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Everything posted by Ballacraine

  1. It is a family excursion...with car, wife and 3 kiddies. Nige.
  2. Talking of ferries... I am on one to Dublin tomorrow. Planning on taking in the Ulster GP later this week. Nige.
  3. Well, I have sat and looked at her for a little while........... I have decided that she deserves a little sympathetic restoration work prior to putting her through the Manx registration test. In this, I am working on the theory that if she looks the part she should sail through. Not that there is much wrong with her having confidently covered 400 and odd miles with minimal prep work. Don't worry, she will be kept pretty much standard. There is no need to do my 'retro' thing here...She is already the real deal! Nige.
  4. Surprisingly enough, a small flyscreen can be very effective in deflecting the wind blast, if you can find the 'sweet spot.' The sweet spot is different for every combination of rider and machine. There are all sorts of variables at work here. Rider stature, preferred riding position, screen shape and handlebars are major ones. Don't be afraid of making up new bracketry. It is often the case that the standard supplied brackets will not allow you to mount the screen in an effective position for you. Experiment, and be prepared to tear down and make revised bracketry. As a rule of thumb that should get you somewhere close as a starting point. Sit in the posture you would normally ride. The upper tip of the screen should be 1 - 2" below eye level and 12 - 14" in front of your helmet. Hope this will be of use to someone! Nige. Thanks. I am very pleased with the way it turned out. Nige.
  5. Colour me impressed, Ratchet! I like your philosophy there! Concisely expressed. I'll just take the liberty of deleting the cigar ( Shame I used to like them ) and Brandy ( Once again used to like that too! ) and inserting a couple of real ales That is one of the few nourishing indulgences I am still allowed! Nige.
  6. The easy option would have been just to stick a V11 Le Mans fairing on. Well, apart from that being too easy, TBH I don't particularly like the lines of it. Also I felt I wanted to echo a bit of the history of the marque. I don't know how far back you can remember, but I had a '75 750-S3 throughout the eighties. That is what prompted the 70's tank badges and graphics. I always liked the look of the LM2 fairing, especially after riding one a fair way once. As a result of that, I fitted one to my S3, and was very happy with it for the rest of my time with the bike. The only thing I didn't like was the really naff rectangular headlamp. So I decided I would make one fit the V11. I wanted to retain the standard V11 headlamp so, with the help of a friend modified the handle bar mounted top fairing to suit. There was a lot of work to make it fit, and most of the damaged original LM2 fairing was Dremelled onto the floor! I am very happy with the way it turned out though. Nige.
  7. I didn't get on with the too low Scura screen either..... This is what I did. I could have put a V11 Le Mans fairing on........but that was wwwwaaaaaaayyyyyy too easy! Nige.
  8. Well, I got it back home in one piece. Rode up from London to Manchester, overnighted with a friend, then on to Heysham and home. The little old lady never complained, once we were outside of London. Not bad for a twenty nine year old in need of TLC Well happy so far! Nige
  9. Yuss, I know exactly where youare coming from! Nige.
  10. Aye, they do me to be honest..... IIRC later models had a more conventional layout. I shall find out if I can retro fit them. Nige. You are right there, Pete. I have spoken to them already and will be sourcing at least my initial refurb batch of spares from them. It is a 1977 350 Sport. Not the highly desirable first model with wire wheels and dual sided single leader drum, but the model immediately after that with cast wheels and front disc. It still has the early tank and seat though. You have to be careful because there are a few Stradas dressed up as Sports going about. BTW There was a dossier on the model in the July Classic Bike! Looking forward to invading England tomorrow to liberate this poor oppressed little bike! Nige. Aye, I reckon so too! Nige.
  11. Well, Joe. Only you can tell how much each bike appeals to you. My opinion for what it is worth, is that whilst Ducatis are cracking bikes to ride...I wouldn't want to own one. Another negative of late is they have gone to really quirky styling, 'Classics' excepted. I went away from Guzzi for about ten years, trying diferent bikes, but I came back to them, because of their basic robustness and they are like big boys meccano to work on! Nige.
  12. I have been reading up on them..... I haven't heard of any particular problem in that area.... Got any further detail on that, please? Nige.
  13. Fell in lust immediately! Go on...have a tilt at what it is.....It shouldn't be that difficult! Nige.
  14. Y' mean you would consider using it with a louder HONK? Nige.
  15. Well, I got a spare airbox lid and hacked off the top. Slapped it on. Yes, it is certainly noisier; but not as much as I expected, especially so given I have mounted a LM2 fairing on it. Paradoxically, this may have quietened it by keeping the clatter reflected low and away. That given, I is a bit of a deaf git anyways! I am running Skorpion Guzzi Works crossover and Titanium cans. I have a PC3 but have never got around to fitting it. Much to my surprise the bog standard ECU seems to be coping OK. I haven't done dyno or plug chop, but it pulls cleanly and eagerly throughout the rev range ( To infinity and beyond!!! ) without any stutter or glitch. Obvoiusly, there will be more there if I get my act together with this, and get the PC3 and dyno organised. Nige.
  16. Thanks for the info on that ,John... It sounds promising. The next time it explodes I will try that! Nige.
  17. Promises, but like the sponsoring company, doesn't deliver! Nige
  18. Way to go!.....Another scatter bomb! Nige.
  19. To be fair to them, probably, yes. None of that genre expect to win. That said they would be safer in parades than racing, as they can get in the way of the serious racers. Nige.
  20. Well, the Scura came with it on. I never quite saw the point of putting CF over stainless cans though I like the way it looks, and that bit won't rust! Nige.
  21. Just as valid anywhere if you are getting a bit precious about weight saving. The number of classic racers I see over here with pristine expensive lightened parts on their machines and the riders are approaching twenty stone. Nige.
  22. I trust I am not in the company of the sort of people that will spend barrowloads of money and time saving a pound on the mass of their bike, then celebrate by having a blow-out at the local pie shop and come out 4 pounds heavier! Nige
  23. Wots the use of stickin it where no bugger can see it! Nige.
  24. A few basic guidelines for vehicle electrics. Most are common sense really: 1) Ensure all contacts are clean and tight. ( Important one this! ) 2) Make sure that all wire routings are clear of snagging or chafing. If you are adding to an existing loom for any reason, ( modification or repair ), make sure you are a little generous when cutting length, so you don't get any tension on the wire during use. 3) Ensure wire insulation is in good condition. 4) Never defeat recommended fusing with metal foil or upgrade of fuse rating if the rest of the circuit is unchanged. Fuse ratings are given for the load in a circuit. If they keep blowing there will be a good reason for it. Specifically regarding your 30 Amp fuse. It sounds like you may have excess resistance in the circuit. This will generate heat. I would do a check for dirty / loose connections for starters, if only to eliminagte this from the possible causes. Hope this at least points you in the right direction. Nige.
  25. Aye, there is a correlation there to our situation with the EU too. Nige.
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