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Everything posted by velofish

  1. Edit: next meet is August 8th @ 10:00 am. I posted this on Craigslist: http://morgantown.craigslist.org/mcy/5073371030.html Having a coffee and conversation type meet for Brit and Euro bikes. Maybe also adventure or sport-touring types? Just something a little different than the usual Cruiser-centric events. Second Saturday of the month at Rising Creek Bakery in Mt. Morris PA. July 11 around 10:00 a.m. Good twisty roads to get there or easy access from I-79. Casual, just a chance to see other interesting bikes and bullshit. BTW, Rising Creek has excellent meals and coffee- not just a bakery. Bakery website, complete with directions: http://risingcreekbakery.com/ You can email or text if you're interested, or just show up. I got the idea after meeting a guy on a modern Bonneville there and we both had a good time bullshitting. In this part of the country, it's mostly Harleys, so it was nice talking to somebody on something else. So far, I've had interest from guys on Triumph, Norton, Ducati, BMW, and a Vintage Honda. I've no idea who will actually show up, but I'll be there eating a good pastry and drinking a good cup of joe. Feel free to pop by if you're in the neighborhood. edit: Here's the FaceBook page with updates: https://www.facebook.com/groups/421360231402950/
  2. Ahhhh, Samuel Smiths. Nectar of the Gods.
  3. Almost 7:00 pm. Made some spicy BBQ that the SO may turn her nose up at. More for me! Drinking beer outside, Great Lakes lager, and relishing a great day- no rain. Lately, it's like living in Scotland. Constant rain and unintelligible natives.
  4. Like this Docc? or I hope to take it out for an inspection tomorrow, so hope to get in some more miles and impressions. So far, I'm thinking I won't go back to a 160 or 170.
  5. Oh, and the last Pirelli Diablo Strada lasted 4,845 miles before cord showed.
  6. Here it is mounted: Due to work and rain, rain, rain, finally got out for a short ride. (Before today's thunderstorm) Turn in is quicker, and the bike feels lighter all over. Only got it up to about 70 or 80 (original speedo- it wobbles , but it certainly feels stable there. Was out on a road that has just been gravelled-- it's a local habit where they scuff a road up, tar it, then plop a bunch of gravel on it and let the cars pound it into the road-- so didn't really push it in the turns, but I think it'll be fine. I'm no Kenny Roberts, so I value feel more than ultimate grip.
  7. Here it is mounted, the new 150. Width is:6 3/32"155 mm Looks round. Unfortunately, due to work obligations, I won't be able to get a ride in for another fortnight or so, but I'll let yinz know how it rides.
  8. 160/60 Pirelli Diablo. The sport touring version.
  9. Thanks Docc. I'll stick with the 150 and see how it works. I'm pretty sure I've used a 150 before.
  10. Crap. Just checked the manual and it did come with 170 originally. I could swear I ran a 150 before. Will I be ok with the 150. In the middle of allergy season here and I feel like my head's stuffed full of cotton balls. Apologies.
  11. No kidding, they go from 'hmm, looks a bit worn', to 'eek! it's a terminator tyre!' in no time. I put Avon 3d's on mine and they are bloomin marvelous- best tyres I've ever used. Yep, went frorm looking a bit worn to showing cord about 150 miles later.
  12. Wait, I thought that the original fit was a 160? It was a 170?
  13. Looks like the Angel St is the replacement. Any feedback, comments? Also, I'd like to switch from the 160/60 to the 150. 150/70 is the replacement size? Thanks, and sorry for the tire thread.
  14. I think, (a rare occasion) that the Benelli engine was made by Guzzi.
  15. Very disappointed in Sierra Nevada. They opened an east coast USA brewery and are turning out some chalky, insipid, beers. Too bad. Fortunately, Great Lakes in Cleveland is still doing a great job. Really, they don't make a bad beer. Tonight, it's their Kolsch. Fantastic for hot weather.
  16. I doubt that it's supercharged. Maybe a heavy duty pancake filter?
  17. Not a Scotch but picked up some Bulliet bourbon. After years of Jamesons I'm trying something new. Single malt? Heretical, I know, but never found one that I liked.
  18. Good work, Jaap. FN-- I thought that one would be harder. No idea on the new one. It's American, really? Looks British.
  19. Now here's a puzzler:
  20. yeah, I do know that. But there are good IPA's and bad IPA's. Too many brewers overhopping lousy ales to hop on the bandwagon. Personally, I like IPAs, but simply shoving a mess of hops into the beer doesn't make it good in my book.
  21. I won't be a repeat customer. Sierra Nevada is known for hoppy, somtimes very hoppy, beers. This is a program where Sierra Nevada works with other breweries to make a new and interesting beer. In this case, it's a rather bland lager with hops thrown at it. Unremarkable. Which brings me to my main complaint about the current popularity of IPA's-- too many breweries using an abundance of hops to mask uninteresting beer. To be fair to Sierra Nevada, I like most of their products and thier Celebration Ale is worth looking forward to every year, but they are the exeption to the rule.
  22. Sorry, I've forgotten how to do that. I'll have to figure it out.
  23. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eisenacher_Motorenwerk Eisenacher Motorenwerk (EMW) was an East German manufacturer of automobiles and motorcycles based in Eisenach. EMW also entered Formula One as a constructor in 1953, but participated in only one race, the 1953 German Grand Prix. EMW logo One of the pre-World War II BMW factories was located in Eisenach, which after the war was taken over by the Soviets, since Eisenach was situated in the Soviet occupation zone. The factory continued producing cars and motorcycles under the BMW brand, but after a lawsuit in 1952 they had to change the name to EMW instead. The logotype was also similar, but instead of the blue BMW used, EMW used red.
  24. Not quite. Try this version. Same bike model, I think.
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