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Everything posted by Anthro

  1. Hey GG sorry to see you go. This is just the web and there are plenty of great people around here, even the ones you may despice their political, religious or phylosofical stands or believes. The most important is they are right here sharing. To me diversity is the best we have as humans. Interesting things happen to me, the truth is that people's postings representing my views sometimes are so poorly done, timed and targetted, that I tend to follow better my 'adversaries' . It resembles to me what may happen at a small town pub, or coffee shop... but here is cut and dryed by the keyboard. I seldom have had real problems with other memebers' postings, but at the end of the day it is always something else from the same guy that makes me laugh . One should not get so engaged about partcular any world view discussions, because here you see people from different continents, and the personal landscape should -naturally- look real different. -An Austrian girl friend said that here in the USA males are soo breast deprived, that she felt like she had to wear the top of her bikini -. back then I was not very pleasd with the local culture... but there is a bunch of great people around anyways . Golden is a good color for Guzzis, cheers to that ! Anthro
  2. Just to share... Charting your political inlcination sound a bit too american but with some humor sense here is my chart... Some of the questions are oddly designed, but since all of us were exposed to same survey so it still OK.
  3. MacDonlas is so bad quality that if you get a single instead of a double you should feel good, about not having to have that in your system. The meat patties besides a lot of fat they have a high content of coli form bacteria (comomly present in shit) Anthro
  4. I just hope he did not go to Huntsville TX where they regularly put people 'to sleep'. Anthro
  5. Be ready for pleasure, the cali is a very capable bike. About the rev counter, if you are rushing you will not glance that way, mine has one but is no use if I am into something. I hit the rev limiter only 3 times in 11.k miles. It is during relaxing driving fun and useful to have it. Remember you do not need to be on the Scura to leave the Harleys behind. Anthro
  6. ---Buell--- Yesterday it was a Buell riding in the same single lane HOV I was with the Guzzi, we could not speed up too much, but the bike looks good and solid. It does have a glorious sound that only shows when the gas is open. It does look a bit too modern to me (difficult to define). ---Piaggio--- The question is why Piaggio is doing so poorly with MotoGuzzi, would it be too expensive to market it and they want to fade away of the North american market?. Did the business model have limited funding and it was all spent on getting the models out and there is not support to actually work the market in North America. - I mean to get the project together -Dealer-Parts-Bikes-Customer-relations? Anthro
  7. Thanks Jaap Anthro
  8. Anthro

    New ride

    I am having a great experience with my California. -Even do it has the PI engine- with the Hydraulic valves-, it has been a pleasure. I got it new and now it has a bit pass 10k and to me is a big keeper. The only real problem is the tip over valve -besides that and the trip meter- nothing really... Just cruising? Some pleasent surprises I had due to unexpected perfromance for an all standard bike (I only eleminated the center muffler)... driven right it may become fast, in the right conditions it will wheel a little bit, in both first and second gear. I would not promote street racing, but couple of weeks ago I found myself together with another motorist showing off in a new shiny Harley. Shortly after we were alone at the HOV lane -long after the evening rush hour-... I knew I had it at about 90mph when i saw the HD's rear suspension struggling while the MG was solid and planted, the MG- ITI speedometer hit the 100 when I passed the HD. The Cali was totally stable and the trottle had way more on hand... at that point I would have paid the speeding ticket with pleasure, but I was fortunate... (I only get tickes while riding 35 in 30 mph zone). I has the mg engine look It is great for a siesta too Anthro
  9. TX if you are a mental patient, you are clearly begging for some help. Again: how sad Anthro
  10. I worked for too long as a forensic expert to be able to agree with you. I vote for poor humor sense rather anyone supporting people having or bearing a weapon (trained or not)(legally or not)(concealed or not). I have enough of that. Legal or not, that technology is just way too easy to activate... just pull the trigger. No matter who did it, it will make a hole on anything in front. Anyone that associates that technology with 'safety' or 'protection' should considere that the only thing you may get by having firearms around may be -a hole- where you did not have or want one. Anthro
  11. Your disappointment may be attendible, but let me dis-agree in regards of your opinion aboout social sciences. In fact some of the social sciences grew as a need of the Europenans (Brit) empires to control large foreign - native - populations... it is not a 'hard science' so some of the colonies -given certain conditions- kicked the empire out. Social sciences are widely utilized for population control -forming for example what Ratchethack would call collective thinking-, so your 'feel good' underwear may be 'calvin klein', or you would rather have a Coke than the real thing, or you keep allowing your tax to go to the royal house. Yes it is not hard science, but the art of monkey wrenching someone elses life has being cultivated into few realted disciplines. ----- Me I just can not stand weapons, with them is way too easy to kill. May be the problem is the desire to kill. If it is so, we may highlight living conditions and education as basic means to value life and human rights. Since there is no test to evaluate anyone about the meanings of human rights and how sincere you are about that them... I just can no see a reason to allow anyone to posses a firearm. If we consider this issues in a population rather than personal view, we should see statistics about firearms related deaths before deciding on laws about. If we follow that path, it seems that Canada's people should be allowed to have firearms and USA people should not... Anthro
  12. Not shocking, not funny, just shallow. No objections to the lady with the hyper flexible back. Anthro
  13. Are we now going to play caracter judges? Is anyone going to evocate the tough boy style and lament changes? Is anybody missing so much John Wayne? are we goiong to attempt to analyze society in terms of masculine an femenine traits? come on give me a brake! -- The UK team was brilliant and fans had all the rights to be amotional about. -- I feel that is both sad and sorry the comparizon of sports and other social issues like war. I guess death is too terrible to bring it into the public expression arena. Sports belongs to an easier domain were we may be emotionally compromised but still is just sports so we fist fight and cry about, who cares. Instead 19.000 lives are lost in a battle, that is rather too much to take... I think just the idea to compare is ill conceived !!! Anthro
  14. Shall we expect a posting from TEX right next? (we are getting the elements... a defenseless & sympathetic animal, an excuse, and the need for weapons). I do not believe the guys at MPH had to capture and kill anything to get this fine oil into my MG. The time I done it my self I got the cheapest synth available, I do the same with my car. I just avoid the Wamart brand, I do not know if it is good or not, I just do not want to find out the hard way. Why I use synth?, Synth just feels better when the air cooled bike is exposed to traffic and red lights specially in summer... In those conditions mineral oil gives up quicker... I experienced it in my first bike, in the late 80's where synth. oil was being introduced where I lived. Anthro
  15. Anthro

