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    2002 V11 Le Mans, 2017 Stelvio

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  1. Out of respect for science, I prefer to consider the character ( ) of my V11 as artificial intelligence rather than soul.
  2. I run heavy gauge lamp cord to my speakers. Compared to fancy speaker wire, it sounds the same, and it keeps my wallet heavy gauge too.
  3. You guys have quick answers. Scura's and Tenni's single plate clutch is a potential problem, so I'm fine without it on my best bang for the buck, unlimited '02 Lemans. I'm sure my Lemans revs up slower in neutral without it. I can live with that. Titanium nitride coated forks sound nice. Perhaps longer lasting? I wonder if any other Moto Guzzi's have titanium nitride coated forks. The coating I've heard of on Jap bikes for low stiction is teflon. That doesn't sound as durable, does it? I'm happy with my '02's wrinkle paint. So perfect, that I'm sure the engine cases were replaced under warranty. A tiny touch up on my gearbox case was easy enough.
  4. 2024 is the year I bought my first V11, the Champagne Lemans. So I'm still learning. This thread seems like the obvious place to ask: Does my '02 have the same lightweight single-plate clutch and titanium nitride coated forks as the Tenni?
  5. I may be wrong, but my head is wrapped around the idea that the V11 Tenni is a rare color, not a rare bike.
  6. I wish I could have gotten that signal instead of being stuck out on Long Island at my parent's.
  7. 102.7 was WNEW. Alison Steele perfected the sultry, whispering dj technique there.
  8. Alison Steele, WNEW, 10 pm - 2 am. That was the reason I slept with my Koss headphones on. My alternate dj was Alex Bennett on WPLJ. I suppose NY FM radio was a big influence on my teenage musical tastes during the 70's decade.
  9. Standard lengths of 16ft and 25ft can be combined using optional DIY® Couplers for longer lengths
  10. I still have fond memories of the sound and smell and fun of my Yamaha Daytona Special (RD400 style 2 stroke). I sold it because of overwhelming feelings of inadequacy when an associate showed up on his Suzuki RG500 "Gamma." Sadly my excitement over the Gamma exceeded that of my Daytona, and I never even rode it. What a sound!
  11. My understanding is the 105/G08E fits my 2002 LeMans. I am not clear about fork sizes. Is someone here able to post a chart with year and model vs fork size?
  12. Glad to hear you got a good one too. Pete, have you ever ridden a Honda DCT? To me it seems like a winner over the Mana CVT, but I've never riden either one. Honda makes a 750 parallel twin with DCT.
  13. Every combination of height and color says: "Diese Kombination ist derzeit nicht am Lager. Die bestellte Menge wird schnellstmöglich von uns geliefert." Google translate German to English says, not in stock. What does ist derzeit nicht am Lager mean to you?
  14. This is another nice option by Das Mototec that is also no longer available. Their website says out of stock. Did I help here? Edit: I emailed the company and now can happily report they are available for purchase. My comment of no longer available was my mistake. Thank you for alerting me, @audiomick .
  15. That sounds like a bargain price.
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