  8. I'll check the wheel spin is a good idea. When i got the bike the wheels do not spin as free as i had hoped for and checked the calipers also. Will check the plugs again, last time they looked good and doing valves this weekend Imma hoping. When all is done will prolly download a Beetle map. I'm all about tire pressure checking - 36F 41R. *Funny when underway the (barely readable) digital gas mileage reads 46-52 underway but digital average MPG reads 29 mpg and when I fill up same place all the time if comes out 33-37 actual. Kinda loony instrument readout..
  9. Hi Paul, You are correct, it's about "VroomHilda". Runs very smoothly, starts easy, idles well - and terrible gas mileage in the low to mid 30's - if a bit rich, I believe. I ONLY feed her Ethanol free Premium as a steady diet. Beetle map is probably the easiest best route. I got the bike with an Austrailian "Staintune" pipe installed and all else is stock. I have everything dialed in via GuzziDIag and will be checking valves this weekend and rechecking TPS, Throttle body sync, etc...
  10. What I am wondering is can I "run" Tunerpro in Windows simulation on a MAC as I have GuzzuDiag running well on my Macbook with O/S Catalina? Or is my only choice hoping to get a Beetle Map that I can downnload, hopefully with my mac that the Reader & Writer software will see?
  11. *There is an ass for every seat.
  12. Best of ALL worlds is my 07 2Valve NORGE...
  13. I split lanes for 25 years up and down the I5 corridors in SoCal 100+ miles a day with an open faced helmet and levi jacket... Today with the texting and obnoxious drivers I spend less and less time on the road (Freeway) here in Western WA and my yearly mileage has gone down as my age has gone up for various reasons.
  14. Yes Pete I have a good YTX-20 battery installed less than a year ago and kept on maint charger. I know electrons on this bike are unusually finicky. I have checked with running at idle and high rpm and off voltage. Although Vroomhilda never shows more than 13.2 running when the digital voltage meter always shows more. Somewhere in the snaggle of wiring there is a drop in voltage from age I would imagine and other assorted fuckery.
  15. I just want a back up Starter L5A Relay just in case - as I just lat week had to replace the Auxiliary 4 pin Horn relay & fuse the previous owner installed for both the yellow wire and fused connection to the battery, and the same relay is also using the horn. Along with the back up L5A relay I believe after spending far too long reading and researching this woe beset upon by most CARC owners, I am going to install an easy to reach Solenoid to automotive button to battery+ bypassing all the spaghetti wiring, ecm, and relays as a defensiveback up emergency starter. Thanks for leaning in Pete & Docc and everyone else. Yes I will order from MPH or AF1 for the back up relay just in case.
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