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Everything posted by Ballacraine

  1. But if it is a genuine RAM clutch the flywheel is composite not aluminum billet. I think John's problem is more likely down to poor assembly, if the bolts weren't torqued properly & the fact the splines were not greased might add weight to this? Do you not think so? Nige.
  2. Now that has just added confusion. I understood that the '01 Rosso Mandellos had the genuine RAM & the '02 Scuras & Tennis had the 'improved' Guzzi copy. What number is your Scura, John? Nige.
  3. Well 323, If you have a genuine RAM clutch, someone must have been there before? Nige.
  4. '02 Scura 6100miles...OK so far! Need to get the 'improved' clutch changed though. Is it worth changing the spring while they are there? Nige.
  5. You have to decide first between frame mount & handlebar mount. Once you have decided that it will clarify your options a bit. Frame mounting is the most stable, but quite often handlebar mounting is the neatest & easiest. Which way are you going to jump? Nige.
  6. I think that rather than offer up the cover to the heater as you suggest, I think you may find that soaking the cover in hot water would give a more evenly heated & pliable result. I have used this technique on many occasions very sucessfully. Nige.
  7. Thanks for info, TX. I know items quite often equate to £ for $ but when you reach that number of them, it is quite painful! Nige.
  8. I got an acknowledgement from Guzzi. 'Thank you for your e-mail to which we have paid close attention. We wish to inform you that we have taken note of your comments/suggestions which will be passed on to the corresponding department. With kind regards, Moto Guzzi Customer Services' £500+ for a RAM clutch I think they are taking the piss How much are they in the US or mainland Europe? Have you emailed Guzzi yet, KB? Nige.
  9. Ah...So that is probably why they look so weird....A handlebar fairing that isn't mounted to the forks. The one on my Scura is closely mounted to the handlebar area. I just wish there was a taller screen option for it! Nige.
  10. Well that is encouraging, Paul. Thanks for that info. Nige.
  11. I think that is a very good idea! Include a link to this thread, I did! That is the intention, KB. As far as I am aware the pukka RAM units don't grenade! Apart from the cost issue, I have to admit I do really like the freer revving nature of the single plate clutch. Nige.
  12. OK..UK suppliers aren't going to be much use to you then...... I am sure some of your compatriots will be able to help out. Nige.
  13. I agree the Ballabio set up is cosmetically challenged. Magni do a very nice frame mounted half fairing.... I bet it ain't half a price too! Where abouts are you? Nige.
  14. I left an owner's report & emailed Guzzi Customer Service at the Guzzi Website today. If I hear anything I will let you know. I am holding my breath! Nige.
  15. I had a very sucessful two into one system on a modified 750-S3. Dynos weren't around for Joe Public at the time, but it was a lot cleaner on pick-up & you could play a symphony depending on what revs you shut off from! It was pretty loud, but mellodious and not offensive! IIRC the bloke that fabricated it for me (who used to do exhausts for Vauxhall works rally cars) said that the crux of getting a two into one to work right is to have even length downpipes & have the collector 42" from the head. It seemed to work very well as friends & family had three or four more similar design systems that all worked very well. HTH Nige.
  16. Like to echo that! Thanks for the additional info on the Red issue too! BTW isn't it going to be tricky taking the sideplates off? Won't there be an alignment issue? Nige.
  17. ....Thanks for that... I was thinking the same.... Jeez! They are nice but, I think they are taking the mick there! Pleased I am not the only cheapskate though! When I bought a new bike back in 1998.... I wanted lower bars to replace the cowhorns on my Hinckley Triumph. I baulked at £110+ for bars, brake lines & mirrors. 'Well, you can have the bars & mirrors for £55.' 'Oh... no thank you!' says I...or words to that effect! I ended up with a new set of high quality Meriden Triumph UK spec Bonnie bars for £18. New mirrors & brake lines not required! It looks a lot nicer than the Hinckley standard stuff. Result! Nige.
  18. About a week back I posted to the MGCGB Yahoo group. Still no acknowledgement or comment. I appreciate that this problem is model specific, but I am amazed that there was no comment at all. It was as if the post had never been made..... Very odd behaviour, I think. Maybe they think, like Guzzi, if they ignore it the problem will go away! Big to Paul for flagging it up & all other contributors.....At least we are taking it seriously! Nige.
  19. Do you think the same will hold true for the Scura clutch issue? Nige.
  20. Thanks for that, J. I'll try & find a UK supplier, but good info anyway! Anybody any suggestions? Much appreciated. Nige.
  21. Thanks for the additional info, Jason. That looks to be a whole lot better than the iffy Guzzi effort. How much was the RAM clutch, KB? Do you reckon it would be cheaper if shipped from the US? Nige.
  22. So can I take it there are no instances of the genuine RAM clutch (as fitted to the Rosso Mandello) failing in a fashion similar to the 'improved' Guzzi version as fitted to the Scura & Tenni? Whilst this board was down I posted a fairlydetailed notification message to the Moto Guzzi Owners Club Great Britain Yahoo Group board. After a week there has not been one acknowledgement, let alone comment. I don't know why I bothered! I spoke to my dealer on this issue & he contacted Guzzi about it. The response he reported to me was that there was not a recall for it because an insufficient percentage of that model have suffered this failure! Maybe they want to wait until someone is maimed or killed! He went on to say that if he exaggerated the state of the noise of the clutch he may be able to get a replacement...but only a direct replacement of the original flawed design. I haven't given up on this yet...It is a safety issue & whoever owns the company has a vested interest in resolving it quickly. Maybe a letter to Motor Cycle News is in order? Nige.
  23. Is it just the Scuras that have exploded or have any bikes with the genuine RAM clutches expired spectacularly? Nige.
  24. Another factor may require clarification too. Are the OE fitments RAM clutches or Guzzi copies. If they are copies are the genuine RAM clutches going to be OK? Does their construction differ? Sorry if these questions have been asked & answered elsewhere. Nige.
  25. Thanks for the information, Paul. I'll bend the dealer's ear on Monday! Nige.
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