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Chet in MI

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Everything posted by Chet in MI

  1. Chet in MI

    Chet in MI

  2. I had the same issue with my '03 LeMans. Dealer traced the problem to a faulty clutch safety switch. Hope this helps....
  3. Chet in MI

    Saying Hi

    Welcome aboard, Pete! I've had my 2003 V11 LeMans for 7 years now and I still find myself grinning when I throw my leg over it! Although in the U.S. I still have to tolerate questions like, "Moto Guzzi? Who makes those?" Chet
  4. Thanks!
  5. Hope so...Looking more and more like my only option Thanks for the suggestion!
  6. Anyone know of a source for v11 exhaust clamp bolts? I'm specifically looking for the hex bolts that tighten the clamps that hold the crossover pipe on the headers. Guzzi apparently supplies the clamp and the bolt together, but not separately Thanks! Chet
  7. I also have had success (after multiple failed attempts ) with the needle-type fitting. I made a slight bend in mine, maybe 30 degrees or so, no heat required . The bend probably wasn't necessary though. Once you get the wheel off it's not bad. The hardest part is holding the needle fitting on the zerk while pumping, since it doesn't "snap" on like the more traditional fittings. But that's easily remedied with a one-handed, pistol-grip type of grease gun. Cheers!
  8. Thanks for the excellent advice! Now all I have to do is decide between Mistral and Stucchi Mistral seems better for my type of riding, but that Stucchi on eBay looks like a good buy! I have a Power Commander serial (yet to be installed
  9. Short answer: Yes. Long form: Technically, there is no front x-over: there's a front balance pipe, but we all know what you mean. The stock crossover is anything but: it is so big that it is in reality a pre-muffler/expansion chamber. It works great for increasing the top-end output [as witnessed by several dyno graphs of the stock system vs. aftermarket w/o extensive fueling witchery [which is a level playing-field only because Guzzi/Aprillia did such a lackluster job on the original V11 F.I. map]] Anyway, you can thank Dr. John & his original "colostomy bag" x-over on the Daytona/1100Spot/Centauro lines from the 90s, that led the way in development of the later V11 pre-muffler. Interesting side note: while it might have made the most sense to put the cat. converter in the x-over & make a "world bike" as far smog certification goes, MG didn't, & chose to put the cats in the cans & only put those on the bikes going to the countries that required it [i think Switzerland was one of the 1st, fwiw.] This is actually a VGT, since it means that anyone w/ the cats in their cans stopping up their exhaust is easily able to replace them w/ aftermarket performance cans. Anyway, the front balance pipe has been derided as largely cosmetic, harkening back to the original 1pc headers from the original LeMans back in the 70s; thus its appearance on the V11 bikes w/ the intro of the V11 LeMans in '02. Alternatively, it might have been a band-aid applied by the factory to deal with the large hole in the powerband at the 3.5k-4.5k rpm range caused largely by the poor fuel map [not entirely Guzzi's fault, since excessive leanness at idle is a primary facet of most smog regulations world wide.] Persons with far greater technical expertise and Guzzi modification experience than I have stated unequivocally that the bike runs almost identically with or without the "front x-over"/balance pipe, so that tends to lend wt. to the "traditional cosmetics" argument for its introduction. Me personally, I think it looks great, and it *should* produce some power-band widening f/x, given a properly designed main x-over. The Stucchi unit seems to be the best in that regard, but the Mistral [again, technically a balance pipe, since there's insufficient area/volume to even begin mixing the exhaust gases and routing them thru both mufflers...] is well thought of because it provides a beefier mid-range (while admittedly sacrificing some top-end output) but supports fitment of a center-stand, while the Stucchi does not. Hope this hasn't been hopelessly confusing! Holy Smokes! This definitely helps as I decide whether or not to add a Stucchi, followed by new cans. Thanks very much for the info!
  10. I've searched the forum and haven't found anything that specifically addresses this (Or I missed it. Sorry if that's the case!!), so here goes. Since the 2003 LeMans has a front crossover, is there still a benefit to adding a Stucchi or Mistral x-over? I'm guessing the answer is probably yes, but it seems counter-intuitive to my simple and ignorant way of seeing the issue Any takers out there? Thanks!
  11. Those #s you quoted from Al look like engine #s [which should match the VIN#s on the frame, but of course, the VIN has a lot more info encoded in it so you take the 1st 2 digits & the last 6 of the VIN & it should equal the engine #. Or at least, that's the theory...] Since I think that range is quoted in reverse [KS should come before KT], it appears your VIN falls in the affected range. [KS112350 As stated by Docc, checking w/ Greg @ MI is a good idea... Thanks guys! Very helpful! Why does it always seem so obvious in hindsight (or after you've posted the question)?
