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Everything posted by Tennitragic

  1. Ha! Squiz - Aussie slang for ‘take a quick look’!! Thought that may elicit a query or two….!
  2. Yes docc, had a quick squiz at this battery tray drop. Thanks… What a nifty idea….but I will try move the battery as quite small in comparison to the new rubber tray I purchased. I do have some wiggle room….
  3. Thanks again docc, yes, followed your earlier link to the American Digikey webshop (which had already converted prices to Aussie dollars…!) and bought the Picker relays you recommended, plus a few other electrical bits… Here is (to me anyway) the fun part…..while navigating this purchase…before I could get to the payment section…I had to answer an extra set of questions about who I am, my usage of the parts, am I going to on-sell them etc… I thought this must be all part of the USA/China superpower rivalry with the USA being cautious around exporting its technology/sanctions and the like…. The parts arrived swiftly. But to my complete surprise….everything I purchased is made in China!! Sorry if I am off topic but thought humorous in the current volatile climate….regards, tennitragic!
  4. A brief update….new set of relays, DeOxit on the battery terminal connectors and minor tidy up the pack of poo tickets. Haven’t removed the tank but all the other bodywork has had a clean prior to eventual refitting and also a dose of ACF50. Battery remains upright with a new tray and strap. To place side down as others suggested, with so many wires to each terminal did appear to strain some of the more rigid wiring? The seat goes on…just… Waiting on the repaired tachometer (coming from Germany) to finish the task of recommissioning for the local roads… Thanks to all and regards from tennitragic
  5. Pleasing to hear this makes sense!…..Ha! Thankyou audiomick, Weegie and others for the tips regarding potential trouble spots being relay bases under the seat. And suggesting alternative spares for the Bosch headlight relays. Adjusted my order at Digikey. Regards, tennitragic
  6. Besides the great relay tips above, I should clarify for you audiomick….low beam was not working as delivered. Recommended that I swap Pin 86 relay wires. With ignition off, high beam was permanently on. With ignition on, only the flasher (pass to flash) extinguished high beam. When green wire swapped from positive to negative, all lights started working as they should with ignition on. I realise there may be other faults - and will get to these - but at least I have a shot at registering the bike for the road now thanks to you guys… Sorry for any confusion caused….remembering all stages/steps not easy - my notes were pages worth! ha! Regards, tennitragic
  7. Thanks audiomick…will be busy next week checking/cleaning (Bt DeOxit!) electrical connections while waiting for the tachometer fix and a few other parts to arrive from your side of the planet! The green wire error you guys found for me opened “good to do” tasks…. Including relays… Ordering a pack of 10 relays from Digikey….but the Aussie supplier can’t help with Bosch relay 0332019150. Should I stick to this exact Bosch or look for an alternative brand? Regards, tennitragic
  8. Much appreciated this last week…. Next step is fit new parts replacing perished rubber items. Side covers, battery tray….These are due in two weeks so plenty of time to read ‘topic’ posts and assess what I can do myself to the wiring/improvements beyond the ‘great green wire’ fiasco! I’ll be honest and admit limitations….. Thanks to you guys I can now take the bike for a safety check with the road authorities. In my State only 30+ year old vehicles receive any concessions. Previously low-beam not working a big fail! Regards, tennitragic
  9. Reporting back….both green wires disconnected from the battery, ignition off, no high-beam! Image 1 This was a good start….! Then, both green wires were connected to battery negative as many have suggested, ignition on……success!! Image 2 All lights worked as they should do! And to check I didn’t stuff up anything else… she fired up as before! Big thank you fellows….! If any of you fine helpers are in Sydney anytime soon? …..dinner is on me! Regards, tennitragic
  10. Thankyou to all of you…..nice to wake up to a raft of suggestions and possible remedies! Busy (not bike related!) this morning but will have another read of these recent posts and progress methodically through them…report back later. Big regards, tennitragic.
  11. Sorry fellows…losing the plot, ignore first wiring draft…both added red wires attach to positive battery terminal. Might have been on this job too long…!
