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Everything posted by slug

  1. Zip ties are your friend. I like them more than duct tape One more thing I'll post pics of is the cleanup job I did on the wiring. I used thick rubber splicing tape to wrap (almost) everything up in to one neat bundle. I know for a fact that it'll be a sticky mess when I have to unwrap it, but until I find some better cable management stuff, it'll have to do. Right now I just don't have the intestinal fortitude to subject myself to another trip to Radio Shack or Fry's
  2. So here's a question to those who've ditched the airbox for pods: What are you doing with all that extra space under the fuel tank? Here's a few ideas: - Mount an NO2 bottle (along with the rest of a NOS system). - Relocate the fuses/relays/ECU there for more underseat storage. - Install a mini-mini keg fridge - Under-tank DVD player? - Storage box for extra relays, fuses, shift return springs, rear wheel bearings, blinker fluid, rear brake pads. - Infant/Child seat? - Free speech zone?
  3. I put the sensor in a little plastic box (little electronics project box like you'd get at Radio Shack) with a metric buttload of holes drilled in it. Then I extended the wiring and mounted the box in the little cavern between the insturment cluster and the headlight. If I put my windscreen back on I may move the box somewhere else to make sure I'm getting good air flow to the sensor. I'll post a pic of it tonight if I remember.
  4. Add me to the list too.
  5. Don't be $o $ure $teve, remember the$e are American attorney$
  6. Hey, if you're gonna defect, you might as well do it in style That's a beautiful bike and please keep us posted with your impressions. That said, we all know you'll be coming back to us on a Goose, sooner or later...
  7. Glad yer OK Steve! Personally I despise the litigious culture of the US, but as others here have said, go get 'em! On a semi-lighter note, and not to nitpick, but whas this hole six feet, or six inches deep? (Either way, waaaaaay too deep.) I instantly thought of the Stonehenge gag in Spinal Tap, 12' misread as 12"
  8. Maybe Enzo was wearing these: If so, we'd know for a fact that the Cobra is fast enough for time travel!
  9. Is it normal for the exhaust pipes to occasionally give off a dull red glow (in low light, like in a shop or riding at night?) It's possible that I've never noticed it, or it could be new... My engine has always run really rich, the exhaust always smelled like gas, my fuel mileage was less than stellar, and when working on the exhaust plumbing, there's always a lot of soot inside. Also the head pipes have never been hot enough to turn blue, they've been more of a dull brown. So I just finished ditching the airbox for a set of velocity stacks w/Uni pod filters, and at the same time installed a My15m ECU and an o2 sensor to run closed-loop, also increased the flow by drilling more out of my chopped stock mufflers (why yes, I did check/adjust the valves and balanced the TBs after installing all the new doodads.) I know modding the intakes would make the air/fuel mixture more lean & make the exhaust hotter, but I don't know how hot is too hot. Now that I've run the bike a bit, the pipes now have the same blue as most of the other bikes I've seen on this site. Went out for a ride this evening, and while riding along I noticed a dull red glow on the pipes, probably the first four inches that come right off the head. It also looked like the right pipe was brighter than the left, but that could have been the light. As for engine performance, it's pretty good. It'll take a bit to get the fuel map sorted out, but there's virtually no knocking or pinging as it is, so it doesn't seem like it's running too lean, plus I'm running in closed-loop mode, so the ECU _should_ be sensing if the bike is running lean and should automatically make adjustments... So, has anyone else seen "the glow"? Is it normal? Do these pants make me look fat? Is this post too long? Thanks everyone
  10. That's an oxygen sensor for the My15m ECU so it can adjust the fuel injection and spark advance. Don't quite have it dialed in yet, but from the one test ride, the bike runs a bit smoother.
  11. I'm not going to comment on the effectiveness of the pod filters because that horse has been beaten down harder than an oil thread. As long as they keep things like bugs, rats, crustaceans and Mormon missionaries from plugging up the intake, I'm happy. As for the weight and strain on the boots, there's really nothing to worry about. The weight of the stacks and filters aren't enough to push the TB's down more than 1mm. Also, at least on my bike, there's an aluminum support bar that connects the TBs together. The clearance between the center-bottom of the support bar and the top of the engine/gearbox case is about 5mm, so if you're really paranoid, you can wedge something between the two... Just took the bike for its first test ride with the new stacks & My15m, and I'm quite pleased. I've got a lot of adjusting to do on the map, there's a 1/2 to 1 1/2 second hesitation when I really crank on the throttle, but when it does kick in, holy crap! Major improvement, and not a knock to be heard. So here's how the beast looks now:
