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Everything posted by Garsdad

  1. My Subaru is an "Ultra-low emission vehicle" and it shuts off the fuel injectors anytime the car is coasting in gear, and runs super-lean whenever it can. It stumbles on-and-off throttle, like when I am cruising down my street at barely above idle, and it keeps shutting off the injectors, then turning them on, then off again... you can watch the fuel mileage display- every time they are off, it flashes "99.9mpg". Makes the car lurch around like I don't know how to drive a stick. Really fun when you lift off the throttle and apply a little brake to slow, then a second later the power is cut and you suddenly lurch to a near-stop. OK, it may cut emissions a little, but I can't see much of a difference in fuel mileage between mine and previous generations that other family members own that don't do this. It is a pain in the ass. If my bike ran this poorly and was this abrupt in part-throttle transitions I would just hammer the throttle all the time; kind of the same way to defeat the 1-4 shift in GM 6-speeds. As it is, if you see an 07 or newer Subaru lurching around like the driver can't drive a stick, cut them some slack- it really is the car!
  2. Dude! Wanna 44 year-old son to give these great finds to? I'm available for adoption... The only things I find locally are clapped out POS's that will require three times their finished value to make them, well, finished.
  3. I guess that would depend on which national... they may be saying the same thing about us. Not to diminish the impact of three fine Italian bikes thundering down a twisty back road, but how many bikes does it take to make a squadron? I had no plans for the National at this point; I'm not much of a "rally guy" but the prospect of riding there en mass (whatever that mass may be) is somewhat intriguing... a group of three is about all the mass I can handle.
  4. At this point, I think it may be cheaper to buy a used tank (have it checked for leaks before hand) and have it painted.
  5. That is beyond compare. The story is too cool, and the bike is even cooler! She does deserve at least one run along the coast; let us know when the event will happen and I'm sure she would have a gaggle for escort.
  6. Garsdad


    WOOO HOOO! We all get to crash at Sonic's place during the next Isle of Man TT! Wow, you take out the cost of a place to stay, and most of the forum can afford to go! Dibs on the couch! You did realize this forum has rules about this sort of thing, right? Welcome aboard!
  7. A south-coaster, then?
  8. Even when she sits in the garage, the Tenni brings a smile to my face every time I am out there. Even now, with too much maintenance to do (I have put off a lot to squeeze in extra riding days) I don't think about how much work there is to do. I simply see a very satisfying beast that will be even better when I am done with my work. This bike elevates ownership to involvement more than any other I have owned (except the GS1100, which 'involved' a lot of repairs to the electrical system) and I don't mind it a bit. I would say I am very happy with this motorcycle. I may someday own another bike, but will always have the Tenni; she is the Yin to my Yang in the motorcycle universe.
  9. Two Tennis in the same state... I bought the Tenni so I would never pass myself on the highway, and now you've gone and ruined it for me! I guess I'll never ride hwy 53 again. I just keep her as clean as riding will allow (that means I wash the bugs off occasionally). I think someone clear-coated theirs, and it was nice and shiny, but it lost something in the translation. I have some scratches, and have considered repainting her, but I would just go with the stock flat paint again. If anything, I might put a satin finish clear over it to protect it. Just enjoy the fact that a week's worth of fingerprints won't make the tank look crappy. Garsdad
  10. Garsdad

    Good bye baby

    My wife and I have one son still living with us- he is 8. She won't ride with me until he is through high school, as she doesn't think it would be right to make an adopted child an orphan. I can't argue with that. They both understand that I will continue to ride, but I have been riding since long before we met and won't change now. I am, however, very well insured so they won't have to worry financially should I bite it. Do I feel any guilt? Maybe a little, but I spend most of my working day on the road and the odds of me pushing daisies from an accident are much higher in my job than on my rides. I do worry a bit more when I ride for work, though, as the exposure to risk is much greater. Life is about risk, and what you are willing to accept. When you are married, it is about what your spouse is willing to accept as well. Just get a commitment that once the kids are old enough to become functional adults without you, a new bike is in the picture. The world is full of widows of very careful spouses who took little risk in life so they could "be there for their children" and died anyway. Life is for living.
  11. Garsdad

