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Everything posted by Ballacraine

  1. Good grief! No, I couldn't bear that crummy Fiat 126 headlamp unit again!! A little while longer and I will post pics...... Hoping to get it back together tomorrow....... ( I hope that hasn't cursed the job! ) Watch this space.....but don't hold you breath! Nige.
  2. I would imagine the lemans screen is a bit more effective, and at least there seems to be some options for fitting a lipped blade to it to raise the turbulence a little further out of the way. I looked for options for replacing the blade on the Scura flyscreen and came up empty. That was when my mind flew back to the pleasant experience with the Le Mans II fairing.....and led to a fair bit of extra work Nige.
  3. Would an adjustable lever help? Nige.
  4. I don't know if the Scura one has a different blade on it, but I always find it too low, unless I am in the boy racer crouch, (which i am too old to be bothered with! ) Nige. Edit: A small flyscreen CAN be very effective if it is set up correctly.
  5. Careful now! I still get a nervous twitch when somebody mentions a lightened clutch! Nige.
  6. I am very close with finishing my LM2 faired Scura! I'll be posting pics fairly soon now! Nige.
  7. That is precisely why I have three bikes. I like the soul of the Triumph Triple engine. Not hugeley powerful in the guise I have, but smooth, comfortable and a wonderful banshee wail through the rayguns as she comes on cam. The Scura is the focused sports bike of the garage residents The MuZ is a big softie single. Fun and light for a back road rip. Comfy, spacious and pratical. Singles, V-Twins and Triples.......covered. I never really gelled with fours. Nige.
  8. Well, I read a chunk of the link.... Didn't understand much of it TBH...... A bit like the situation for the wife and kids when they get in the garage really! We would have the wife who isn't mechanically minded, two daughters 10 and 9 and a lad of 6 who are more interested in making a racket than anything else! Don't think it would help much! Nige.
  9. Sounds like you are enjoying the new experience so far! I'm pleased for you! I agree about 5 speeds being enough TBH. Hell, with a motor like that you probably only need 3 LOL The FXRS Sport I had was a 5 speed and that only needed 2. It is an alternative approach, and I hope the novelty doesn't wear off too soon. I have been tempted myself on a few occasions, but never weakened enough... .......Yet! Nige.
  10. Possible....but not likely! Anyway...That would set me back three weeks!! Nige.
  11. When I took my single plate unit out, two of the flywheel bolts were not as tight as I would have liked them to be! This was at just under 7,000miles. There was no visual evidence of any cracking, but I will get it crack detected at work when I come back off holiday, in a couple of weeks. You may find this thread of interest too: http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7181 Nige.
  12. In search of a problem that isn't there, if you are riding properly...on the road at least IMO. The way I see it is something more to wear out and / or give trouble. I am a great believer in the acronym KISS. Keep It Simple, Stupid! Nige.
  13. Right, got the Engine and Tranny back in one lump now! Won't be able to get it all nailed back together and working for a little while yet though. Gotta sort out some proper lighting in there so I get get some more hours in and............ We are away on holiday for a week from Thursday So have to put it on hold for a little while yet. Watch this space....but don't hold your breath! Nige.
  14. Even a small flyscreen can be very effective provided it is set up right. There are many variables, as each combination of rider, posture and bike is different, There are a couple of wrinkles that get you nearer the sweet spot though. Start off with the tip of the blade 12"-14" ahead of your helmet when sat normally, and the tip of the blade 1-2" below eye level. That should get you somewhere near the 'sweet spot.' Be prepared for a fair bit of trial and error before you find it though. Quite often you may have to fabricate different mounts to acheive this. If you get it right though it will be worth it. Nige.
  15. Sad but not far from the truth, I suspect! Smacks of cynical beancounterism to me! Nige
  16. They are keen enough to issue a recall for that then! Shame they aren't so consciencious about rectifying the RAM single plate clutch issue! Not that I am decrying a recall....Far from it! Nige.
  17. Right two steps backwards today! Decided the clutch plates on the s/h clutch were too knackered to want to use, so I will have to order replacements. Biggest setback though was to find that the replacement clutch centre I have will not fit on the mainshaft, the i/d is too small. Obviously the 6 speed boxes are of a larger diameter! So more emailing and bits required after all. Nige
  18. Thanks for the encouragement and moral support...Much appreciated! Well I could have said yer Dad's Brother instead but it don't have the same alliteration. Another step further forward. With the help of an excellent loaned tool ( You know who you are......A big Thank You! ) got the clutch inner body off the mainshaft with the able assistance of an unfeasably large and substantial C Spanner to lock the body & shaft. Gonna call that a night now for spannering. When I got daylight I will continue assembly. Nige.
  19. Job sussed.... Just tipped the whole plot on its nose and Robert's yer Mother's Brother! Too simple innit! Ain't gravity a wonderful invention I don't know how we managed before then! Nige.
  20. Well done, Pete! Nice to be appreciated like that! Hope you make a good living out of it. BTW I agree with Bob.... Please don't desert us! Nice one, matey Nige.
  21. OK Next hiatus..... How do you get the ratbattin' springs to stay in place whilst you assemble the b****r! Nige.
  22. OK Flywheel off. Bitch of a job getting the torx screws out. Luigi had them loctited in OK. Bust two adapters and got 5 of the buggers out. 6th one cried enough so I had to drill it out. Flywheel mounting bolts two were a little less tight than I would have liked, but flywheel appears to be intact. I will get a friend to penetrant test to be sure. Endeavours are still ongoing. Further reports later. On a side issue. I have been running the works Scorpion xover and titanium cans for a little while now. Still haven't set up the PC3. Was running sweet, but looking at the plugs seems a little rich. See what difference modifying the airbox lid will make. Again further reports later! Nige.
  23. Not yet...hope to get around to it this weekend. Nige.
  24. Aye, small world here, innit! Nige.
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