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Everything posted by slug

  1. Remote Controlled Helicopter Thought you might like it.
  2. slug

    Theft damage

    This is what I love about the Guzzi community!
  3. First dibs on the shock!!!
  4. slug

    FBF crossover

    I don't think I'd be able to tell anything more with the larger photo. With stainless that thin, it's always a good idea to purge. Even though you may not have full penetration, the metal on the inside of the tube can get hot enough to start oxidizing/burning.
  5. slug

    FBF crossover

    Hmm. It's hard to tell from that angle. Does the weld look sort of "sunken" below the level of the tubes? If it does, it might be bad. Wish I could see under the support bracket... Also, when the brackets were welded on, was the part purged?
  6. slug

    FBF crossover

    Yep, what Mr. Field said. IMO the welds are suspect. The welds on my original and replacement FBF crossovers had severe undercutting and no crown which can indicate the lack of a purge when the part was being welded. When my first one cracked, FBF said they'd inspect the welds on an new one and send it to me. (took 'em a while I bought a Stucci to replace it and couldn't be happier. Yes, the Stucci is heavier but it is better built and includes a bung for mounting an O2 sensor. The wall thickness of the tubing that Stucci uses is almost twice the thickness of the FBF. If FBF is going to use that thickness, then it is critical that the fit (I noticed a few spots where they had to force the joint together) and welds are perfect, as there's little margin for error. Oh, performance-wise, I can't tell the difference between the two... If you want the boring technical info on the weld failures, let me know...
  7. In to what?
  8. Note to self: Don't let Rossoandy take my bike out for a spin...
  9. Can't speak for FBF mufflers, but I've drilled out the rivets and de-sleeved a Mistral aluminum round (now looking for some 4" OD aluminum tubing to replace the munched sleeve.) My guess is that there's very little difference.
  10. slug

    V11 pilot sports

    +1! The BT 020's made the bike steer like a dump truck with no power steering and a Club on the steering wheel. I replaced them with Pilot Roads and the improvement was amazing; better turning and good in the wet. Only had the Pilot Roads for 1500 miles when something bit a huge chunk out of the rear tire Went up to the Pilot Power and they feel even better!
  11. Yep. My '03 is a rebadged '02. No front crossover.
  12. I've forgotten to check to make sure the side stand was down before taking the bike off the shop stand. Flopped it on it's side in the garage. If the neighbors didn't know the f-word, they sure know it now.
  13. Where's the carbon fly screen from?
  14. slug

    Bike feels 'rough'....

    I seem to recall that some people have discovered that the factory or the dealer that did the prep failed to lube the splines (middle zerk) on the shaft. A quick squirt may not be a bad idea...
  15. slug

    She Breaths Fire

    Nice! More pics please! I hope you have new head guards on the way?
  16. slug

    Ballabio Info

    Ooch. Thanks Mike!
  17. slug

    Ballabio Info

    How much does the whole setup cost?
  18. Nice work!
  19. Hmm. Did you try switching the positive/negative leads on the left rear? Maybe they got flipped when installing the resistor? Current only flows one way on LED turn signals, so if the poles are flipped you get nothing. I had an epic battle with my LED signals on my 02/03 Sport. The console turn indicator is wired way funky from the factory. The ground path for the console indicator routes all the way through the turn signal circuit, bulb included, opposite the signal being used (if that makes sense...) This caused all four signals to light up. I had to rewire the console indicator to get everything to work properly. If you want diagrams/instructions/schematics, let me know.
  20. So, any news?
  21. WD-40 would be useless. I'd use a heavier grease. I'm a big fan of marine-grade bearing grease.
  22. slug


    Awright, I will. As soon as I get over this fookin' cold...
  23. slug


    I find it's easier to do it that way because I can hold the bike up with my right hand and align the stand with my left. Lifts real easy. Added bonus is that the handle doesn't stick out past the back of the bike. Nice for tight spaces like my garage. The bike will be overstated enough once I get up off my butt and finish my mold for CF tail sections...
  24. slug


    I think they look better on the bike. 'Course I'm biased (mangled the stock ones when I crashed last year):
  25. That's the best shot anyone's ever taken of me. Oh yeah, this slug thinks you're ok! Nice report, btw...
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