  12. Thanks to all. Wiring diagram of extra relays below….is this ok? To answer audiomick…86 pin on the relay has 13 volts with ignition off. To docc….will go back to garage in about 1 hr, disconnect green wire from positive terminal and report back… Like ‘many’ have been saying…even to this novice…why have the same colour wiring to both battery terminals? Regards, tennitragic
  13. Thanks again audiomick….I have investigated the wiring and done a first draft of previous owner(s) wiring modification……this is messy so will do another to send to the forum. Should have done this days ago with the benefit of hindsight as the mod appears unfamiliar to you guys. Of note, with the ignition off, pin 86 on low beam relay zero volts and pin 86 on high beam relay 13 volts.
  14. Just confirming again….bike arrived with these mods and faults - front brake light plus low beam not working. The brake issue was just a loose pin on the micro switch and easily fixed with help from posts on this forum. Low beam fix more troublesome…. audiomick - I will do as you say and check the pin 86 voltage, ignition off. Weegie and gstallons - good idea to do a wiring diagram. Was initially thinking this ‘extra wiring’ was “a pack of poo tickets”. But also thinking the wiring with 2 extra relays could be a common improvement for poor headlights, familiar to many forum members who may guide me to the solution. Only now do I realise the mods to my Tenni’s wiring are likely more bespoke! Regards, tennitragic.
  15. Hi gstallons. Sorry for the delay in responding to you… trying to learn on the job. Nothing else tampered with in above scenario - swapped pin 86 relay wires with ignition off and wanted to pass on the results in that high beam permanently on whichever handlebar switch is activated/pressed. With ignition on, switches correct positions, low beam also on. Flash to pass..correct..I read should light up both beams yet in the swapped wire position, with ignition on, this action extinguished both beams. New test….Ignition on, with a charged battery, swapping all relay wires…high beam only lights up correctly via low/high beam red button and position 2 on handlebar switch. Ignition off, pressing low/high beam red button, low beam does flicker. All else dead. I am getting confused so appreciate you fellows may be from my findings! Might be time for me to take it to the Guzzi Sydney workshop I use…our State will require a VIN and safety check for the road anyway - they can have a go at this baffling (to me…) main light issue at the same time. Regards, tennitragic
  16. Sorry to provide a running commentary today….another bizarre symptom appeared….swapping the relay wires at pin 86 again, high beam lights up without ignition again. Turn ignition on, headlight switch at position 2 and red button on low beam, both beams illuminate…ie different than earlier today. But pressing the headlight flasher both beams extinguish! Release and both beams come on again! Are the relays doing strange things? Thinking I better wait until new relays arrive….I can do some cleaning in the interim….
  17. Just to add while battery charging and hopefully narrow down the problem…in the photo, the loose connection was originally from pin 86 low beam relay, as soon as connection was made to pin 86 on high beam relay, high beam lit with ignition off/key removed.
  18. Thanks docc….battery charging up right now but will give this a go….I did put the relay wiring exactly back ‘as delivered’ so I have a base to work from….again assuming the mods were good from previous owners…
  19. A new day and down to the garage I went….! Firstly, wiring is how the bike came to me. Too timid to do any wiring upgrades….! Learning on the job…..the old adage of “a little knowledge is dangerous” still applies to me electrically! Only got so far today as had to put the Battery back on charge. Showing <10 volts. Battery was showing 13 volts when I stated this task. However, did manage one task, begin to swap the relay wires to see if one of these added relays is the culprit. As shown in the photo, noticed if I swapped pin 86 wires on each relay, low beam began working correctly with ignition on and switches in correct positions! But…. high beam was then permanently on with ignition off! And handlebar switches had no impact - still on. Turn ignition on and high beam could not be activated. Dash high beam light worked though…. Does any of this added information shed any more light? Pun intended….! Overnight I did look up ‘relays’ on the forum and found a 2011 post from kiwiRoy about adding a headlight relay with diagram included….perhaps this post was the instigation for a previous owner of my Tenni? Regards, tennitragic.
