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Everything posted by Allan56

  1. What about the crossover/balance pipe of the exhaust connecting the headers? Do you have that and is it tight? Allan
  2. Hi All, I am looking for the red spark plug caps (off a 2002/3 Le Mans) with side entry for the wire. Any Ideas where I could source these from? Thanks Allan
  3. Hi All, Does anyone have right hand clip handlebar for a 2002/3 lemans? I don't need the whole clipon but just the aluminium pipe which holds the switches etc. If not, does anyone know where I can get one rather than paying the $400 odd they want for the full part in Oz Thanks Allan
  4. Thanks Tom for the link. And thanks BFG for the photos to start with. The write ups now make more sense. Allan K
  5. Hi All, I finally had the pawl spring go on my 02/03 Lemans at 83000klms. I have had look at all the old posts but I can't seem to get any photos up it just says "picture posted". Is this because the postings are so old? If so does anyone have a few old the old posts saved with pictures. It looks like a job for this weekend to pull the plate off and have a look inside. Measure the boss and see whether it is 16/15 mm and put the new spring on. Thanks Allan K
  6. Had mine opened recently. recalibrated and closed . Expert work. Can't even tell they had been touched and now are steady and accurate. Google Otto Instruments in Brisbane Australia. Allan K
  7. Rob, The exhaust crossover shims were made/sold by MPH Cycles Inc from Texas. They cost about $75 Australian (plus postage) when I got mine in 2006. Allan K
  8. "After all if Ratchet and I can agree on something (although disagreeing about the semantics) it must be TRUE" Holy shite. is that an agreement? But don't bring me into that
  9. Well, I really hope that Obama does well and turns around the negatives of the Bush administration, HOWEVER, as my da once said, "The only decent person that ever went into Parliament House was Guy Fawkes"
  10. Sorry about that. I'm in Bundaberg Austalia, more or less just up the road from Pete Roper
  11. Hi Mark. Good to see you on another forum besides the Norge. Does the Tenni take a Guzzi top box too? Allan K Bundaberg
  12. Sloppage or windage, who cares what its called, it works a beauty. Pete, sorry to hear about your family worries. I've got my plate on my VII, but my son needs a sloppage plate too so please add another to the list Allan
  13. Since I bought my Lemans new in 2002 I had the same problem. Like Baldini, Redline Shockproof heavy stopped the very very slow/minute leak from the rear of the gearbox onto the xover.
  14. Thanks Disco. Guzzi@50, I'll send you a private e-mail so as not to clutter up the forum. Allan
  15. Hi Guzzi@50 Let me know if Disco doesn't want to buy your clipons etc as I have a mate who bought a ballabio recently and wants to make it look really cool. He wants to turn it into a LeMans and is looking for all the parts he can find to go in that direction. Anyone else interested or got any parts could they let me know. Thanks Allan
  16. Well I think that despite buying my LeMans in 2002, I must have a 2003 model. They must ship early to Australia to make sure they get here in time. Always classed the LeMans as a 2002 but as I understand from most of the reading about specs etc I think it's classed as a 2003 model. I understand the 2003 model came with the first internal fuel pump/filter. Is that right? Anyway, question. I want to change the fuel filter but don't want to rush in (excuse the pun). Any secrets once the tank is off. Is there a replacement seal/gasket between the bottom plate and tank? how does the filter connect to the pump etc. I generally prefer to have the parts on hand before I pull anything apart so any help would be appreciated before I rip it out. Allan
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