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Everything posted by Garsdad

  1. I read every post, looking for the answer as to what went wrong... and yet, no resolution! Dude, C'MON- even if it was bad news you must have drowned it in the adult beverage of your choice by now, so let us in on the cause of your problem. It is not just morbid curiosity, you know... some of us want to make sure we don't suffer a similar fate.
  2. I've got its older sister, #116. Junkyard fodder, indeed. Anything less than a Tenni is just a LeMans!
  3. and he said that to make the '06 models clear out of the showroom, they are dropping the prices by $1500 and Guzzi is offering 12 months of no payments, no interest financing. "Gee, Honey, I really am not paying anything for it... Moto Guzzi just asked me to store it in the garage and ride it a little for a year or so..." So, if you need a new Griso, this could be your chance to buy one for what it should have listed for in the first place.
  4. If you watch real close when you flip the lever, you can see your throttle plate move a hair's width or two... fast idle. worthless for starting, handy to keep her running while she warms up.
  5. I'd like to know what they sell for (shipped to the US), and what they sound like...
  6. Probalbly not home depot... you will need a real hardware or auto parts store. Try ACE.
  7. The marks on mine line up when the selector is in gear, first, I think. So, put it together with the marks lined up, then turn the gears to the position indicated in the photo before putting the cover back on. Yamabond so far has held the shockproof in.
  8. Yeah, I know, no words... I flew into Sacramento to buy her, sight unseen from a guy in Fresno who trailered her up to Sac for me. This was the second gas stop (I topped her up in Sacramento before leaving the airport) somewhere around Anderson, I think. I had no idea how far she would run on a tank... So, I like this picture the best because it is the start of my Guzzi ownership, and the day I ceased to be a forum lurker! Garsdad
  9. I would guess you got the shift mechanism gears out of sync when you put it back together. I thought it was odd that in neutral, the marks didn't line up- you have to match the marks, then turn the gears to neutral. This may help- this is the picture I took of mine before I took it apart to make sure I would get it back the right way. Of course, this may not be your problem at all, but I think the 1, 2 shift used one gear, and third brings the other into play. If it was not lined up properly, it may create your problem. Ryan I suppose my craftsman tools in the background will start another tool thread...
  10. Pete, I got mine today. Goes in this weekend. Very nice, but where's your autograph? I thought I bought the signature edition... Ryan
  11. Garsdad


