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Everything posted by Ballacraine

  1. Sound advice. Stainless is the way to go for fasteners too.... Especially if you are planning on keeping it a long time. Just remember stainless threads need to be lubricated prior to assembly . Nige.
  2. What a depressing thought.... Unfortunately, you could well be close to the truth though! Nige.
  3. Agreed. I was in the grandstand when Hizzy won on the Norton. I will never forget that. I had the privelege of meeting both of them. They were down to earth dedicated, talented men. As you say, both are sorely missed. Nige.
  4. Quite so.. I suspect you are quite correct, Al. There is quite a price differential between the single plate unit & the dual plate. The dual plate is considerably more expensive. I do not want to lay out on it & wish I hadn't, if you follow me? Nige.
  5. There would be some witness seepage at least. Nige.
  6. Always difficult to diagnose from a description of a sound. It could be head gasket. If a head gasket is letting go, the noise will get steadily worse, and to varying degrees will always be present whilst the engine is running. If it is that sort it ASAP. If you leave it the mating surfaces will pick up damage from blow-by where the gasket has let go. It might also be an air leak somewhere on the intake side. Nige
  7. That is one of the characteristics I really like. Nige.
  8. Yes, that is one of the options I am leaning towards. It would appear that they have quietly redesigned the profile of the flywheel. It seems to be more substantial around the boss area. Whether this has cured 'the problem' though is still an open question. I would think it would certainly have to help though. Nige.
  9. I expect that it really depends on how much more substantial the basket / flywheel is on the two plate unit. I would expect it to be heavier in addition to the extra weight of a clutch plate. We do have centrifuges but foreigners are a little awkward. Thanks for the suggestion though. Nige.
  10. I have my eye on that. Thanks for the tip anyway! Nige.
  11. Spelling a bit dodgy, but quite correct! Nige.
  12. I have never been a believer in that. No point in papering over cracks. Get to the root cause and eliminate it if possible. That is what I am gunning for. ( Doesn't mean I am going to be 100% successfull! ) Nige.
  13. The pick up of engine speed using the single plate seems very impressive to an old Guzzisti. If possible I don't want to lose much (if any) of that. This is the root of the dilemma! Thanks for your comments, folks... Appreciated. Nige.
  14. OK, folks.... Here I am again pumping you all for information. I'll start by saying I really do like the performance of the single plate clutch on my Scura. It is a world apart from the lugubrious heavy units fitted to the 750-S3 & LM1 & 2. I am still worried about the reliability issues with the single plate unit. My question is aimed at those of you fortunate enough to have owned or ridden V11s with the twin plate and the single plate set up. How does the standard two plate fitted to the V11 compare? Does the two-plate item noticably compromise the engine acceleration? My follow-up question is, how much can the standard two-plate item be lightened? Thanks for all input. Nige.
  15. I do realise that what you say is true. I just thought if I have it in bits to resolve the single plate clutch issue, I might as well hit everything that is a known weakness while I am in there. Then put it all back together with stainless fasteners and that would be a job well sorted.......for a while! Nige.
  16. On the subject of second bikes though...... I do have a couple..... ...... A 'classic' Triumph triple..... and a British designed, Japanese engined, German built big single..... [Rolf Harris mode] Do you know what it is yet? Nige.
  17. BMWs never have done anything for me,I'm sfraid. Just don't light the fire or float the boat. Nige.
  18. Highly optimistic! Might be worth a try, though! Nige.
  19. True.... It is a very ancient symbol and is found in various places around the world. IIRC I think it pre-dates christianity. Nige.
  20. Yeah, TBH it is that single plate clutch that is nagging at the back of my mind. BTW......I think you are developing a phobia about tachos. Beer should help! Seriously, thanks for the input! Nige.
  21. To a large extent I agree with your philosophy, but I know how frustrated I get when something busts that was avoidable. I have to admit that my main worry is that single plate clutch. I love the way it performs, I really do not like the possibility of it grenading on me. I really do not like the likely manner of its failure. I know there should be plenty of warning, but knowing it is lurking there, will get to me by the end of this upcoming riding season. That is why once I am launched on replacement and amongst the innards, I want to try and sort all likely problems in the one hit. Hence starting this thread. Thanks for all the helpful input, folks! Nige.
  22. Thanks folks! Yep I am still in there! Nige.
  23. Actually, it is my birthday and I am quite well lubricated! I think that is what has brought it on. Nige.
  24. Actually, that has got me thinking....... I think the worst situation is where you have a ditherer....You are never sure where they are going to jump or quite when. It is easier to deal with a decisive action, even if it may be wrong, at least you can take positive action to counter that. Nige.
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