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Flatland Dan

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Everything posted by Flatland Dan

  1. Flatland Dan

    Flatland Dan

  2. I think Belfast may be right about a batch of springs made from weak wire, because when my spring broke, it was in an identical spot. And for sealant at the mating surfaces, I used Detroit bellhousing gasket sealer. We have torn apart bellhousings after half a million miles and the sealant was still pliable and not leaking.
  3. The problem on mine did turn out to be the shifter pawl spring. It had broken almost in the middle of the coil. Jackson Cycle in St. Jo Missouri did not have one, but I was able to source one from MPH. Todd sent it out as promised. Too bad the postal service laid down on the job. It took almost a week. Installation was a bit tricky, as I had bumped the shifter forks and things did not want to line up. Thanks to Ratchethack for suggesting a look at the linkage. It was dry as a bone. And thanks to Todd for the good service. With the starter removed, this is a good time to bleed out the clutch.
  4. Thanks for all of the suggestions. Last night after work, I drained the oil and found it to be contaminated with water. Not alot of water, but it was present. Hadn't expected that. I checked the linkage and it all moved freely. When the problem first surfaced, it shifted a few times, but it won't shift at all now. I think the next step is to remove the side cover and inspect. I'll look for metal paste as Dan M suggested. What I should really do is quit being so cheap and just buy the factory manual. Time to oil the hinges on my wallet. Fearing the worst, I told the wife we may as well forget about going to the Moto Guzzi National in Iowa this weekend. She has made plans for us to camp in the Ozark Mountains in Arkansas now. Hopefully no parts are needed and I'll still make the Wisconsin rally. YUMMM!!!! Bratwurst, beer and cheese.
  5. Yesterday as I was getting off of the freeway, it didn't want to shift down from sixth gear at first. I toed the shift lever a few times and then it shifted just fine down into first gear. When I took off, it shifted up into second gear fine, but would go no further. I was able limp it into a truck stop and call someone to trailer it home for me. Two questions. First, this is on a 2003 LeMans. I was able to shift it up and down more than once. Is it still possible that it is still the infamous pawl spring problem? Secondly, here on this forum, it has been stated that you should have the transmission in neutral. How do I get it into neutral at this point? I have over 27000 miles on her so far and that seems to be a bit further than most of the failures that I have been reading about. I thought the spring problem was supposedly taken care of before the 2003 model year. TIA for any and all advice.
  6. Well, at least now we know why you and your lovely bride were not at the Wisconsin MG rally. Adding my congrats!
  7. So sorry to keep you waiting Mr. badmotogoozer. They have gotten a little humorless about computer usage at work. Anyways, out in western Nebraska (where I don't live), the winters are long and cold and the summers are blazing hot and short. In other words, a perfect environment for growing dental floss. Them pygmy ponies are plenty busy with their pygmy floss ropers all summer long. You know how it is. Rounding up dental floss strays, keeping the cavity wolves at bay. The usual ranch stuff. But come winter time, it is time to bust loose. The pygmy ponies put on their pygmy pony skates and the pygmy floss ropers don their pygmy hockey helmets and paint their front teeth black. And Let The Games Begin!!! The action can get fast and furious. What with the pygmy ponies cursing and the pygmy floss ropers biting each other, their horses, and the real wacko ones have been known to bite themselves. Well sir, by the end of the game, the ice is red with pygmy blood, all of the pygmy ambulances have been used and the spectators that are still standing are fighting amongst themselves, breaking beer bottles over each other's heads, you know, hockey fans. On a sad note, no games were held this winter due to a court injunction brought by the People for the Ethnic Treatment of Animals. Where is the Fist Of Death when you really need it? And now sir, you know the truth about Horse Hockey. Honest!! Would I lie? You can't make this stuff up. Oh, Yeah. Afterwards, everyone gets together for a kickass Rib Dinner. Later, Dan
  8. Over the years I have spent way too much money on lawyers, way too much money paying fines, and spent way too much time in the cross bar hotel. Whilst in jail, I couldn't believe the number of "innocent" men I met. "Innocent" my ass!!! They were just as guilty as I always was. Of course, when one of us went to court, we always pled innocent. Yeah, right. Innocent. Uh Huh. We had lawyers and did nothing more than feed the system. And as far as a cop never helping anyone? Horse Hockey!!! One time as I sat in an interrogation room with two detectives, in walked the head of the vice department and plopped down photographs of me walking into a house in Ann Arbor Michigan. He told the detectives that there was no way that I could have committed the crime here in Nebraska because he had proof that I was in another state at the time of the crime here. He could just as easily lied by way of saying nothing, but he chose honesty and his honesty led to me being out on the streets within an hour. A lie is a lie and truth is truth. And we are all capable of both. And of knowing the difference. Later, Dan
  9. F??? Stick Can I say stick on this forum?
  10. That thing really looks "Goofy".
  11. I haven't been able to get to worked up about the Griso, but that bike changes all of that!
  12. I've had a head cold for a couple of weeks now. Is that a sinusoidal problem? Ba-dum-ching. JRT is in the lounge all week. Don't try the veal, I have already sneezed on it. Beer is good, Dan.
  13. Books I have read lately. Well let's see. Last weekend I read "I like bunnies" about 20 times to my granddaughter. This weekend my grandson will be here and it will be either " Mrs. McDonald's horse" or "My Little Car". As for me, my reading has been confined to the internet looking for a hoppier IPA recipe. Beer is good. Hope everyone had a good Christmas!! Later, Dan
  14. Philbo, a buddy of mine picked one up from The Motorcycle Shop in Watertown, SD this past summer. They had them in stock. Their phone # is 605 882 2930. Good Luck, Dan
  15. Been vacationing in Seymour Arm there, Tex?
  16. How many manufacturers make dual compound tires besides Bridgestone and Continental? The mileage I am getting out of the Bridgestones is actually very reasonable, but I am not all that fond of the handling. Dual compound tires work well in a state that only has three curves total. Later, Dan
  17. Flatland Dan