    Good bye baby

    What came between you and your ride? From the tone of your post, I don't think you are upset with your Moto Guzzi experience...
  12. I'm for hacking the end of the arm off. The sticker doesn't mean crap. If you force someone to use a table saw for work, don't allow them to provide a safety guard, but put up a sticker instead saying "this equipment is not safe without guard" are you off the hook when a finger gets cut off? I don't think so. Same thing here- they force you to endure an unsafe situation with no alternatives- a warning sticker won't cut it. If it were me, I would want three things from this: 1) a safe way to leave the lot 2) reimbursement for medical expenses, or for lost time from my other job if the injury caused me to miss work 3) an apology from the parking nazi I think you will find upper management to be a little more reasonable. If you go in with reasonable demands, and they understand their responsibility, you will get what you want. Just keep it civil and reasonable.
  13. Mine redlines at 8K... why does he keep shifting at 6? The best sounds are from 5-8K....
  14. I believe my thoughts on ethanol production from corn are well documented. I am, however, interested in the technical changes needed to make this work. I plan on having my Guzzi for a long time, and it is not out of the realm of possibilities that we may all, at some point, be faced with converting to a fuel with more alcohol than gas, if for no other reason than it may become cost prohibitive not to. Anyone able to find leaded gas these days? You see my point. In ten years, we may have to pay so much for "pure" gasoline that converting to E85 may be the only way to go, no matter where the "85" component of the fuel is derived, or from what raw material. So, Greg, if the customer does not mind, can we get a list of what was done? Is the driveability issue at 3-4000 rpm just an amplified version of what we all deal with now? Has he had any issues with fuel lines, etc. and if so what did he change them to? Did he use different injectors that flow at a different rate? And, given that E85 carries less energy than an equivalent volume of gasoline (thus the drop in mileage when running E85) has he dyno'd this bike to see how big a drop in power output he suffered, or what his mileage is? Garsdad
  15. I wanted a Griso, until I sat on one... my left knee was jammed against the cylinder and the shroud that surrounded it. Didn't feel like waiting another year or more for a Norge. I couldn't find a Nero Corsa I could afford. The look of the Tenni just grabbed me, so I bought one. I replaced my shift pawl spring before it broke, addressed a couple of other minor glitches and just ride it. Would a new Norge be smoother? Probably. Does it make more power? Yup. For that matter, so are and do a host of other bikes. Nothing, and I mean nothing, does for me what the Tenni does. It looks right, feels right, sounds right, rides great, handles well, and is as close to a living beast as a mechanical thing can be. She breaths, shudders, kicks, snorts, and occasionally mis-behaves like a fine thoroughbred should. Point her down a twisty road, and she begs for more. Buy any V11 that grabs your soul, and you won't be disappointed. Truly the only way to disappoint yourself with one of these bikes is to waste another season playing "What about this one?" instead of taking the plunge and getting in the saddle. Garsdad
  16. http://www.newenough.com I have purchased gloves, jacket, pants, and boots through them over the last couple of years, and have been very happy. There are several jackets on the closeouts page that are in your price range.
  17. Garsdad

    Tenni #135

    Just got her back and a week later she is on eBay? What gives?
  18. Welcome to the fold. I have #116 and was blessed to find it with only 728 miles on it. It is, in my humble opinion, the finest looking V11 variant (OK, the Nero is so close maybe I'd call it a tie) ever. A Tenni is special- everything else is simply a LeMans!
  19. Every dry day over 40 degrees, ride it. I run through 3-4 tanks a winter. Granted, Oregon generally has mild winters, but unless you are snow-bound for 5 months straight, you should be able to clear a tank every six weeks or so.
  20. Gee, I thought it meant "Tenni's kick ass, into and out of a corner..." Maybe I'm a little biased?
  21. Garsdad

    Hello Everyone

    Welcome. English is not an issue- we speak Guzzi here! Ryan
  22. Garsdad


    ordered a 1093 for myself, 514 pound version. As stated, $30 and a little labor (which I will have to do anyway to make sure I keep the bolt lubed and the eye from cracking) and I will know for sure.
  23. How was it shipped? Was it insured? Fed-Ex or UPS would have a record of the shipment- get the tracking info from the seller, and try and recover your money through the shipper. Good luck. Who was the seller (so we can all avoid your fate)?
  24. Garsdad

    Tenni - #105

    It's been said before but I'll say it again... "Anything less than a Tenni is just a LeMans!" Welcome to the group.
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