  20. Sorry, had to abandon the relay swap as my garage became a mosquito haven this afternoon-humid, crazy weather in Sydney today. On to it again tomorrow… And haven’t forgotten the 3 Tenor’s (Tenni’s) photo request footgoose….when the eldest is behaving himself again!!!
  21. Many thanks again audiomick…I was hoping someone would say on the wiring diagram 1 and 3 look to be reversed…! nothing was making sense if green/grey were for high beam with only a high beam light on the dash! Yes, good tip…..will label the wires to each relay when swapping/replacing and let you guys know more in a few hours…
  22. You guys are unbelievably knowledgeable on these electrical matters…! Having a look this morning at your responses and the bike….hopefully answering a couple of your questions… Low beam and front brake were not working when bike arrived. Maybe disturbed on long truck/train interstate journey as the bike was on the road in November last year.. Front brake micro switch replaced…problem solved. Low beam issue…there are 2 extra headlight shell mounted relays, both Bosch 0332019150. With reference to the terrific colour chart by audiomick earlier in this topic, the Green/grey wire from headlight connector travels through a relay where power confirmed going in but not out. The brown wire travels through the other relay which I originally thought was to improve starting. Now I am convinced that this relay is for high beam. Today I will reconfirm power in/out but in any event there is no problem with high beam. Unless you guys think otherwise, I will order 2 Bosch relays. And from digikey a batch of new underseat relays. Agree that previous owner(s) of this Tenni likely made a fair effort to improve/repair. And I won’t undo their endeavours in a rash manner…. Have a few weeks until the Tenni’s (repaired) tachometer arrives from Germany. If I can fix low beam in the interim - the bike can at least go back on the road…. Regards, tennitragic
  23. Just a quick reply to po18guy…Checked SSB Battery which has CCA 290. And thanks for the tip that the battery should lie flat/terminals to the rear. Upright the seat pan is slightly crushing the wiring. Other welcome answers above I will take a squiz tomorrow….
  24. Once again, thanks to all….I think collectively you are getting to the nub of the issue. Apologies, my photos were compromised trying to wiggle an iPad (upsidedown…?) to take the shot and then deal with photo size! Re-sized some photos and took a few extras…. Headlight is right way up as best I can tell but please let me know…..the old rusty headlight was the same orientation. Underseat photo showing the “pack of poo tickets” especially the positive terminal. My thoughts the same as other members in that a previous owner had not only fitted a trickle charger but extra green/red wiring between battery and the 2 extra relays. And decided best place for extra relays was the headlight shell. I am assuming that this endeavour was an older solution to common electrical issues mentioned in earlier posts on this forum regarding improving the main lights and maybe starting? As before, I was not keen to start ripping in to the wiring early-on, assuming the bike had not previously fallen into bodgy hands…..and other owners treasured the bike like I will and ‘did their best to improve…’ But prepared to spend time and money (probably getting beyond my skills and pay local specialist Guzzi person) to rectify if you guys think it looks really bodged….cheers.
  25. Well, low beam as a term for impotence….you learn something new everyday….ha/ha! On to the real problem….! “Power is lost within the Bosch headlight relay” is this electrical novice’s answer so far. The multimeter showed 13 volts on the green/grey wire on the way in to the relay but registers zero on the relay pin on the way out. Photo 1. Am I on the right track here? Recalling the issue was only the low beam is not working with ignition on, headlight switch position 2 (with low beam selected on the red push button). Strangely low beam comes on when handlebar headlight switch moved to position 2 on but the ignition is off! Photo 3. Reading/learning on this forum..V11 original relays are a big issue. Here is a photo of the under seat relays…Photo 2. I have not touched these as yet… original thought was that bike was previously owned by more capable people than myself and ‘do not alter anything’. Unless the bike develops a problem ie low beam etc…then work on it/improve. PS Sorry about the poor photos..all too big apart from these three…a younger family member will need to show me how to reduce and properly attach/send!
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