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  • My bike(s)
    2001 V11 Sport Rosso Mandello #244 (PCIIIusb, Stucchi X, FbF open Airbox, MPH Bar Risers, Michelin Pilot Roads, Rich Maund seat/pegs, dlapierre saddle blanket, MG tank bag, handwarmers, Rossopurro sliders, OdyPC545)--Previous '79 SP1000

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  1. stormsedge


  2. The new owner reported the RM's arrival vicinity Kansas City yesterday. I'm out this year...unless...
  3. I think I've noted this here before...years ago I stopped off on my '79 SP at a Cobra replica get-together at a decaying strip mall (small shopping center for those not seeped in the lore of Americanisms)...one of the snotty owners walked over, looked at it and said "why didn't you buy a Harley?" I responded with "Why didn't you buy a Corvette?" That was the end of our witty repartee. The V11 RM, in retrospect, always elicits positive comments...often from females tired of riding behind the leathered lump hanging from the apes of some Harley. Moral of the story? None...I think they just like the color k
  4. ((fourth in the five book trilogy by Douglas Adams...)) The RM ships out to a new owner this week along with all the pieces, parts, bent things and scribbled-on shop papers I've accrued over 9 years of ownership. Time for something new. Greatly appreciate all the support and thoughtful assistance from those on this site over the years. Keep smiling. k
  5. I've not had carbon build up with mine.
  6. Rich Maund rebuilt my seat with a gel pad in it a few years ago...make sure you get a foam pad over the gel as it gets hotter than a firecracker in the summer (I didn't do it against Rich's advice and my butt paid for it). To help with the heat, DLPierre (a poster here) put together a really nice wool saddle blanket...I've left that on year round. I still have to get off and walk around at the 100 mile point, but the combination made a big difference. k
  7. I've been getting >9K miles from Michelin Pilot Roads...haven't paid attention to what iteration they are on with that tire now, but I am about due for new ones as well.
  8. Have you tried opening your gas cap as soon as the motor dies of suspected vapor lock? If you hear a hissing and see the tank expand, check the routing of your vent tubes on the bottom of the tank to ensure they are not kinked. You may be experiencing tank suck-starving the fuel pump. I've had the tank suck...but not a vapor lock even in many miles of over 100 degree heat. After you park, the cylinders will tend to be a great deal hotter to the touch than when the motor is running with air flowing across them as you ride. If I can lay my gloved hand on the rocker cover at 50 mph without having to quickly pull away, I call it good. I don't touch it when its sitting still. That said, if your fuel line is cool or easily handled, then it wouldn't seem (to me) a likely candidate for vapor lock. You can verify your oil pressure by removing the sending unit and attaching an inexpensive oil pressure gauge. Then crank her up...or, remove the plugs and spin your motor on the starter for a few seconds if you really think you've lost pressure. When did you last change the oil filter? Might it be loose? Cheers. k
  9. I use the Redline shockproof (heavy) no moly in both...but you have to very careful with the measure and fill on the rear differential to keep from overfilling (leading to "adventures with oil"). k
  10. I tell my grandson..."the big ones, with the yellow handles". "Water pump pliers"...that's what my Dad called them. I haven't heard that in a while. Thanks for that...I'll call them that from now on. Cheers. k
  11. I just put the big hose clamp on mine (after all these years). I remove the pan and use a big (BIG) set of channel locks to remove the oil filter...I've not had one refuse. k
  12. The bar risers from MPH come with front brake line and clutch line to make the reach...so factor bleeding those into your timeline if going that route. k
  13. I'd suspect detonation (too hot) with particles on the plug. http://www.ngksparkplugs.com/tech_support/spark_plugs/faqs/faqread.asp I usually fall back to the photos to try and decide what is going on. k
  14. I agree with G that it is probably the overflow and what has happened is the hose has pulled off the nipple (it is just a push-on). k
  15. Oh man...I still haven't cleaned my bike.
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