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Everything posted by slug

  1. Hmm, is the purpose of the the resistors to a) Provide enough current draw to operate the flasher thingy, or Provide enough resistance to keep the signal on the opposite side from lighting up?
  2. Pardon me if I ramble, but I'm at my wit's end... (and I know, this should probably be in Technical Topics...) So I bought a set of four LED turn signals for Dirty Bird, knowing full well I'd have to monkey with the flasher unit to get them to work. "No problem" I said, since I thought I knew a little about electrical systems... First I tested out the left side of the bike before I actually installed them. First, with the stock blinker with no resistors attached, I connected the new signal to the left rear and left the original signal connected at the left front, and the blinking was fine. Next, I replaced the stock left front with the new signal, and the lights came on, but no blinking, the signals just remained on. Probably means that the new signals aren't pulling enough current to operate the blinker, so I started testing out resistors... I've attached resistors with values ranging from 5 to 40 ohms to each signal, no dice (on the positive and negative terminals, and both). I've attached resistors with values from 10 to 40 ohms on either side of the stock flasher unit, still no dice. I think I've tried every possible combination. I gave up on the stock flasher unit and bought the FL-2 Red electronic flasher from Super Bright LEDs. Again, I tested one side before installing, this time front and rear were blinking. Next I attched a signal to the right side. Now, the left and right side signals are blinking at the same time!! However, when I attach the old signals with the new flasher installed, only one side blinks at a time. So, I tried the resistors with the LEDs again, still no improvement. One thing I did notice was that the indicator light on the instrument cluster was very dim when it was on... I've gone over the schematic for the electrical system ('02 - '03 Sport/LeMans) and in the turn signal circuit, the flasher unit is connected between the fuse and the switch, so at least in theory, the flasher shouldn't be the problem. The only place on the schematic that things could get crossed up is the indicator light(s?) on the instrument cluster. I have two schematics, actually. One shows a single bulb being shared by the left and right indicators, the other schematic shows separate indicators for left and right. I'm going to assume that my bike matches the schematic with the shared indicator... If I'm making proper sense of the diagram, it looks like the ground for the indicator light depends on which direction is on, so if the left side is blinking, the circuit for the right side is used as the ground, and vice-versa. The other possibility is that I'm on crack (no biggie since most people think I'm on it anyway.) So here's my theory: 1: The higher resistance of the incandescent dash indicator and the reduced resistance of the LED indicators forces more current to go to the desired direction indicator. 2: Whatever current does flow through the dash indicator isn't enough to fully power the bulb, but... 3: The remaining current that went through the dash indicator will then travel through the opposite indicator (the side that shouldn't be blinking) on its way to the ground, but will light up the indicator because it takes much less power than an incandescent bulb to operate. If this is somewhat correct, my problems now makes more sense to me because I was testing the resistors on the back of the bike where they wouldn't help ... So in theory again, if I yank the dash indicator bulb, the blinking should only be on one side as it should, since it stops any current from flowing through the indicators on the opposite side. Of course I'll be busting out my multitester tonight to test this out, but does this sound somewhat right to you guys?
  3. I didn't know him either, but a truly dedicated Guzzisti. I'll third the motion and raise a glass for him
  4. Someone here deserves some severe pun-ishment.
  5. I just did this last weekend I am nearly 100% sure that a 90° fitting won't work (of course, I'll bet you five bucks I can quit gambling...) The 90° fitting would be too tall to get a good seal around the Zerk fitting (the origin of the name is from the Greek god Zerkonius, god of lubrication and scraped knuckles, Zerkonius was also known to get very angry with anyone who confused him with the Zirconius, the god of cheap engagement rings) I found a swivel-type fitting that conveniently stops at 45° (yes, they do exist, you just have to visit EVERY auto parts store within a 50 mile radius to find it.) I can also confirm that the swivel fitting does not need to be modified to work Also, I disconnected the shock from the swingarm to get that extra wiggle room.
  6. Today I spent eight hours sitting in front of a computer, re-re-re-inventing the wheel with full knowledge that the wheel that I'm re-re-re-inventing will need to be re-re-re-re-invented half an hour after I've finished re-re-re-inventing it in the language that it should have been re-re-re-invented in this time around. Oh yeah, I also forgot to put the cover sheet on the TPS report. Spring can't come soon enough...
  7. You, my friend, have wayyyyy too much time on your hands. Another two good ones: "If we're not supposed to eat animals, then why are they made of meat?" And:
  8. You can find it HERE
  9. Thanks. We've been dealing with the move from hell (previous renters left the place a complete wreck ) If you want the gory details, I'd be happy to vent... The good news is: Dirty Bird now has a garage to live in! No more parking on the street, no more being knocked over by the local asshats. Life will be even better when Dirty Bird gets the My15M installed and the velocity stacks mounted!
  10. Already have the bearing number and found a source I'm pretty sure the spacer is too short. Last time I had the wheel off I noticed the spacer had a lot of play. Guilty as charged for overtightening the axle nut. Sometimes I don't know my own strength I'll have to address the spacer in a few weeks once I'm done moving and my garage is set up.
  11. Last night I heard a humming sound coming from what I thought was the tires while riding on some freshly paved asphalt, so I ignored it. This morning on the way to work the back end started feeling loose, and when I went to use the rear brake, it took three pumps of the lever to get the pads (or what was left) to grip... Looked down at the rear wheel (caliper/brake side) and saw one very unhappy and disjoined looking wheel bearing When I got off the bike the brake pads were pretty much gone, the rotor is pretty badly scored, and the rotor is also rubbing up against the caliper when turning... I'm feeling pretty lucky that the wheel didn't seize up on me (if that's possible.) So, I've checked the local Napa store and they have the right bearing in stock and I can grab some pads today. 1. Should the replacement of this bearing be pretty straightforward? 2. Is a bearing puller necessary? 3. Any other advice for getting this changed out quickly? I'm aware that there are probably some deeper issues associated with the bearing failure (incorrectly sized spacer, etc.) that will need to be addressed soon, but I'm in the middle of moving and my time/tool availability is somewhat restricted... Thanks all!
  12. slug


