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Everything posted by Ballacraine

  1. Over here the 'little people' are the 'fairies.' Nige.
  2. Oh Crikey no need for an apology....Just me rushing too much and not making my intent clear Reference the coming loose angle...To be honest, if it was a major issue, I'm sure we would have heard of more instances of it. Yes, that has to be probably the neatest place to siamese, restricts options for sticking an oil filter in there I suppose. Personally, I never have had any problem with dropping the sump off. I like to keep an eye on what is going on in there on a routine basis. That said I am not particulary impressed with the V11 sump variation....Seems neither fish nor fowl. When I cam to do my first oil / filter change I investigated the situation...Found a tool to undo the inspection plate. Undid that...OK so far...I had already bought an aftermarket 'socket' to remove the filter. Offered it up, would it budge ....would it **** ! Right Can't get a strap wrench on.....b*****r! Right I just hope the sump comes off with the filter in situ......Right...Got a break there.... .......Strap wrench.....Nuffink! Just slips round.....Chain wrench...same again. Right big chuffing screwdriver through it....Nearly tore it in half but finally it came undone.....The little sod put up a fair fight there Got a dab of grease on the threads on the new un......Hope it don't fall orft! Nige.
  3. Hmmm....Could well be....Bit of a coincidence if they aren't related! Recent 'improvement' referred to the Griso modification BTW Nige.
  4. Yep I would go for that one, but don't use it for commuting! Breva 750? Small blocks have always seemed to be marginal reliability wise, so I have always avoided them. A friends wife has one and although she loves it it has been troublesome. Seem to be fragile. It ran the mains last month Cue Breva 750 owners saying 'I have done 150000 miles on mine and never changed the oil and it has never missed a beat!' Nige.
  5. Yes we have a lot of that around these parts! Nige.
  6. Right gotcha..it is sitting at the delivery end of system.....OK not good if it comes adrift then! Recent 'improvement.'......Well, progress ain't necessarily in a forward direction! Nige.
  7. In the very unlikely event of the filter coming loose, if it is internal no real harm done, I wouldn't have thought. Usually TBH you quite often get the opposite problem....Getting the b**tard thing off! If it is external, as said before by BFG, it is exposed to damage and/or if it does come adrift, either way you have a big puddle on the floor! As regards extra cooling...Well, an extra deep sump may be an option, with additional cooling area, but don't junk the cooler, or be tempted to slosh too much extra oil in. Accepted wisdom in the '80s used to be that it was better to run a little shy of full to prevent blowing it out of the breather as well as giving the old seals a hard time. I don't honestly know if that is still relevant though. I feel it might be. I don't like to be negative here, but if you are talking of commuting duties, I would be tempted to use a hack anyway....Save the pride and joy for pleasure only....and keep the hell out of cities? To sum up really, I'm with Guy on this. Having been in contact with Guzzis for twenty five years that is the first time I have heard of any coming adrift. Nige.
  8. Yes I had a similar set as standard fitment on my S3...Actually, I rather think I still have them. It always concerned me that if they were used in anger, they might well trash the frame? Still I suppose it is cheaper than a trashed engine. Actually having looked closer at those mountings, they look more benign and sacrificial than the very solid double bolt mount on the S3! Nige.
  9. Well, that would make life that much easier TBH Yes, I can sympathise with that problem! Thanks Jaap. Nige.
  10. Thanks for the additional info, Carl. Thanks for all input, folks. Any more variations? None of this would really be an issue if they had done the decent thing and provided the option of a centrestand! Nige.
  11. Aahhhh..Amongst our weaponry........ Are such diverse elements as....... surprise, fear, ruth... I'll come in again! CARDINAL BIGGLES!
  12. Surprise and fear! ....and ruthless efficiency!
  13. Our chief weapon is SURPRISE!
  14. Okie Dokey... Looks like I had better start documenting it with a few photographs then. Nige.
  15. No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!
  16. Well, it is interesting to note that nearly half went to the domestic market. It would be even more interesting if we had a country by country breakdown. I would expect the US & Germany to both take a fairly high percentage too. Nige.
  17. When you say clutch 'in' you mean disengaged? Nige.
  18. Thanks.....Well, I could, matey, but everything is in a state of flux at the moment, sort of a WIP. Everything is filler, alloy, sandpaper and Dremel at the moment I would rather hit you with the gob smacking finished product TBH. If you really would like WIP photos, I could maybe take some & email them to you? Nige.
  19. Thanks for the pics there Carl. The set up in the second pic looks favourite. Where is the load actually being taken? Is it able to lift both wheels simultaneously? It doesn't look like they have a local distributor to me, but once I can see how? Thanks for the info! Nige.
  20. Well, I have been searching for a way to get a screen just an inch or so taller than the standard Scura Flyscreen...... Nothing nada so far...... So in one of my not infrequent bouts of lateral (read 'alternative' ) thinking, I dismissed the standard Le Mans fairing as too much fairing and too easy. >> Waaayyy back in ooohhhh 1979 or thereabouts I tested a LM2 that a mate was thinking of buying...Very nice it was too..It had an excellent screen height for me....it also had a really naff rectangular headlamp. I thought the fairing was an excellent combination of form and function though...I know a lot of folk dumped the lowers but being a shortarse they never troubled me and gave good weather coverage. I liked the fairing so much I bought one and put it on my S3.... So up to last Summer then.... 'Right' says I.....'I'll nail a LM2 fairing on t' bugger then!' Now I would have felt really guilty if I had attacked an original pristine 20+ year old fairing, but I found a slightly doggy one on Ebay, bought it and attacked it wi' me Dremel The lowers now weigh less than half what they did. and I 'converted' them so that I don't have to take the exhausts off to fit them. The lowers are nearly done and will look smart. I am determined to retain the V11 original headlamp.....Not going to use the naff rectangular Fiat effort It ain't complete yet, but I am gunning for it to look like a standard factory option. actually it is looking very promising. I am going for the modern Guzzi 'headlamp falling out of the bottom' look I'll keep you posted if anyone is interested. Nige.
  21. Yes that would explain me not being able to think of any other name! Ta! Nige.
  22. So the main weight is taken by the rear ( centre) stand coming off the swingaing arm mounts? Nige.
  23. I would agree that get the PC3 and get it set up ASAP. It sounds like you are way out at the moment. I think I got pretty lucky with my set up. I am running Skorpion Titanium cans and stainless crossover as made for the 2002 Guzzi TT entry. I just took the standard cans off and offered up the new bits....and did a 'suck it and see' run. I noticed a significant increase in low to mid range just pulling away from rest....and what a gorgeous mellow tone! Top end is a little freer too. There is a slight hesitation from tickover under load but nothing major. Airbox will be standard I would think....( not had the tank off yet! ) No blueing of pipes, just a nice straw colour the length of the downpipes. I have the PC3 and will be looking to do other inlet mods then get it dynoed and set up properly. Nige.
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