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Everything posted by Ballacraine

  1. The plunger on mine was worn flat. The new one was domed. Nige.
  2. Yes I suppose it may be salvageable. It really depends on the amount of wear on the plunger. You might be there again quite quickly if it is worn. Nige.
  3. I would agree on that. I had a similar symptom on My MuZ Skorpion. That is the check I did and a new neutal sensor switch did the trick. Nige.
  4. My pleasure, Bob! Objective achieved. Nige.
  5. You have that one right. I would rather own and ride on the road a carefully tuned tractor than a detuned tempramental racer looking for somewhere to grenade. ( Yes, I have replaced the single plate clutch on the Scura! ) Nige.
  6. Wow that is so true! Usually there is little rider involvement using the damn thing, let alone maintaining them. Most barely know how to put fuel in let alone pump up the tyres or adjust a final drive chain! ( For those who haven't seen the light! ) Hello...Well, we are certainly amongst friends here then! Well, I can sympathise with that view. It is exactly the way I felt before I bought my Scura. I still think pretty well any of the Tonti big twins are a viable practical road motorcycle, even after all these years. That in itself is a very worthy testament to the people that designed and made them. Loops whilst still being very worthy, I suspect the drum braked variants may not be up to modern traffic conditions? Guzzis have never been 'mainstream.' The nearest they ever came was the V50 series, where for a heady fifteen minutes Guzzis were 'fashionable.'...... LMI as Pete says has fallen victim to the cult status syndrome. To a lesser extent I think the V7 Sport and 750-S3 have fallen in there too. I think the LM2 is very underrated. It's looks didn't suit all. It's headlamp was crap and taller folk didn't fit behing the fairing lowers, but it made a very competent mile-eating sports tourer. I never forgot that so when I was thinking fairings I used that as a starting point. Anyway to step a couple of decades back I don't really know where Guzzi is going, but I do know that the V11 with all its shortcoming is a fine practical motorcycle, when the glitches are sorted. I hope the Breva line, and anything else they come up with proves to be as adaptable and durable. Nige.
  7. I would reckon your best bet, if no folk can advise, is to take the cover to a motor factor and get them to match it from swatches. Nige.
  8. Off something Jap I think? R1 or sommat like, I would guess. I don't much care for it TBH...A very poor fit under the belly area looking at DSCF0553 a front 3/4 view. Nige.
  9. Thanks, Greg. I always had an idea of how it was going to look in mind...and kept on cutting and filling till it worked. A bit like the sculptor who when asked whether he used a model for his elephant sculpture said, 'No, I just kept chipping away the bits that didn't look like an elephant!' BFG Thanks. The exhaust brackets came with the Scorpion works titanium cans and x over. The cans needed to sit too high to use the standard hanger with pillion footrests. Nige.
  10. Hmmm.. Looks like this is too much of a niche interest for folk to be bothered about it! Nige.
  11. I always suspected it was in your blood! Nige.
  12. When I suggested blasting I was intending when the motor was stripped down. If you were going to attempt it assembled, it would have to be very well bunged and masked. Also there are other media other than sand. Perhaps bead blasting may be more effective? You would have to enquire of somebody better versed in this area than me TBH Nige.
  13. Right, this is the offending article. One of the torx head screws put up a real fight. Busted my cheap T bar and also on a later attempt the Torx bit! Ended up having to drill the head off it! I took it into work today to get it crack tested. I am not expecting it to show damage TBH, but as I said earlier there were two bolts in the central hub looser than I would have liked. Here is the shallower Scura single plate clutch hub centre: On this shot you can see the deeper splines and smaller bore of the twin plate five speed clutch hub centre on the right, compared to the removed Scura single plate six speed clutch hub centre. I had to order up a twin plate 6 speed clutch hub centre to to the job. Nige.
  14. Aye, it came out very nicely. I always think those graphics make it look like 70mph at a standstill! The painting was done by a professional spray painter friend of mine. Fortunately, I had some pics I took of my S3 as references when I was masking up. I just scaled from the photographs and improvised for the chevrons on the lowers. This is not my S3 but a fairly original one advertised on ebay I thought about following the trend of the black and gold limited edition LMII, and echoing it on the cockpit fairing. I decided against that as I thought it would be too fussy and cluttered. I prefer the cleaner simpler S3 graphics anyway. These pics are of a fairing that came up on ebay. Nige.
  15. Pleased you like it. I was aiming for something that looked like it might be a factory model. Colour scheme and graphics are taken from my old 1975 750-S3. Fairing is a modified Le Mans II ie early eighties. IMO a more effective fairing with a more svelte look than the large dolphin half fairing as fitted to the V11 Le Mans. Besides that would have been too easy! Nige.
  16. Aye I could do that if a few folk are interested. Wouldn't want to bore folk with it. I took plenty of WIP photos. Believe me though, it is not as simple as it may look! Nige.
  17. Quite agree with that.. That is why I went my own way with the LMII fairing conversion. Nige.
  18. IIRC Oil blow out was a bit of an issue with Tontis if they were filled / overfilled in any case. The trendy thing used to be go with a deeper sump or....... Most folk just put less oil in and left them shy of full. Nige.
  19. Hi there, folks! Finally got this finished today... Here she is... TADAAAAA! Had a quick spin and as I expected it works superbly for my intentions! Nige.
  20. Hey cool it worked.... Thanks to Pauls guidance! Thank you again, Paul! More tomorrow. TTFN Nige.
  21. OK Here is how I set up. Not elegant but it was stable..... Since then I got lucky on ebay and have the proper stand with wheels ( If this post works with the attachments I should be on a roll for tomorrow! ) Nige.
  22. Just got her up and running after the swap to a V10 clutch assembly. Very, very happy with it. Not quite as snappy as the RAM unit but still light years ahead of the Tonti boat anchor I was used to before. I is a well happy bunny today! Fitted the topless airbox ( mmmm kinky! ) and LMII fairing while I was at it too. Resprayed S3 Spare tank on too Standard ECU and Skorpion factory exhaust. It popped farted and then settled very quickly. Pulls strong and clean throughout the rev range. All worked and looks well and dandy Now all I need to do is learn how to get images in this bit and I will start a new thread with pics. Nige.
  23. OK done it. Got pics which I will upload to a new thread when I know how you get pics in this bit! Nige.
  24. Right got the job done and have pics. Can't seem to get them uploaded though! Nige.
  25. Not sure about this one TBH. I don't like these pressure washers for use on bikes... It is not just the alternator it finds its way into. I haven't reached the point where I need to attack my engine paint yet. If it were me I would live with it until the first teardown and then get it blasted...... HHmmmmm. If you are looking for a patch-up job..... I think it may be better to wire brush it. That way you would get off the corrosion underneath the flaky paint too. Nige.
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