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Everything posted by activpop

  1. $250 new.
  2. I have not installed them yet. Still in unopened package. Still unsure if I will use them. Got them for a lot less than that Ebay offering.
  3. Excellent! Thank you for that @PJPR01.
  4. My daughter lives in Austin and I always wanted to time a visit for a race, either F1 or MotoGP. Do you need to book in advance or can one just show up and get a GA ticket? Do they sell out all spots?
  5. I'm sure he appreciates having a friend with benefits. Nice pair of bikes!
  6. After getting my other black Sport road ready again, I found my tach was running intermittently and horn wasn't working. Did a search here and learned about RICE. Replaced all the old Omrons with new Pickers. As if by magic, everything works just fine. Gotta love those China relays!
  7. Finally off the stand! Yep, this project certainly dragged. It's easy to neglect the project bike when other bikes are ready and waiting. I got my ass in gear this last month and got it done.
  8. From the album: 2001 V11 Sport

  9. @bmc5733946, I have one on a pretty ratty side cover. Still deciding whether I should give it up. Emblem looks nice though. Please send a pm.
  10. activpop


    Beggars can't be choosers, but black is the color. I have the hardware. I wonder if a place has a carbon fiber available? I'll check ebay.
  11. activpop


    Looking for a starter cover for 2001 V11.
  12. All of a sudden I'm seeing lots of V11's for sale. Signs of spring... Here is a Houston Ballabio with under 2k miles. Looks very clean. $8900 and it's yours. Should be some wiggle room there.
  13. It is tough to verify true condition of those side covers without seeing them in person. They are pretty fragile and a photograph can't show the hairline cracks that many of them get over the years. If I can't hold it to look, I ain't buying. I have looked for black ones for quite a while. Finally found a pair, but the bike came with them.
  14. Thanks for the Italian lesson but these were off a 2003 Mille. Model and name change happened the next year. Might be the same fork, or not.
  15. I was told they were off of a Mille.
  16. That's quite the offer. Thank you for that! I have one ordered from MG cycle, so I'll pass. At least now you know where it is!
  17. I can solder just fine, but the two wires are really close together and I only have about an 1/8" stub protruding. I'll have to put a small heat shield between them. After reading about these things, I see how they are problematic. Such an important part with pansy ass wiring.
  18. Peeled out epoxy around wires to expose broken wire stub. Not sure I can get a good solder joint with what I have to work with. I'll try though. Ordered the manual one from MG. If it ain't one thing, it's another.
  19. Just did a search on this. Seems to be a many faceted problem. Wonderful. I've got a plan.
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