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About griff

  • Birthday 08/06/1960

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  • My bike(s)
    v11 tenni (t013)+ v1000 spada

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  1. had a thought,i replaced the headlight in january so i'm wondering if i've maybe disturbed something,will be trying alllllll the sugestions at the weekend will report back on what i hopefully find kenny
  2. any more ideas ????????please!!!!!!!
  3. she's got a new battery last august,new relays in november,even tried the old relays but no difference,batterys kept upto charge with an optimate charger (cos thats how i lost my last battery through going flat) seems strange that she will run ok if i turn ign off for 10 secs then restart and she will run ok for about 10-15 mins???? thanks for the ideas/replys though,please keep them coming as i'm sure someone will have the answer kenny
  4. thanks for the reply bike will be running ok but then starts to fell like its running out of fuel and starts to miss/splutter when you try to accelerate untill it just wont pull at all what i ended up doing today to get homew was to pull into slow lane pull clutch in and turn ign off,coast for count to 10 then turn back on and bike would run ok for about ten mins and i would have to do the same again i was thinking that ecu was maybe resetting it self (if thats the term) and had some sort of default setting untill a senser or something changes something i'm sure that some one has an answer for me (please!!!!!!! ) if it was the temp senser what would the symtoms likely to be???
  5. HELP!!!!!!!! my tenni has started to cut out,start bike up and go for a run,travel about 10 mins and then feels like its running out of fuel,have to pull over before she cuts out ran with tank cap open to discount vapour lock tried playing with cut out switch no difference changed plugs no difference then found if i turn ign off,wait till count of 10 then turn back on bike will run ok for about 10 mins then do same again i think i may have a duff ecu but hope that someone will know better thanks in advance kenny
  6. been reading this thread with intrest,lots of moaning and groaning but also a lot of common sense being spoken now this email has really stired up a hornets nest so heres my two'penneth worth 1 lifes too short,people are worrying about this email too much and reading too much into it 2 i think jaap was trying to let everyone know that the site sometimes go's way off topic and trying to pull it back into the line it was meant to follow 3 people are taking it personally when its clearly not meant that way (read the email calmly and think what jaaps trying to say) 4 we cant always like other peoples points of view,look at football,religion,politics etc to name but a few,but thats what makes us individual i hope this kinda makes sense to everyone,theres bound to be people who will disagree with me but hey thats life,disagree with me in a way thats polite and dont resort to back handed,down right nasty personal emails as some people have said they have experianced hey jaap(dont know you personally) but keep this site going,i know how hard it can be,how much time it can take up and i definatly know that point you must have reached "is it worth all this hassle" but in a few weeks time, weather will be warmer,people will get on with things and we'll be back to enjoying this site but most emportantly people may think about what they are posting and wether it's this site it should be posted on ride safe griff got me body armour on
  7. well i've got a tenni and my brother has a v11 lemans in champange and we both live in bootle
  8. had mine rebuilt by dps racing,new seals and a new end lug off an r6 as mine had a crack in it,easy to adjust (screwdriver) and back end feels so much better
  9. well we're up for it,i know the area very well and it has some cracking roads see you all there ken and dee
  10. cheers for the advice,i give them a try when i get my suspension sorted
  11. cheers for the offer,i'm hoping that they do as they have promised and rebuild the shock again and get it back to me for the weekend watch this space by the way were did you get the ohlins from?? and if its not to rude how much was it??
  12. its that time of year again,anyone going, i will be as long as my rear shock is sorted see you all there kenny
  13. just had the rear shock rebuilt after seal failed,new s/s rod and eye (from an r6 i believe) and double lipped seal,went for a run yesterday and for first hour i was a happy bunny untill we stopped for a bite to eat and found oil on the sing arm were the shockie seal had failed spoke to dps racing who rebuilt the shock and they want it back asap to sort it for me and will pay for my p+p costs and promnise to repair it again as soon as they receive it which will be by 1pm tomorrow got the vtwin a week on thursday so it had better be fixed right this time!!!
  14. have a splutter on tick over,replaced plugs and all the relays but still no difference,any ideas please chap's
  15. just bought a lens and it won't fit in my headlight (its luxor type) any one needs it you can have it for £20 +p+P give me a ring on 07903051750 cheers kenny
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