    About 2 weeks ago, I ran out of gas. Luckily I was able to coast to a station. The fuel light has never worked and somebody wasn't paying attention. I had 199.9 miles on the clock and the tank took 5.49 gallons. 36.5 mpg. That's been pretty much the average since I've owned it. Later, Dan
  18. My idle tends to vary, but nowhere near as much as your's, Al. About 800 rpm cold and from 1000 to about 1300 hot. When it was brand new and having all sorts of engine problems-it was the computer-the idle was absolutely steady. Since replacing the computer, the idle has been a little unsteady. Later, Dan
  19. Actually, chicken strips of 1" or more don't necessarily indicate a conservative rider. It could indicate that you live in Nebraska. Can you say straight roads?
  20. I think we are all in agreement on this dealer. He is not a dealer that anyone of us would willingly deal with a second time. And without getting into dealer bashing, I think it is important to warn others of unscrupulous and unethical dealers. However, that said, I do not think that it would be a good idea to develop a dealer rating system. As Jaap pointed out one time, a specific dealer may have had contact with one person on this list. And that experience may not have been the norm. Could have an off day, been bitten by the dog, been bitten by his wife. Who knows? I know of only one other person on this forum that has dealt with the dealer that I bought my bike from and his experience with him was better than mine was. Would I bad mouth him for that? No! I will just take that into account in further dealings with the man. Later, Dan
  21. When I picked up my '03 LeMans, the dealer had put a huge dent in the left stock can while unloading it. He offered me a set of FBF cans at cost minus. I installed them with only about 800 miles on the bike, so do not really have a read on the difference they really made. But today while running an errand, I pulled alongside a Harley rider and slowly passed him. At the next stoplight he told me that he thought he was about to be passed by the best sounding Harley he had ever heard. And Harley riders thought they had a lock on sounding good. Now we know. Later, Dan.
  22. Just so there is no confusion, Docc did not mean to infer that Brian is my wife. Although their avatars are similar. Later, Dan............................
  23. Mike, It sounds like you went through the correct way. Off of the Interstate. Too many people go through here only on the slab and it is BORING. Hope you were able to go through the Sand Hills. Very unique. Not really hills. They are actually stabilized sand dunes. Next time you are in the state, let me know. Usually have a home brewed IPA or two. Later, Dan
  24. My wife has started menopause, so here are some periods she won't be using..............................................................Later, Dan................
  25. Not yet, Jason. It's not time yet.
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