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Everything posted by tomsp

  1. tomsp

    Mother Lode?

    Next Saturday will be "kite day" in San Andreas-- 10:30 - 5:00. Anyone interested in heading up that way and checking it out? hmmm. think I'm going to work on my bike this weekend anyway. something aobut changing fork oil.....
  2. Martin- that's what I'm talking about Those Tekno bags are what I want. I know I'll only use them 4-5 times a year (and the tank bag the rest) but they have that sleek look plus, like you said, I can tie my tent to them! Yep -- good thing. Thanks too Mike on the input (to me and all else looking at these things!) Belfastguzzi? Is that really you?
  3. Al et al, interesting. I do have the guzzi tank bag. I love that thing. It's so expandable. I use it for my rides but many times I think I could use some more stuff. Most of the time I keep it off the bike-- It's quick and easy to put on and take off. How large are those teckno bags anyway? They didn't look that large but I take it they expand too. Is part of the problem the mounting to the bike? Also, on the Wolfman rear bags-- are they prone to mare the finish way more than the teckno?
  4. I'm going to get saddle bags for my 03 lemans. I have wanted to get the Tekkno bags but can't find them. A lot of bags apparently just use over-the-rear straps to hold them on -- great way to mare the finish! I'm looking for a recommendation for a frame bolt-on bag, that still looks good. Preferably soft with a sport look. Any comments on anything from Joe Rocket or Teknic or Fieldsheer?
  5. maybe it's just my nature but I'd bet a Wendy's bowl of chilli that something's wrong here! It would be worth checking it out in person though!
  6. Martin, -- way to go thinking of taking he glass out and then adjusting the spring and washer! I gave up and just ordered a new left mirror from mg cycle. This new one seems slightly loose too. hmmm. I'll keep the "taking out the mirror" trick in mind for next time.
  7. speaking of twins -- what's the difference between the guzzi super twin and the mgs?
  8. btw- what WAS the riding like? Good pics too. Very cool.
  9. you ride an italian goose -- how about wearing an italian hat? or does the love of the agean have its limits
  10. hmmm sounds good too! We could use a how-to thread about here with pics of course
  11. I would absolutely love to ride there! Great pics.
  12. thanks Brian. Hey, how do you like your vtr? Used to ride that too! What do you all do in March in Edmonton?
  13. Well ok all - I stuck on the new NGK plug cables and all is cool. It took a while to get them into the coil! I used the old end clips and transplanted them onto the new NGK plug cables The clip end seemed to fit a little loose- but it's been several days now and still haven't fell out (500 miles since putting the plug wires in). Interesting note: before I put the new plug cables in, my RPM needle would wildly bounce all over the place. Now, the needle gage is almost still- any thoughts there anyone? Secondly, (wildly different topic thread)- I need my lemans fork oil changed-- any info on what that cost you all would be appreciated. Moto Italiano, who are good guys from my perspective, call it a 2 hour job ($$). Input? Thanks btw- the ride yesterday from Stockton to West Point (Mother Lode for you guys east--and well east at that-- of the rockies) was really smooth- plug wires did their job in the 75 degree weather! There were bikes out all over the place too.
  14. nope. All is fine here. I got my new Heeter.com wires (red) recommended from Al (way good too) -- these are better than OEM for a fraction of the cost. They look great. I did have to lift the tank to get to the coil. I used the existing boot and clip end from the original. The boot went on loose to the wire, so I stuck some gasket maker in the boot to seal between the boot and wire. Been running fine since ( several days anyway).
  15. tomsp

    Oil change

    Every time I have changed my oil, I always have taken the sump off (like Calison said). Never used any lock tight on the threads putting it all back on. I have had a problem with the filter coming loose however. I always now tighten way down.
  16. Al-- I did lift the rear end of my tank -- propped it up with a block of wood-- and could just reach the coil end and unplug that. I'll wait for my parts to come now. I'm in Stockton but girlfriend - er, friend who's a girl?) lives on Park- 5 minutes away!
  17. Thanks- in the meantime I ordered a splicer anyway. I'll lift the tank and replace the whole wire, trying to save the clip. Hey, I went to the new Moto Italiano in San Jose on Saturday. It's huge and first class looking. Parts will be open on Tuesday nd grand opening will be after that sometime.
  18. Al, Very good and thanks! Should I get that 7mm cable splicer adapter ($6.99) to splice into the existing cable? Good sight and is now bookmarked!
  19. Getting ready for spring I adjusted my valves last night. Both intake settings were tight so were put back (loosened) to .004. Exhaust setting were right on (.006). But... in pulling off one of the spark plug wires, the metal and ceramic contact inside the plug receptical broke off. I need to replace that wire. Not explored this at all-- can I just lift the tank to get to the other end.... or does that tank need to come off. Would any parts house have that wire too? (12"?). I also noticed that the wires look high end. Does it matter if OEM is not put back on (and can I even get OEM wires?). Info on how to change that wire would be appreciated!
  20. Al, just having finished adjusting my valves and of course taking off the altenator cover in the process-- you mean to say that the cool eagle is only taped on?
  21. a baggy full of water is still a a baggy full of water. Natural is better, unless there is a medial necessity, I believe. But each has our own tastes....
  22. may I chime in on a slightly (?) different thread? I adjusted my valves today (tonight) and when pulling my left spark plug, the head broke off-- came off on the plug itself. Now I have to replace the spark plug wire. Ok.... can I just lift my tank and get to the other end (is it a "plug" -- I hope or is it hard wired?) or do I need to pull the tank off? Suggestions! My plugs always look fouled but run fine! Go figure. I agree with Tx. (strange)
  23. looks like my first wife! wish she wouldn't have done that (she was better before!) damm you all too-- what are you, walking encyclopedias! I haven't been close to any of the these! Don't you have day jobs?
  24. or Cambodian men (Khmer)
  25. good to hear the moto italiano is now in san jose -- Al, where is it? i can't find it on the WEB...
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