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Everything posted by tomsp

  1. tomsp

    Fun at the DMV

    you left out the most important detail -- she was blonde, right.
  2. anyone going to this?
  3. Alright. Bosch it is then..... Maybe this is all caused by moisture in the air getting in there! I never experienced this from April until now-- 8,000 miles later. Question on those relays-- with the Bosch part number listed on Tx's link, do I worry about 4 or 5 pin???? thanks
  4. ok, I'll pile on here too! A couple of times recently, after riding for a while and then stopping, upon re-starting, I'll get ignition lights, headlight, etc., but when I hit the starter-- nothing happens. Both times I waited a while- not knowing what else to do! Hit the starter again and had my power back. Any ideas there? Where do I get those relays to replace my oem relays? also-- we talked before about how my tach jiggles around while running. The tach needle should not be bouncing all over the place. Where is the connection I should explore for that fix?
  5. Hey Mark, nice ride report! Know what you mean on the cold riding and road conditions still!
  6. THANK YOU for the pic. She, er, I mean, the bike, is now hanging in my garage Gotta hand it to the "super-twin" though.
  7. color? as my pic is still not up! the color kind of matches the "porkchop" - which is....red. Like my decriptive use of color terms! I found a metalcast paint that fairly closely matches what I wanted, if I could be satisfied with how it adheres... which I'm not. //corporate.ppg.com/ppg/refinish/matthews/documents/aluminum.pdf is a link I just found with steps much like MikeM suggested (thanks too!).
  8. as per ala Al -- I bought the Harper's cylinder head guards, sanded them with 600 wet/dry and coated with metalcast paint. Not so sure about the quality/durability of the paint job. Looks like it'll peel/chip to me, but who knows. Just how do you prep aluminum for painting? A "paint" guy told me to just sand and shoot -- ya think? (ok, so I can't stick my pic in here! I re-sized it down but for some reason it isn't cooperating with me! Try tomorrow! I know, the quality pic matches the paint job!
  9. tomsp


    Hey Dave, you gonna ride to MotoGP at Laguna Seca?
  10. tomsp

    Dog Love

    Man's Best Friend.... I'm really saddened by this event. I've had dogs all my life. Had too many die in my arms too and then be overwhelmed with tears afterwards! Only dog (and ok, cat ) people comprehend that I think.
  11. Beautiful red bike Congrats again on the buy Don't let Dave see those ram air intakes either. I bet the Aprilia wants to absolutely fly when the rpm's get up a little bit- right... Know what you mean on "those days" when everything seems out of whack. I get that way with tire/traction confidence -- especially with any hint of gravel. And in this weather, there's lots of that! Tim, Mines Road-- that's that really nice road starting in San Jose (right?) going up over to that observatory and then continuing on over to like Patterson Pass Road or nearby-- right? Anyway, not Tooooo far from here -- and not sooooo far from Dave! Heck, pick another "sunny" day
  12. I have a set of cycle world textile pants with armor. These are great- no complaints at all after wearing for one season. They are warm in the cold and keep me cool in the heat (as long as I'm moving). Don't seem to hurt the bike at all. But then again, my gas tank has three of those plastic protectors on it. I tend to only wear the pants however when I'm out on a cruise. If I just want to go around town or make a local run into the hills, I wear jeans (!). Thinking about getting those Icon street jeans -- any word on how they do???
  13. vacations in Italy??? my grandfather was born in fugio, by Milano and near Como
  14. my 2 cents too-- from the description, it really didn't sound like a tank slapper- the oscillations begin small and work up big- the harder you try and grab/hold onto the clip-ons, the worse everything gets. Really still sounds like when you crossed the median there was slippery junk there somewhere, and instantly you were down-- no time to think about anything! whamo. (done that too) None-the-less, really sorry it happened
  15. Hey Dave! what do you have your damper set at? Is it zero or clicked up some? I put a couple of clicks in mine which seemed to tighten up the steering in those tight turns-- before I did that, my '03 felt totally wobbly like you said. It's seems ok since then with a couple of clicks in.
  16. books.... anyone mention books.... "American Soldier" Tommy Franks Anything by Patrick O'Brian - historical fiction, seafairing Anything by Tristan Jones - historical, seafairing Know what you mean about "Zen.... Motorcycle Maintenance" - read it in the late '70's, bought another copy last year and can't get through it! Figures. "The Arabs in History" or anything by Bernard Lewis We have cool rain here
  17. tomsp

    Happy holidays !

    Tim-- pics with the helmet cam would be so good! Nice wife there, to be thinking of you so intently! The softbags-- THAT'S what I'm looking for! My tank bag gets crammed full for a 3-day ride and softbags is what I'm looking for! Pics please. Glad all is going well. Happy New Year to ALL.
  18. tomsp

    Happy holidays !

    guzztim-- "accidental wheelies".... right Nice aprilia. My buddy here has the falco which is very impressive! Merry Christmas to all too -- I rode to service last night-- frooze myself.. Thought I'd get frostbite on my neck!(figuratively speaking as I'm in California!).
  19. tomsp


    Moto Guzzi is Italian so why not look at Suomy They are light as a feather and super comfortable. They do have more wind noise than the Arai Q. (so wear ear plugs -- not a bad idea anyway)
  20. ditto what Al said! I had fits getting my 03 lemans registered in CA - finally did-- rode it anyway of course during the process, putting on 5k miles until everything went through . My problems with the dmv had to do with not having the CA emissions sticker on the bike
  21. Orson-- absolutely impressive Thanks for descriptions and ditto on "the best sport-tourer in the world". OK guys, when do we go there? GuzzTim- is that your bike in the avitar? Hard Bags? or is it my eyes?
  22. where's it at? Is this the San Mateo thing?
  23. 1. Jaap - last time I was at carl's place, his house was glowing and was like 2 meters off the darn ground. Kind of scary. 2. Mark in Hollister - great pics of that dam ride! I nominate you to be the official pic taker on our next run! I'd ride with you too anytime you want.
  24. right too. My goose has 11k miles now. I jput synthetic in at 6k. This time around I use Honda blend. I think too I'm changing my oil(s) now at 4k miles or less! When do you change.... according to the manual or what?
  25. that's the stuff-- grey goop
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