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Everything posted by tomsp

  1. hey, it wasn't me JOe-- I'm still looking. You know anything about that 04 le mans on ebay with a blurb on this forum? I don't know who he is??
  2. oh my gosh... joan biaz was right then... it's a slow train coming.....
  3. tomsp

    02 Scura

    anybody know anything about this 03 le mans? color scheme? it's on ebay now.
  4. that looks like the same centauro I've been eyeballing. ebay or craigslist.
  5. tomsp

    02 Scura

    Brutale is sweet. Like dealers are everywhere too. choices are killing me too. The triumph 675, speed triple. the griso
  6. tomsp

    02 Scura

    ah yes, the griso. then we're really naked. course that beast will have a small fairing available no doubt -- any word on that? and did I hear 15k$? Centauro anyone?
  7. tomsp

    02 Scura

    looking fo some feedback on 02 Scura's. Besides the Ohlins, how else are they different from an 02 v11 sport? What are their "issues" . Looking for a critique I guess - strong and weak points.... thanks... I'm really trying to keep with guzzi and am looking furiously
  8. that's good info
  9. does your pup like calamari too? good shots. I have never thought of how I'd stick my bearded collie onto my 03 le mans when I had her (the bike that is...). but he'd like it if I could by the look on his face each time I'd leave for a couple of days. Following divorce or before... buy a goose. My wife flew over two years ago- I put on tens of thousands of miles in those two years The 03 lemans or newer has a lot of the gremlins worked out. Maybe the 03 still has some minor electrical idiosyncracies but what a blast to ride. The tank is plastic. You are a guzzi man, no doubt!
  10. my lemans - towards the end-- showed similar with the neutral light not coming on with the kickstand down upon keying on. Turned out my kick stand mounted neutral light sensor lead was frayed. I cut the wire, spliced it using waterproof connectors and dripped liquid black-tape/liquid rubber over the area. It looked great afterward and the wire short held.
  11. Using that stand takes a certain "technique" for sure. But once mastered, it will hold all kinds of pounding and tweaking on your goose. I got my instructions for mounting the stand from Al somewhere on this forum. Once the technique is down, the stand goes on fast , easy, and sure. The lift type stands (Sears, PepBoys, $50) work great if you are adjusting the valves and working on anything higher up. Those lift stands block off the access to the oil pan- i.e., you can't drop the pan. Technique!
  12. ok Jaap - I'm back (kind of..). I'm looking for something ..... (great, eh) like a scura or tenni or centauro or speed triple...!). What's the difference in the scura and tenni? -- ok, if your sophisticated... forget it. But if you're like me, please respond and I'll really appreciate it! I loved the 03 le mans- I figured the only real issue was electrical really. Everything was handled nicely (er, ecept my riding at speed?). What are the issues with these other guzzi's? I kind of have the issues with the centauro researched (mechanics are handled but riding position is still bothersome). of course thanks.....
  13. Perspective.... A good word that. Now, I crashed my le mans on the way to selling it and have been without a bike for 8 weeks now! I'm chill'n. It could be way worse-- right.....? Good.
  14. dang.... I think I'd buy one of those things if I could figure out what the heck they're saying!
  15. tomsp