  12. So, after 6 years with my 03 LeMans I still don't know where to find the frame number. I assume it's part of the VIN, but my VIN looks nothing like the frame numbers I've seen on the forum. For example, in an old post by Al Roethlisberger (sorry if I've butchered the spelling!) there was a range of frame numbers listed for bikes that had faulty return spring setups, shown as KT111435 - KS112350. My VIN is KTC00X3M111196 as shown on the fork and on my title. Anyone know why they're so different? Is the frame # completely different and hidden somewhere I haven't looked yet? Thanks!
  13. Just ride one. You might just find yourself grinning the entire time like I did the first time I rode a Guzzi. Other than that I can't really add much to what's already been said. If you don't mind doing a little wrenching, this forum as well as http://www.wildguzzi.com/forum/index.php and http://thisoldtractor.com/gtbender/ are all phenomenal resources!
  14. Curses!
  15. Sorry I can't offer concrete help, but I can at least empathize. Same thing happened with my '03 LeMans at ~ 4K miles, but fortunately was replaced under warranty. Dealer said he'd never seen it before mine Anyway, at least the replacement is still going after ~7K miles. If it happens again I might just upgrade to Ohlins or something.
  16. Thanks docc! I did look at that FAQ earlier, which definitely helps a lot. But being a visual/tactile learner, I guess this will all become more clear once I start getting things apart (at least I hope so ). Or it may mean the beginning of end of my beloved LeMans...
  17. Anybody out there ever try Wurth SIG-3000? https://shoponline.wurthusa.com/wurthusa/servlet/CyberVendor/category/G4244578/catalog/group.jsp/ Looks like pretty amazing stuff, at least from the specs.
  18. Just so I'm clear...The splines that are exposed when the rear wheel is off - do those take regular grease (I use Mobil 1), or something else like Wurth spline grease? Hmmmm....cush drive mod..... Looks like I've got some more reading to do... Thanks again everyone!
  19. First of all, please forgive my ignorance Other than the zerks on my 2003 LeMans shaft drive (and the bevel gear lube), is there anything else that needs regular lubing? I keep hearing about splines that should be greased. Are any of these serviced by any of the zerks? Or are there splines not serviced by the zerks, such as when the rear wheel is off? I've got ~10.5K miles previously serviced by the dealer (Detroit Eurocycles, RIP ) and I'm about to tackle removing the rear wheel for the first time Thanks!!
  20. fly4hire, Where are you located? I've got a 2003 LeMans in Ann Arbor. I usually notice other Guzzis (being so uncommon), and i only know of 2 Sports - One in Chelsea and one around Oakland U. Just curious.....
  21. A friend of mine was at a BMW dealer one day, out in front, looking at bikes and chatting with the sales guy. When a Guzzi rode past the shop the BMW guy said to my friend, "Now there goes a REAL bike". Some people get all caught up in the technology, which of course is good and all to an extent. But the Guzzi engine is an elegantly simple design that has been around a long time and well tested. These engines are gonna outlive all of us. Now the electrics, on the other hand....
  22. Just received an email from Detroit Eurocycles that they are closing shop! It's an understatement to say that this is a major blow to MG customers in MI. They've treated me exceptionally well and will be sorely missed. Curses!
  23. Greetings Everyone, I still like the shims, BUT, after the first 100 miles or so after installing the rattling crossover is back. I've been trying to come up with a mod to correct this. Has anybody else had this happen? I first tried tightening down. That didn't work so I slipped some pieces of aluminum flashing between the header and the shims and tightened down with still no success What am I missing here (besides a brain, that is). Thanks!
  24. Hey Folks, Love the shims! As does my local dealer/mechanic. Given that the stock crossover gaskets are an issue, and one that they've seen more than once, he was wondering whether something could be arranged for dealer distribution. Nothing formally arranged yet, of course. Just kickin' it around for now. But maybe if a bunch of dealers put together an order that would be incentive for another production batch? Whaddya think?
  25. I might be able to help since I'm exactly the same dimensions you described, and have an '03 LeMans. I found stock ergos fine for about 1 hour before my neck and wrists started complaining (I was also pushing 40 when I bought it). I had Detroit Eurocycle install MPH bar risers, and the difference was night and day. Now I could probably go all day on it I would recommend riding one first, but definitely keep in mind that ergo options are out there. It's a GREAT bike!
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