There is nothing new there, Martin. Lots of bored helicopter pilots waiting in some camp in the middle of some swamp in Northern Canada have been perfecting stupid fly tricks for years.
The preferred fly is the horsefly - possibly named as it seems to have the most horsepower!! The trick is to catch the fly and then crazy glue a piece of thread to its back. Then you can walk around with your little fly on a leash. This leads to making little parachutes from tissue paper. The parachute shroud lines are then attached to the flies back and it is released to fly around the camp kitchen. It usually takes 3 or 4 of them before the camp cook throws you out.
One that I helped perfect is to attach 2 or 3 toothpicks on a piece of thread and then glue the thread to to stomach of the fly. It is then released to go heli-logging!!!
This popular sport is believed to have originated from the game of sticking a piece of grass up the arse of a horsefly and letting it go. The grass will put the centre of gravity so far back that the fly can only climb vertically and not descend. If anyone has ever experienced how viscious and annoying horseflies can be they will understand the popularity of this sport.