    No, but put me in line for one if anybody does...
  13. slug


    Before I got the Guzzi, I loved cycling... When I'm not being a lazy ass, I commute to work on my track bike. I'm moving a few more miles away from work so I may have to dust off the road bike if I can't hack six miles with a couple of brutal hills on a fixed gear single speed... We'll find out next week. I also enjoy telemark skiing, rock climbing, long walks on the beach, smooth jazz and any iced beverage mixed with white zinfandel and a little umbrella
  14. slug


    Mmmm, mistakes...
  15. Hmmm, a little too um: for me... Just my
  16. Umm, where'd you hear that Guzzi's up for sale again?
  17. I'm pissed off that my job isn't nearly as cool as yours!
  18. slug

    Tarted up Griso

    I'm sorry, I left my glasses at home. Is the title of this thread "Tarted up Griso" or "Turded up Griso"?
  19. I haven't yet, but coincidentally its on my list of things to do within the next month. I will be sure to take pictures and do a write-up.
  20. RE: REQUEST FOR MUTUALLY BENEFITTING ENDEAVOUR. DEAR MR. Luhbo: I humbly crave your indulgence in sending you this posting, if the contents does not meet with your personal and business ethics, I appologise in advance. I am Barrister Andy Coker ( attorney at law), I represent Alhaji Ishmaila Gwarzo estates. Alhaji Gwarzo was the chief security advicer of the then military leader of this country(Nigeria) in the person of Late General Sani Abacha who died on the 8th of June 1998. WITH THE ADVENT OF A NEW DEMOCRATIC DISPENSATION IN THE COUNTRY UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF GEN. OLUSEGUN OBASanjo (Rtd), my client has come under severe persecution due to the sensitive position he held in the last military regime, presently he is under house arrest restricted only to the confines of his village. The main purpose of this posting is to intimate you of a business proposal that might be of interest to you and I. My client has informed me of the existence of funds deposited WITH A SECURITY COMPANY ABROAD. THIS FUND CAME ABout as part of security votes that were allocated to my client's portfolio during his tenure as chief security advicer to the then president. What happened was that he had part of the funds transferred from the vaults of the Central Bank Of Nigeria to this security OUTFIT WITH THE AIM OF PURCHASING arms and ammunitions for the personal security outfit of the then president. But before the purchase could take place the president died. my client has deceided to keep this for himself as all his properties has been confisticated by the present regime. But due to his incarceration he cannot travel out and effect the change of possession to his benefit. I have been mandated by my client to source for a foreign partner that can help him facilitate the change of possession. the deposit certificate and the code needed for THEEXECUTION OF THIS ENDEAVOUR ARE IN MY POSSESSION. my client shall have his contacts in the United Kingdom assist you with the fulfillment and transfer of your motorcycle parts transaction, and expedite the transfer of the parts from the seller's posession to yours. Since this return gesture of gratitude is so small compared to the amount of help you will be providing to my client, my client would also like to provide a generous stipend as well. The funds in question is USD13.6M (Thirteen- Million, Six Hundred Thousand United STATES DOLLARS ONLY). SHOULD THIs proposition be of interest to you, please forward the following information and various necessities needed to follow through with this most mutually benefitting endeavour: 1. All personal credit card, bank account and personal identification numbers. 2. One replacement V11 engine case (must NOT be one with the the substandard wrinkle-paint treatment!) 3. Your wife and/or children (your choice). 4. A one-years supply of electrical relays for a V11 Sport. You may reach me through my e-mail address thus; hugh.jass@web-mail.c0m. so that we can go through the rudiments of this endeavour. I remain most obliged. Barr.Andy Coker P.S. For more information regarding my history, please visit my web site: 419 Eater
  21. Nice! Very elegant. Which fuse is blowing?
  22. Also a bonus for us with freakishly long feet!
  23. slug

    Forklift Safety

    Enjoy: Forklift Safety
  24. I'd call this a fatal overdose of testosterone.
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