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Everything posted by Ballacraine

  1. As I replied on the other headlamp thread, the current / recent naked BM's may be worth a look. Nige.
  2. Rosso Andy said that the actual glass and reflector is identical to the one used on one of the recent / current naked BM's. I realise we are comparing naked with faired, but it may be worth looking into? Perhaps the whole headlamp asembly may be compatible? Nige.
  3. SSSSShhhusssh! Sctumm! Actually I am working on something similar to that idea at the moment. ....but don't tell anybody. Nige.
  4. Agreed! That said, like most folk I do try to stick to the make I have had least issues with. I usually buy Bosch out of choice. ...but then that is just my 2 pennorth! LOL Nige.
  5. I think it was Pete, or it may have been Paul, that explained that the difference is the dual plate rattles when it is disengaged ( Clutch Assembly Rattle) and the single plate rattle when engaged in neutral ( Transmission Rattle exascerbated by a lightened flywheel especially when the tickover is too low). IIRC Nige.
  6. I hear you, Brother! Time to explore alternatives, methinks! Nige.
  7. What are the chances of a hybrid unit? Single plate tranny end.... Tonti flywheel engine end? Nige.
  8. Buried in one of these threads there was a photo of a 'modern' RAM unit which showed the boss profile was noticeably thicker than a shot of one from a broken Scura. Agreed. That steel ring would have to be properly deburred and prefrably radiused to prevent causing stress points. Thanks for additional info re the Tonti clutches....Looks like we could do with more input on that from the gurus..... ( I hope they will pick up on this ) Nige.
  9. Not only that, but it seems that the later RAM clutches carry a more substantial boss. It looks like they quietly modified it without making a big song and dance about it. Another contributory element, I suspect that Pete may well be onto it with his bolts slacking off as the washers bite into aluminium hypothesis. That and perhaps aluminium is not the best material of choice for the application in the first place. Just another two pennorth Nige
  10. Well, I'm still here with the Ninja Manx Vikings Nige.
  11. I would like a full set too, please? TIA Nige.
  12. OK A bit of lateral thinking ...trying to look at all options here... Is the twin plate clutch / flywheel assembly from the earlier Guzzi's still compatible with the V11. Say for instance, would you be able to put a Tonti Le Mans clutch in as a direct swap? Nige.
  13. Agreed, taking material away from the boss is crazy. Little benefit and maximising failure hazard. Hasn't the latest RAM design gone back to a more substantial boss? Nige.
  14. Would it fit a V11? Anyone know? Just wondering if it could be modified? What you reckon? Nige.
  15. If that lot don't fix it, maybe think about wheel bearings. Nige.
  16. Well KB, I sympathise with your concerns... I was planning to do something similar myself this winter. TBH it doesn't look like that is going to happen though....Too many other expenses on at the moment. Best of luck and be sure to keep us informed of results, please? Nige.
  17. A bird can fly, but a fly can't bird..... I wonder why? How absurd. Nige.
  18. Ballacraine

    02 Scura

    Well, that is why I chose my words carefully. Not only that..... but it also depends if anybodys been in there afterwards anyway. Nige.
  19. My crossover ain't a Stucchi, but I would agree with your surmising! Nige.
  20. Ballacraine

    02 Scura

    Well, so far as I am aware they should both have a similar clutch. Did you ride both, did they seem comparable? Apart from the sharpness of pick up a single plate assembly rattles with clutch engaged in neutral ( transmission backlash rattle) and the twin plate when the clutch is disengaged ( clutch rattle ). Nige.
  21. Ballacraine

    02 Scura

    Other than the single plate clutch, the Ohlins is the major difference, but the Scura has some nice CF bits too! I really like the brisk pick up with the single plate though! Nige.
  22. Why not just use plastic number plate screws? Very unlikely to come undone and don't need to be done up really tight. Nige.
  23. In the mid seventies to mid eighties at various times I had a selection of wideline and slimline featherbed Nortons, with a variety of odd engines. Oddest.....Wartburg 3cyl 2 stroke Water Cooled car engine with a 180 deg crank. The one that I missed by a couple of days that I never forgot? A race prepped H2R Kawasaki Triple 2 stroke...That would have been awesome in a wideline....or even a slimline, for that matter! Nige.
  24. Either would do for me too! Nige.
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