  12. I just installed a set of these guys: from Sport Cycle Pacific They go on very easily & they're custom made to fit on the throttle bodies. I haven't had a chance to see how they really perform since I'm still in the process of installing & fitting a My15m ECU and oxygen sensor. I'll post pics, eventually...
  13. Two years. Got my roadside assist paperwork twice within three months. Maybe the guy who bought the V11 before you got the last one...
  14. I swear, it was like they had this special "blanding powder" that they added to everything. I quickly came to the conclusion that the best Dutch food is falafel and gyros.
  15. One of my favorites: Terrible However, I'm still a sucker for the cheap stuff. Pabst recently changed their formula (again) and it has improved quite a bit. One of my all time favorites was Lucky Lager, which came in the 11oz stubbies and had cool little puzzles under the caps. Not sure if its being brewed anymore though...
  16. Napkins? Who needs 'em when you (or the person sitting next to you) has sleeves? Ketchup? Despite the Ketchup Advisory Board's clever advertisements, I rarely use it. Sugar? I only use the restaraunt packets for cleaning bits of food from between my teeth (then put it back in the condiment caddy, I hate to be wasteful.) Toilet paper? I buy the top-notch stuff only. I've noticed that American condiments are pretty boring. I'm really interested in the condiments of the world, like when I was in the Netherlands, it seemed that they put these semi-sweet choclaty sprinkles on everything. I was just fascinated. (Is it me, or is Dutch food bland in general? Jaap: I'd love your opinion...) So to add to the topic in a roundabout way, what's your favorite condiment?
  17. Nope, not that I'm aware of, but I really want to hook up with some fellow Guzzi riders in Seattle. I've had my bike two years and while I've seen many Guzzis around, I haven't met any of the riders...
  18. I love it! But they let you park that thing in front of the Buckaroo? How often are you there? I'd like to come by and see it in the flesh!
  19. In my very limited experience, I'm pretty sure this is normal. Especially the 11 speed gearbox: 6 forward + 5 neutrals. If you suspect a problem, ask yourself: "Would a '65 Ford tractor make this noise?" If you answer yes, don't worry. Just top the gearbox off with some Redline Heavy, buy some earplugs and ride on. If you answer "Yes, but more like the tractor has just had a head-on collision with a nitro glycerine factory." then you might want to have it looked at. My absolutely worthless
  20. Thanks Mr. Hack, Just wanted to be safe... Maybe while I have the pipes off I can install those new titanium nitride coated muffler bearings
  21. Metric threads?
  22. Howdy everyone, I need to pull the exhaust off the starboard side (can never remember which right side of the bike is the right right side ) of the bike so I can weld a bung on for an 02 sensor. Any hints, warnings, sage advice before pulling the pipe off the head? Is it common to break the studs?
  23. slug

    Bike lights

    In the state I live in they are... Quick, what's this one?
  24. slug


    Another good thing about the MotoBits setup, rigid footpegs: This weekend I had a moment and took my bike off the shop stand without the sidestand being down. I almost saved it, but it ended up tipping over completely on the left side. Fortunately there was very little damage to the bike because the rigid footpeg helped keep some of the more expensive bits from hitting the floor. The most damage was to the sensitve ears of the children of the neighborhood. If they didn't know the F-word, they know it now. As for physical damage the most went to the mirror which is a Napoleon mirror mounted through the clutch lever pivot hole. Easy and cheap to replace. Other than that, a slightly tweaked bar end, a hairline crack in my CF windscreen and a small gouge in the concrete floor...
  25. Ummm, conservative & careful, yet he rides (rode) a Hayabusa, with no helmet? How can any 24 year-old testosterone fuelled millionare ride one of those "conservatively"? I'd like to hear him explain exactly how riding in a group will protect his head if a car plows in to the group he's riding with. Maybe he rides with linebackers big enough to tackle the car
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