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Everything posted by slug

  1. Finally got a temporary title for Dirty Bird and put him (mostly) back together today. Took him for a test ride, the first time since I crashed him three months ago. I was worried that he would have some weird damage that I couldn't find without riding him, but all seems well mechanically. The new Mistral ovals and Stucci x-over sound sooooooooo good. Life is good. So here's what Dirty Bird looks like now: What you can't see is the finished carbon fiber undertail I just made. The tail section is temporary, I'm still making a mold from my original so I can build one out of carbon fiber. I'm also working on building a mold for the tank pad on pre-2003 tanks so I can make those from carbon fiber. I also have a mold built for the seat cowl, just need to polish it & it'll be ready to go. Once I'm happy with how the parts are turning out, I'll start selling 'em. If you're interested, let me know. If you wanna see what I'm working on, here's a few pics. Also, I got to test ride an Aprilia SXV 4.5 today. Scary fun. It was wet out and I haven't ridden in three months so I took it easy, but WOW! If my employer would only pay me what I think I'm worth, I'd snatch a couple up for me and the Mrs...
  2. slug

    My first Guzzi

    If you do decide to go for a new crossover you may want to avoid the Ferracci crossover. They lack a support bracket which may contribute to cracking of the headers. Also they may have QC issues. I know of at least three people (including myself) that have had their crossovers crack due to what I suspect as poor fitting and welding technique.
  3. Greg did install a center stand, but had to hammer on his FBF x-over to get it to fit. Might want to make sure the Stucci which is shaped similarly is compatible with the center stand.
  4. I prefer ranch dressing in my tires. That way I'll always have something on tap for my roadside snacks of salad and french fries.
  5. So sorry Staedtler Wish I could help...
  6. Recently I bought new tires for my truck at Costco. I found out that they're now filling all their tires with nitrogen. I read their little pamphlet at the desk and it said that nitrogen gives a better ride and they stay inflated longer because the molecules are larger and don't seep through the rubber as fast as plain air. Personally, I think it's another gimmick. Thoughts?
  7. Although it looks like they've discontinued them, the chrome muffler bearings I ordered from them are still going strong!
  8. Suspenseful?
  9. Lucky. You coming back in the spring/summer? I have family in Leavenworth so I'm in the area often and I'd love to go tear up the Chumstick Highway with a fellow goose jockey Cheers,
  10. Don't know of any aftermarket boots... Can you tell if they're actually leaking? Mine were cracking so I bought new ones. After I put the new ones on I looked at the old ones, and all of the cracking turned out to be superficial. The rubber is really thick so I think it may be best to inspect the ones you have now (if you haven't already ). I've also been told that an occasional slathering of dielectric or some other silicon based grease helps protect the outside of the boots. I'm sure others will say that this will make it worse. Just my P.S. Cold enough for you in Wenatchee?
  11. Todd wins!!!
  12. I think they'll find a garter snake in the sump. If they're really lucky, my car keys will be in there too...
  13. Rick sold it to a fellow forum member a month ago.
  14. slug

    Footpeg lowering kit

    They feel good too. I'm about 6' tall and they definitely took some of the cramp out on longer rides
  15. slug

    Footpeg lowering kit

    I have the Motobits foot controls. Available through Moto International. Well made. Very adjustable. Love 'em. Warning: Pegs don't fold. They're solid. Upside: little better slide protection (ask me, I know
  16. I prefer the terms "Banana Hammock" or "Grape Smuggler"
  17. Another good time waster, that actually makes you think! Soda Constructor And for the kids: Moovl
  18. Hmm, the thought crossed my mind after seeing your work I'll think about it...
  19. Nice work Greg!
  20. I prefer the blunt approach, like this guy.
  21. slug


    Meh. Looks too Japanese to me. Not seeing the Italian soul in it. I'm sure it rides and goes like a bat out o'hell, but visually it just ain't doing it for me...
  22. Yeah, $200 is a bit steep, but I like them so much I'd almost pay that...
  23. Another option is the covers sold by Sport Cycle Pacific: If I remember correctly, it's $199 for the pair.
  24. Yeah, probably metric horsepower
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