    Damn dikes

    Jaap -- next time, let me give you riding lessons on falling off of bikes
  16. Oh Brother.... wish I could help sort this out! But the forum is great. You know, my custom 2" risers would work just fine on your bike. These things were custom made for me in Texas by a pro fabracator . Best I've seen. I'll have to check them out and make sure they are not bent!
  17. more than likely, you have a short in the kickstand/neutral connection. Find the wire on the kickstand and trace it up -- it'll pass by the side of the alternator cover. If not careful, the wire can get too close to the exhaust and it's gone. It'll start by being intermittant and then burn all the way through. Easy fix if that's it. check it by wiggling the wire where the fray might be and checking if the light comes on. This was the case on mine.
  18. Moto Italiano, at the last minute, was called and asked to send guys/bikes over -- no advance warning or stuff like that. They were all swamped working on bikes (mine included) and were pretty exhaused by the time they got to motogp. I'm not making excusses for them, but that looks like the lay of the land....
  19. cartwheeled down a mountainside...... not rolled! When it got back on top, it did run rough and wouldn't idle. The 45 minute ride to Laytonville the throttle seemed really touchy with gaps in power with consequent jerks/leaps. But next morning, idled perfect and ran perfect -- very smooth howbeit looked like sh... Funny thing is too, me just adding up stuff in my head-- the goose may very well be cooked-- find out tomorrow...
  20. Al, I did this and it seemed easy enough -- disconnect the TPS connector plug thingy, right at the TPS. Insert tiny wire leads into the two holes in question and re-connect. Run the two tiny leads newly coming out of the re-connected TPS connector, to your mv reader and you got a good read. The tiny leads yo insert must be small enough to ensure that the connector can indeed by re-connected with positive effect!
  21. speaking of gear-- everything looks like new. No kidding. Funny thing too == I had those Tekno Bags on, plus my tank bag. After I stopped rolling down the mountainside on my back, I looked up and saw ONE of my tekno bags flying overhead past me -- very weird. It landed way on down that hill and took me 30 minutes to retrieve it! Looks like new though. Helmet looks great, never hit the pavement. Jacket w/armor perfect, and Frank Thomas pants/armor perfect. Left Sidi boot was chewed up.
  22. GuzzTim -- "fixate on the target".... I ran over the bloody rock! or do you mean not fixate on the cliff Steve G. -- I saw 6-8 other bikes in that 6 hour period waiting- 3 were dual sports, 2 where goldwings, 1 was r6. My two friends rode the rode the next day looking for "signs" ")
  23. all I gotta say is "oh brother!" I guess I've had better days -- but then again, I've had worse too. I WAS hoping to break the news/tell the tale in a week or so.... but now's a good a time as any! Sure enough, I had a pretty sure prospect for buying my goose in Eureka,CA and I was heading up that way round about anyway so had planned on stopping in up there ..... Friends Dave and Jamileh (from this forum) have a place near Mendocino -- we all decided to meet in Calistoga, near Napa and ride all over by Clear Lake and then ride over 128 to the coast. We did and it was a riot! On a couple of turns on hwy 175 (I think!) I did scrape my kickstand-- 2 points there-- (1) I felt totally in control/confident - bike handled perfectly (2) while delivering a bike for sale, maybe slowing down would have been a good idea too! Anyway after a great day on bikes we made it their bungalow (beautiful to boot), dinner, and sleep. Next day we leave. Dave (on the Balabio) and Jamileh (on Ducati Monster) were going to ride with me up to Westport on hwy1 and then turn around. Westport is where hwy 1 turn inland and heads 22 miles to Leggett and hwy 101. We parted company and I took off. The road is perfect, albeit isolated. I had scrapped kickstand again a couple of times and told myself to have fun later-- just after saying that I went into a left hand turn that kept tightening up -- kickstand again -- and then went blind. On the other side was a rock slide -- not to where to road the blocked, but where larger rocks were strewn across the lane. I leaned over more to try and avoid the rocks, especially one large fellow, my knee touched down, my toe was dragging , no more lean angle to go to. My front wheel ran over that larger rock (canteloupe sized) and the bike went down instantly. I slid off on my back (with my hands neatly tucked onto my chest!), slid across the ashpalt, onto the gravel shoulder, and over the right hand cliff type ledge. Tumbled 20' down and stopped. Completely unhurt. My goose tumbled to the same 20' but 40 ' from me. Landed right side up on a 60 degree steep slope hill, and the motor still running. I crawled over to the bike and shut it off. The bike fell 100' down the hill and stopped. I hauled my 3 bags up from below, took off my equipment and headed back down to see what I could do. A couple stopped, offered to help, went back into Leggett and called a tow truck. 2 volunteer firemen stopped by and waited with me for a couple of hours but no tow truck. They left. After another hour, a chp rolled in and he stayed with me another 2 hours or so. No ticket, no report writing, no nothing. He said stuff happens after reviewing the scene. Tow truck came and cabled my bike up that hill with me and another guy trying hard to keep the bike upright while dragging it up the hill. Last 10' were sheer so bike had to be totally dragged. Got it on top of the road, I started it up had one good mirror, brakes and clutch, tires, motor. Shifter was broken off. I could just get my toe into the shifter area to shift kindof. CHP shook my hand and sent me on my way. Rode 45 minutes into Laytonville, spent the night. Got up at 6 and rode 350 miles back to Stockton. Got home, called insurance, and rode over the hill to moto italiano in San Jose! A friend drove my back to Stockton! Insurance told me they'd fix the bike, etc. So wearing good gear is a good thing. Low siding is better than high siding. I am truly sorry too to the sport touring Dr Gil I definately want to get another guzzi. That is one tough bike. I don't know if it's totaled either. So Al, you know more than me there Usually I'm a habitually cautious rider as you'all know who've ridden with me. Usually I'm slow on blind turns, etc. I'm thinking that's a good way to be still. Also, I can't say enough good things about Dave and Jamileh (she'll be wondering why on earth can't I spell her name!). They totally wanted to drive their bike trailer over to Laytonville and pick me up, etc. and by looking at my bike, one could see that logic!
  24. I have an '03 le mans and the mirrors appear fine. Try yanking them into position. There is a huge adjustability with them. With mine, my left is great while I need to turn my arm slightly to see far back with the right.
  25. perhaps, have you considered a life of crime, my friend
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