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audiomick last won the day on November 28 2024

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About audiomick

  • Birthday 11/11/1963

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    1983 V35 Imola _ _ _ 2003 Breva 750 i.e. 2002 V11 Le Mans

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  1. Incidently, one of the founders of a PA company that I have done a lot of work for over the years used to have a Kawasaki Triple. Allegedly, he was able to claim it on his tax return as a "musical instrument". He actually did produce music and sound collages, and probably did record the bike and use the sound, but still. Well done, that man....
  2. might have been this bloke. He apparently makes a habit of welding smaller motors together to make bigger ones, and does a lot of the work with a hacksaw and a file. https://www.youtube.com/@AllenMillyard
  3. @p6x all of that, without doubt. I wouldn't even like lose what is in my wardrobe. Trivial stuff, but I dread the thought.
  4. Yeah, capitalism is the only way to go.
  5. Yes, but... Norway is apparently one of the world leaders in electric transport, despite this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norway#Economy I expect they have thought well about placing so much value in electric cars. I rather suspect that they have seen the light at the other end of the tunnel, and realised that it is, indeed, an oncoming train.
  6. Well, I'm prone to that myself... Maybe it would help to look at it from the other end, i.e. "going back". It doesn't seem illogical to me at all that the pipe increases in diameter from front to back. There are factors that I really can't judge relating to reflected pressure waves coupled with negative pressure at the head, resonance helping to suck out the gases, and so on, but the bottom line is "get that gas out of there". It seems logical to me that the pipe is getting bigger towards the exit.
  7. What a delightfully silly car. I love it. PS: for those interested in velocity stacks, this link was posted a while back on the german forum. Seems plausible to me. http://www.profblairandassociates.com/pdfs/RET_Bellmouth_Sept.pdf
  8. All the exhausts I have seen have had the "male" part of the fitting on the "upstream" side, and the "female" part on the "downstream" side. That strikes me as the only sensible way to build them. With the male part on the downstream side, it is almost certain to leak at the join, I would imagine.
  9. An anecdote: I used to work at the Linde annual stockholders meeting. I don't remember when this was exactly, but it is at least 15 years ago, maybe closer to 20. Anyway, at one of the stockholders meetings they talked a lot about big investments they had made in Hydrogen. A couple of years later, one of the stockholders asked why, after the big investments, there hadn't been much movement in that direction. The CEO's answer was very honest and very short: "it seems there is more resistance to hydrogen from certain directions than we reckoned with." Linde hasn't given up. Their site today: https://www.linde.com/clean-energy I am convinced that hydrogen will come to play an important role, both in transport and in "stationary engines" like, for instance, high-power mobile generators. The oil industry is doing its best, I reckon, to slow that down as much as possible.
  10. I didn't even make it to the end of that one. The woman is, plain and simple, a fucking idiot.
  11. It's probably inevitable, but I don't want to use it. I don't like machines that talk to me as if they were really thinking identities. AI is still a long way off from being "real" intelligence. It just does what it was programmed to do, based on information that the programming directed it to collect. f
  12. Because those three-cylinder two-stroke motors, all of them, where just mad. Brilliant. Exciting. Sounded great. Sounded mad. And they were from Kawasaki. 'Nuff said. No arguments to the contrary will be taken into consideration.
  13. I'd never heard of solid state batteries, but went looking. Wiki knows everything. If the article is to be believed, the technology is just about to burst onto the world market. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solid-state_battery
  14. For me too. When the lottery win happens, I'll be buying one of them too. Perhaps even before the Countach.
  15. This would be the version in Europe that P5X mentioned. Opel Manta. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opel_Manta There was even a film starring it. Well, actually it was social commentary based on cliches revolving around the Manta, but anyway...
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