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Everything posted by Ballacraine

  1. Can't fault you on stickability! Like me, you NEED bigger pics then! Can't beat a misspent youth! Nige.
  2. Hi, folks. Before you folks leap on my case I have done a search for this, 'cos no doubt it has been done to death numerous times. Couldn't find the answer / pics I was looking for so, I am gonna ask you patient lot for advice. What air box mods give the best results on a stock motor with 'fruity' cross-over and cans, please? Is it best just to dump the lid, drill it or cut it? If so anybody any pics of an appropriate set up? I do have a PCIII but haven't fitted it yet. Any suggestions on suitable maps? It is running smooth and even, and I do not want to bugger it up Just looking to let out all the urge that is hiding in the stock motor. Thanks for your indulgence and any input. Nige.
  3. Me too.... Quite agree.... Definitely needed bigger photos to be sure. My eyesight isn't what it was! Nige
  4. Not bodge.... Neat job! Nige.
  5. Thanks for the info, Paul...... I wonder how much longer they are going to think about it..... Wait 'till some poor sod is maimed or killed, I suppose! I got zero response from Guzzi other than an acknowledgement of my contact..... Nige.
  6. Fine piece of kit, the Twinmax. IIRC they come with a selection of adaptors anyway should you need them for any other application. My experience with them is like Randy says though....I have never needed to use them. I have tried all different sorts of methods and find this by far the best. Quick, easy and accurate. Good choice. Nige.
  7. Thanks! I don't think I will be able to sleep for a week now! Nige.
  8. I don't think electric motorcycles for road use will ever get to be too much of an issue. Apart from the weight / performance ratio problems, it seems that the motorcycle market is largely driven by conservative attitudes. That is why most are nondescript 4 cylinder, garish, high performance, quiet rocketships. Look at the rotary engines......They were viable if thirsty, but never got anywhere because so few were brave or rich enough to take one on. If there had been more widespread support for them, maybe further development would have sorted out the remaining issues. Yes, 'Big Brother' always thinks we are making too much noise. He doesn't like the fact that we are 'free thinkers' and actually enjoy ourselves. I don't know what tests are done in other countries but IIRC it used to be the case in the UK that the test was not done on an even playfield anyway. Cars were tested at constant throttle openings, bikes under acceleration. Block colour....Good! Nige.
  9. Ballacraine

    Isle of Man

    Can't argue with that. Nige.
  10. Ballacraine

    Isle of Man

    Well Jock, It really depends what you want to see and how long you have. After the TT there is the Southern100 in the South of the Island which has a fair bit of classic and sidecar racing around a 4+ mile course. That is usually mid July over four days. TBH This is my favourite event of the year, but there is less going on in the way of alternative entertainment. The Island is well worth seeing itself, mind! Then the back end of August - early September there is the Manx Grand Prix. Sort of an amateur TT on the full Mountain Course that is used in the TT..not quite as fast, but you are hard pushed to notice the difference..... If you want firm dates I would have to make enquires. Nige.
  11. No chance...... That is camouflage that is..... Nige.
  12. Ballacraine

    Isle of Man

    What move to Nova Scotia? The IOM TT is now run by the Manx Motorcycle Club.... Still going strong, hopefully well past the centenary next year. Nige.
  13. Ballacraine

    Isle of Man

    Aye, some of it maybe... Nige.
  14. Ballacraine

    Isle of Man

    That is one of the great things about the place....Not just the TT, there is the Manx Grand Prix and literally a couple of miles down the road from my home we have the Pre-TT Classic and the Southern 100 on the Billown Course at Castletown. I believe it may still be on the statute books, but it has not been used for about 30 years. European human rights legislation effectively put a stop to it. Nige.
  15. Ballacraine

    Isle of Man

    Not in this case... Nige.
  16. Ballacraine

    Isle of Man

    We are part of the British Isles but not part of the UK. We have our own government...Tynwald which is the oldest continuous parliament in the world....Kicked off around 970AD IIRC. It does give us some protection against the worst excesses of the Westminster Government, which we do not elect. We are not full members of the EEC which appears to equate to reaping all the disadvantages and costs and next to bugger all benefit. I like it here though. Nige.
  17. OK I am sitting down..... They don't give a price on the website.......Not a good omen! Dare I ask..... How much then?.. Nige.
  18. Generally they appear only see things that will damage their own vehicle. 'Sod everything and everybody else, I feel safe in my tank!' ....Risk compensation? Nige.
  19. It may be just an impression I have got......... but the road discipline of your average young cyclist seems based more on Kamikaze than Tai Chi Nige.
  20. Jeez...You mean some folk don't see a TRAIN!! Well like I say...Don't rely on the one sense! Nige.
  21. A valid enough view.... Still think block colours are going to do you more favours though. A bit of audible presence can help too! Nige.
  22. Right so, block colour, go like the clappers, polish your bike and always ride on top of a hill.... Sounds fair enough. Nige.
  23. In the controversial area of increased safety measures, I would just like to put forward my personal,....possibly controversial ... unfashionable credo. Convention is that we have heavily silenced, garish multi-coloured, high power bolides and wear garish multi coloured random pattern leathers and top of the range helmets and ride with lights on. All fine and good. I can't help feeling that my alternative approach...Used sucessfully ( touch wood) for the last thirty plus years is just as valid in its own way. I have 'fruity' exhausts on a predominantly black bike, wear black two piece leathers and usually a black helmet. I only use my headlamp in reduced visibility. I can't help feeling that todays jap rocket ships are too quiet and quick for their own good on todays roads. Just a flash of headlamp in the car mirror and they are with you and gone...Quick as that! No audible warning of impending whirlwind at all. At least if you have a reasonable amount of audible presence you are not solely reliant on the visual sense of other road users. Headlamps being on in daytime can give difficulty to others in judging speed and distance. Now the human eye is set up to be driven by shape recognition. Military camouflage breaks up the outline of objects with garish multi coloured random patterns...... Sound familiar? I'll admit black may not necessarily be the most sensible choice but any block colour bike, helmet and leathers, should theoretically give you a better chance of being seen and recognised immediately for what you are. That'll do for the first postulation. Off you go then.... Nige.
  24. Those look pretty smart. Couldn't see them listed on MPS site..... Where did you find them, please? Nige.
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