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Everything posted by Ballacraine

  1. I marshal at the Black Dub. I agree with your sentiments! Nige.
  2. Offer it a saucer of milk & it may come out! Nige.
  3. More exclusive than that. One of three sets made by Scorpion for the 2002 Guzzi IOM TT entry Nige.
  4. Has to be black for me. Looking at the photos it looks really loooooong! The fugly can HAS to go though! Nige.
  5. The Mistral round alloys I had on before were pretty good. Sounded nice and gave a modest performance increase. Not as nice as these tho'.
  6. If fuses are blowing check ALL earths are clean and tight, not just those on the battery. In fact any dirty connection is a problem. Hopefully should make life a little easier! Nige.
  7. Yep, even small flyscreens can be very effective if the ergonomics are set up correctly. Nige.
  8. The bloke tries to be controversial and often suceeds. I doubt that he ever expects anyone to take his comments literally. He is out to provoke a reaction. He uses hyperbole to good effect. Often I find him very funny. He does get up my nose sometimes, but despite that I can't help liking the fella. I like his disrespect of the established order. Nige.
  9. If I am reading Enzo right, he is seeking his ideal motorcycle. Nothing wrong with that at all...Apart from the likelihood of ultimate disappointment. Nothing in this world is perfect and never will be...It is just a matter of acheiving an acceptable compromise. We all go through fazes of dissatisfaction with things. I have had a great variety of motorcycles in my life, some excellent, some very bad, mostly average. Not one of them has stayed standard for long. I have had some frustration and a great deal of pleasure from modifying them to suit my tastes better. I love singles, v-twins and triples the best. That is why I still have one of each in my garage. I would urge you to keep hold of at least one of the Guzzis, Enzo. When I deserted the fold in the early nineties to 'do' the Harley-thing I knew in my heart I would return to Guzzi eventually....It took a little longer than I thought....but I did and I am very pleased I did. Nige.
  10. Gary. You might consider trying UK Spec Meriden Bonneville bars. They are usually very good quality and a decent price. They may not be as wide as you may want but you might find the angle more comfortable. Nige.
  11. Doesn't do it for me either. There are more things I would junk and a few more I would put on. For me those lights, the unusual exhaust and the bmw....buellesque whatever rear number plate has to go. That is nasty and I don't mean the good 'nasty.' It was a Scura by the look of it? Nige.
  12. You mean other than 'Oh dear!' Not only did he forget the wings he forgot the cockpit canopy! Nige.
  13. Well, there are a number of programs that could have been used to do it. There is a massive...and I do mean massive 3D art community. It looks like you hit on one of its exponents. Some of their work is so damn good it is difficult to tell it apart from a photograph. Take a look at this fellas work: http://www.colacola.se/ The button for 'graphics & downloads' is a good place to start. ( If you hadn't guessed,......you hit on another area of my obsessions with that post BTW ) Nige.
  14. No problem, I can sympathise with that. Look forward to seeing you next time you are over then. Sounds promising over the headlamp, hope it works for you. Nige.
  15. Tragic! If they are going to do that why not buy some spray on mud too! I know some folks miss the point, but at least most are shooting in the right direction. If they had a sense of humour at least they would wear goggles, flying helmets false moustaches, and silk scarves with wire coat hangers in them. Nige.
  16. Won't let me post unless I put some words..... Well.....I ain't finished with it yet....Oh no Nige
  17. For me, there are 'nice' bikes and there are 'nasty' bikes. The Brevas are a 'nice' bike. ...Very Honda or BMW type 'nice.' I like the edge of the V11...In certain guises it is a good 'nasty' bike. For instance, I think what they did with the Scura made a good 'nasty' bike! 'Nasty' bikes are bikes with attitude....Now if you junk the power station exhaust of the prototype Griso and put something fruity on...There you have a really 'nasty' bike. They need nasty bikes in their line up too! Nige.
  18. Let us know how you get on with it, Andy. It would be useful info for the database. When are you over again? Nige.
  19. .......it was let out on the course...... ...but I am pleased they did. Nige.
  20. I have done a search on this and haven't come up with much. There is the Dutch fella..... TLM? What else do we have,folks? TIA Nige.
  21. From the information given you have a large air leak on the inlet. This will cause the symptoms you are describing. Check the condition of the inlet rubber and re-connect securely. Check both sides to be on the safe side. Then try it. Hopefully you should be 'Good to go!' Do not overfill with oil BTW. If these newer beasts are anything like the old Tonti Guzzis they will pump it out and can blow seals. I am not about to take the chance on that with mine anyway. Regards, Nige.
  22. Notthingham ? Nottingham is correect spelling. Nige.
  23. No, unfortunately...It is the Island's Guzzi dealer that has it.
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