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Everything posted by activpop

  1. You got it for a steal. Looked well made in the pictures. I would have jumped on it too if was a few thousand miles closer.
  2. https://youtu.be/Pj1JKZnhCxQ?feature=shared
  3. My, have we digressed. Did you buy the jacket? Don't worry about the lawyers. You're faster than them. Just don't wear it with green plaid pants to a Christmas party. That would get you locked up.
  4. I have no anxiety about any of this. I am just enjoying this new taste journey and learning something new. There are little tweaks I am learning that make small improvements, but none like switching to grinding fresh. My current grinder seems to be just fine for now. I never expected my wife to plunk down $500 for a Gaggia. That's my department.
  5. The more I delve into this, the more I realize how little I know. I got a not so good conical burr grinder and great beans for Christmas and pulled shots today after reading and watching some stuff. I think they were great. Wonder if I got lucky or what I used to make was so shitty that anything made now would be better. Went from canned espresso to fresh ground.
  6. I don't like the open airbox with that filter. I'm not riding wot so the stock paper element cleans air as good as it gets, imo. Lubing up all swing arm and rear suspension bearings needed to be done by now. Important thing to check. Date code on tire is just as important to me as rubber. Worth a look. I'd like to know what Pete says about ecu change and Y pipe eliminator. I installed a beetle map on mine and got a nice improvement for $100. I noticed his FAST description. I never thought of this bike as fast, that not what it's all about, at least to me. I'd say it's fast enough. Suspension upgrades front and rear would be where my money would go. @KINDOY2 had his for sale a while ago that was sorted out better than most any I have seen, except for the last one he built. IDK if it sold or he changed his mind about parting with it. That was the machine to get. Red too.
  7. Those Harley guys organize a few benefit drives throughout the year in the NW too. Great job to all!
  8. Bike has sold. Somebody got a gem.
  9. I'll never look at a Beemer again...
  10. @audiomickLooks like the fairing in your second link has an additional piece attached...maybe for additional deflection. Look at the pic where the bike is next to the van. It is pretty evident there. Those Italians have some different ideas on staging in their ads. I look at those pics and want to scream for someone to get this damn bike out of the way. Also the description "if looks could kill the Laverda would be a mass murderer" could have been rethought a bit. On that same vein though, it looks killer in red.
  11. https://portland.craigslist.org/mlt/mcy/d/portland-1984-laverda-rgs-1000/7808966370.html
  12. A bit more refined than the Jota, according to the article. It's a bike that I always loved the look of. But back in those years, Ducatis won out. https://magazine.cycleworld.com/article/1984/10/1/laverda-rgs1000-corsa
  13. Came up for sale in PDX today. Older Italian beauty. 14,000 miles.
  14. It has a Midnight Diner feel to it, but in the daytime. I really enjoyed my two weeks in Japan in winter 2019. So many interesting places to eat, inside of course because of the season. This reminded me of that trip. I want to go back in spring or summer... maybe to eat there?
  15. Silicone spray is great, just don't get it on your fingers...everything is slippery then. I use Windex for those quick little push to seat stuff.
  16. https://www.v11lemans.com/forums/topic/18195-tank-off-maintenance-checklist/
  17. activpop


    Six guys, seven bikes. Who's missing?
  18. Two that have left us way too soon. What could have been.
  19. I checked with them today since I need one too. They are no longer available. So it is back to getting it recovered. Too bad, my daughter lives in Austin and could throw it in overhead when she comes home to visit. Good conversation starter.
  20. That has a Spine Raid beat...
  21. We had the Urge For Going, now we are Underway. https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=-S6uOShZ_FQ&feature=shared
  22. He just joined the group yesterday...after trading in his 900RS for his first Guzzi.
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