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Everything posted by Dirtybill

  1. "This is your Captain" "My son is flying the plane"
  2. If Guzzi went to that type of engine, I think a full fairing over it would also be advisable.
  3. Remember folks, that's only an internet forum. Half the stuff may be complete BS and the other half maybe there just to wind people up. 1 thing that has changed over the years with Cops, is their attitudes. They used to have the discretionary power to either charge you or let you off. My brother retired a couple of years ago, after being a Cop since he was 19 years old. He served for 30 years. The thing he told me was that now most of the new cops are scared to make their own decisions for fear of making a wrong one which jeopordizes their careers Great! Cops who won't make a decision So, they stick by the book because they don't have the guts to do something that makes sense. The other thing I've noticed is that there seems to be a lot more weight lifting type Cops out there. Which also makes me wonder about steroid use. Some of them have the tempermanent of a pit bull. Plus, a lot of Police forces are having a hard time recruiting people, they have a quota of visible minorities to hire, so it makes me wonder if the standards have dropped. Instead of hiring people with common sense it's now more important to have a degree in anything
  4. I know someone who rode her 1100RT down there and didn'thave any problems but she took the train part of the way and back, and then continued on. KLR650s are easy to find used and inexpensive, so I'll probably be searching for one of those, as we want to do some dirt riding. DR650s and XR650Ls are good also. KTMs tend to be pricey.
  5. Lots of similarities between flying and riding, I find. The old engines have a certain Guzzi style too I'll leave BMWs out of the equation for now
  6. Now that's funny
  7. I feel a rant coming on What's wrong with old bike magazines and dirty coffee cups? Old buildings and the smell of motor oil?? Mechanics in dirty clothes?? Parts guys who don't have to look everything up? These same Parts guys will put the phone caller on hold immediately instead of the person in front of them!! Those were the days! And what I really miss, is the Shop Dog!! Usually a German Shepherd or some other breed that is known for it's watchdog capabilities, but this one is in his senior years and would rather be petted than do anything else. Ahhhh...reminds me of my old Mike Hailwood shirt which reads..."When Men Were Men" I feel better now.
  8. Hey Roadslayer. A few of us are planning to go to Copper Canyon in October of this year. Any tips on the most fun roads for dual sport 650s would be appreciated. I'd take my 400 but without some major seat surgery I'd go through a case of Anti-Monkey butt powder btw, we'd be trucking/trailering the bikes to Arizona.
  9. I just saw this thread today If I'd have known about it on time, I could have come down from Vancouver on the V11 and we could have switched from the motor home to the bike on the Cascades highway. Here's a tip Jaap, next time, come north to British Columbia for a bit, where your money will be worth at least 20% more than it is in the USA. And if you feel the need for a ride, I can take the R1 and you can ride the V11, or vice versa. Too bad I missed this, cos at the time I also had 2 dual sports we could have ridden up into the hills.
  10. I've been to this once so far and it was well worth it, and I don't know much about aircraft!! It's about an hour north of Seattle Wa. Some good riding around this area as well. http://www.nweaa.org/tour.html
  11. Here's another one. I know the brand but not the model.
  12. LOL!!!!! I've got one of those too!! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAP...ssPageName=WDVW
  13. Dirtybill

    Scura R

    Don't feel bad. A friend has ordered the new Speed Triple and they keep pushing the arrival date back. Last he heard it was April, which of course means May
  14. Ya, I agree with all of the above. I'd been there before but this was the first time I was actually dealing with them in regards to a bike. Unfortunatly, the timing/money thing isn't working out for me yet but the next week or so could be different. I like the shop. Small and purposefull, just like the shops were when my older brother started riding and I begged to ride on the back. I dunno what it is, but these large well lit car showroom type places immediately breed a feeling of mistrust in me. I must be just old fashioned.
  15. http://www.ridesafely.com/minventory.asp?m...n=&AuctionDate= If you register, there's other bikes on there from around the US in various states of disrepair that you can bid on. This is the only current Guzzi.
  16. LOL!!!!!!!!! You're in trouble, because I like it too Just the bare necessities
  17. Hmmmmmmm....Juan's not tall, around 5'7" or 8 and the reach to bars doesn't look as bad as I thought it wood. Legs look bent up though.
  18. Here's another one if anyone wants a parts bike. Located in California. You have to register to view more details. If you register, you get monthly or bi monthly updates on their inventory. They call it a Centauro but the pic tells you what it is. http://www.ridesafely.com/minventory.asp?m...n=&AuctionDate=
  19. Some people live in a motorcyclist's dream land. http://www.visordown.com/forums/showthread...807#post2626807
  20. http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=4114
  21. Age is just a state of mind, isn't it? That's what I keep telling myself anyway
  22. Here's one of Juan's MVs. He's the guy who lent me his FZ1 to ride around the IoM. http://www.mvagustamadness.com/phpBB2/albu...c.php?pic_id=41
  23. LOL! Thats like the interior of this province. You can pay to go on a cattle drive on ranches. I grew up on a farm and I can't fathom NOT being payed to do it
  24. Ya, it is fun and I think that's been lost on a lot of the newer bikers. It used to be part of the "experience" of owning a bike and it's rewarding to know that you fixed it or added something to the bike that no one's thought of before. My theory is that years ago, most bike owners were largely blue collar guys who knew the basics of turning a wrench. Now it seems that most bikers are computer techies who could fix my computer no problem but haven't a clue as to how to change the oil and filter, and what's worse, imo, don't want to know how. Personally, I find it a bit scary if I was on a long distance trip and didnt know the basics if my bike broke down. I guess it's just a carry over from when bikes weren't as reliable as they are now.
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