    V11 pillion feedback

    I would not enjoy a bike that will prevent me to feel the sweet pressure of my wife's breasts on my back, even if I have to stand some extra force on my arms for few hours... It gives you and extra itch while braking but that is just me... I am glad my MG sports is pillion seat is rather small and uncomfortable enogh and without a standard grab-rail. Anthro
  16. Hi ralph, I though of the appropiateness, but I too, related these to birthday's items rather than just hooters'. Cheers Anthro
  17. Feliz CumpleaƱos Jaap. Shake it, happy 40s Anthro
  18. This is a new angle to look at Yoga. It looks exiting for the first time !!! Anthro
  19. Rick, that was a terrible experience, I am glad you only had recoverable injuries. I am really respectful of your desition of selling the bikes, but please stand by until thiings cool off in your mind and family. Parting the MG may sound sad but you may get to recover more money that way. Anthro
  20. Hi Jb, I am commuting almost everyday (70 miles) to work on my California. Its a tonti frame, with the hydraulic valves and single plate clutch. I have the bike since 2 miles, now I have 8500 miles on it. The Bike is solid, it handles and it is quick for its class. After 5000 miles is much smoother. I have no problems with it ! I was expecting to have to work around moods (I read too much about the spine frame Guzzi .). It was not the case at all . The cam was changed at 6000 miles (it was a recall on it) but no it was not, and it is not a problem now. The Clutch makes noise indeed, but I was aware of that, and it is the same since it was new (I guess 'no change = no problem ? ). I had an non issue with the gear box, but it was the regulations of the rather complex shifter, nothing to do with the actual box. I have a California Sport Aluminum, it is a very attractive bike, BUT If you can choose, get an EV, BECAUSE, the wheels are spocked but can take tubeless, and the suspension is regulable. The standard suspension is on the hard side but I like it -nevertheless choices are nice- Now I have a dilema, to start spending to modify this bike into something even more fun, or to hold tight and keep saving for another MG... --- It is really fun to see where people attention goes when you park your 'factory standard MG' next to a shiny and customized group of Harleys. --- I'd love to have the time and money to even think about buying a bike to customize... Here is my take of your choices: If you are in the mood for a rocket I'll take the TDL base, may be remaping the FI computer would smooth the engine into a SV comfort zone.... If you crave for a great ride, and do not mind people walking around your bike, then play Guzzi. If you want to play Aladin and fly on a matress, then add a turbo to awake the dead corpse of the 883 Harley . --- The BMW, to me is another story, I really like them, my favorite is the Rockster... but - I may lack of imagination- but customizing attempts from individuals and factory, usually render a bike looking overdone, or over-styled ... The attachment is an example, in concept I should like the bike at the picture, but in flesh ??? it looks -to me like a 'million yen' (I know it is german ! ). --- It seems that you are going to have a brilliant summer I hope you keep us updated by posting some pictures. --- Anthro
  21. I just loved his bike. In my opinion he was going to have the 'Bike of the Month" anyways. It would be a very deserving gesture. I am glad Chunk approves. Anthro
  22. Congrats on your MG I have the same burst of power but mine is at about 4500rpm untill a bit past 5k rpm. To me around 5k rpms is where you want more power anyways -it feels like a turbo activates at those rpms-. (I even got a wheelie in second gear while getting out of trouble by overpassing everybody before a HOV feeder ramp. I could not believe it, then it felt soo good... as if the buried racer soul of the Tonti based Lemans was awakened for a second or two ) Mine started when I replaced the center muffler with a H pipe (mine is a California) so you may read -to free the exhaust- or getting the metal wool out of your mufflers . I had this done at 6k miles. Now I am at 8.5 k miles. I believe that this happen when you make changes at the exhaust end with out retunning the admission side (trottle bodies). If you did not have the stalling issue I'll just say learn your bike and enjoy, then get it tunned the way you want it at the next scheduled tune up. But the tune up should be done ASP because the stalling issue needs immediate attention. Anthro
  23. I loved his bike postings, very good taste. I am very sorry for your lost. Thank for sharing this terrible news with us. David
  24. Congrats Tony... Me I am at about 8500 of pleasure in my MG California, and looking forward to my second MG, hopefully not too far in the future. The power delivery of the old MG mill is realistic and full of pleasure . Anthro
  25. As most of the redneck's culture I have being exposed to: a lot of attitude, some style but a total lack of dignity. Anthro
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