    If it is a high-quality shirt at a reasonable price, I would be interested.
  12. Many thanks to Guzziology and Jeff in Ohio. My TPS is set, my throttle bodies are syncronized and balanced. Didn't take long- LOVE being able to set things by looking at a multimeter and carb sticks. Family obligation this evening eliminated the post-work test ride, but it sure idled smoother. I hope this cures the pinging, or I will have to get a PCIII... and a new cross-over... and drill my airbox lid... if you have a PCIII you are obligated to use it to the fullest potential, right? The only thing left to do is Pete's tray (on its way as I type) and a little suspension tweaking. This bike is a joy to wrench, and so far hasn't required much. Tomorrow the road calls to me. If she is running right, a long loop through the coastal range is in order. Garsdad
  13. Bought my Tenni sight-unseen off craig's list in May, rode her home from Sacramento. Instant love. I downed ibuprofin like candy, and was able to get home. Well, we put a few miles on together, then things started to happen. Not with her, but with my hand and arm. I couldn't hold the throttle open anymore. I use a throttle rocker, but I couldn't feel enough to use the brake after about 15 minutes. I decided that was not safe, so I scheduled the surgery. I had a carpal tunnel release done and an ulnar nerve transposition. Since I couldn't ride, I thought I'd use the time to replace the shift pawl spring. Today, I was finally able to give her a go again. I didn't go too far, about 45 minutes worth, but I could still feel my hand at the end, could use my brake, and had just a little discomfort. I will be adding thicker grips, but other than that she is great. Shifts like butter with that pepto-pink stuff in her gearbox (really, other than my Honda CBX I have never owned a bike with this smooth a shift action) and handles like a dancer. I still have a short list of tweeks, like a few changes to the suspension to better deal with my 220 pounds, my Pete Roper Signature sloppage tray is on the way, and she pings a bit so a TB sync and TPS check is in order, but it felt so good to ride again. I don't have to be jealous of you rat bastards any more. See you on the road. Ryan
  14. I have removed the charcoal canister from under the Tenni, plugged the nipples on the throttle bodies (I'll put some brass plugs in there as soon as I find some the right size)... now I'm not sure what to do with the line from the tank. What I would like to do is run a line from the vent (that used to go to the canister) and a line from the over-flow to a "Y" fitting, and then plug that fitting into the over-flow line routed to the bottom of the bike. That way, when I have to remove the tank again, I can easily disconnect both lines from the bike without having to fish around under the tank. That's what led me here to begin with- the last person to take off the tank didn't get the over-flow line back on all the way, so if I parked in the sun with a near-full tank fuel would drip all over my engine. Is there anything wrong with doing this? I don't want to assume I have a vent line that actually was under vacuum or something. Thanks, Garsdad
  15. OK, update!!! I got ready to file, but before I did I wanted to get a pic of the scoring on the old boss. Also, I pulled out the new spring to have a look. The new spring is significantly larger than the old one. The one on the left, the old one, measures .677 inches (17.183 mm). The new one is .756 inches (19.188 mm). The difference between the original spring and the correct boss (at 15mm) is .086 inches. The difference between the over-size boss and the new spring is .125 inches. I feel comfortable that there will be no binding with the new spring and the un-filed boss, so I think I will leave well enough alone and just change the spring. The new spring is of a heavier wire as well. This is the original spring. Here is the new spring on the old boss. As you can see, there is greater clearance and I doubt there will be any coil bind. Here is a pic of the scoring on the boss with just 1800 miles... A few more shots of the job... I use a "high-tech" device to drain the oil without dripping on my exhaust... I hate the smell of buring gear oil. And finally, does this look like an excessive amount of metal in the bottom of the case? Ryan
  16. I use a ball-end allen wrench on those, so I don't have to cut one down. No, it was just a little too familiar with the locating pin. Had I known it was there, I would have tugged a little harder and gotten it off of there, but without knowing what I was dealing with I was hessitant to apply greater force. I have taken some pictures of the whole mess, some of which I will share later. I have a 16mm boss, and in only 1800 miles there are wear marks and scoring on it from the spring binding. I'm glad I decided to just do this instead of waiting for it to break- it is much easier in my own garage than on the side of the highway. Also, I didn't think to carry circlip pliers in my tool kit, so I would have been SOL anyway. To anyone who thinks it can't happen to you, do yourself a favor and tear it apart to be sure. I don't know how much longer the spring would have lasted- maybe thousands of miles more- but I do know that I have a lot more faith in my Tenni to not leave me stranded with this checked and repaired. I was quoted $70 for a new rachet, so I will file mine to the proper size and put it back in. Does anyone who has done this know if it is a hardened steel piece that is pressed in there, and if so how did you re-harden it after filing it down? Ryan
  17. Hello to all. My elbow and wirst have healed to the point that I can wrench, so I am checking/changing the shift spring in the Tenni just to be on the safe side. Just one of a few minor details I wish to get done now. Anyway, I have read all the threads about making the swap, and they all say "remove the tranny side plate" or cover plate, depending on the author. I have removed all the obvious stuff, and it released easily from the case, but it seems to be hung up a bit near the bottom. I don't have a shop manual for the bike (I love blind wrenching) and I don't know what I missed. Anyone have a detailed list of what to remove/loosen when doing this? I assumed that once the allen bolts where removed, that was it, as everything else was attached to the cover. Is this wrong? Thank you, Garsdad ****************** Never Mind.... I got it. ******************************
  18. I have the same pinging issue, along with some off-idle stumbling in very hot conditions. Of course, it is getting cooler now so I could just ignore them... I will be setting the TPS and balancing the throttle bodies this weekend. I already loosened the valves, which helped it start more easily. I'll let you know how it turns out. Ryan
  19. Garsdad


    how much was it? I didn't get both seats with my Tenni, and a spare for the summer that wouldn't look crappy after a couple of trips in the rain would be cool.
  20. We don't need to post... we communicate by mental tennipathy. Besides, with no down time due to exploding clutches, we spend more time riding than posting. I'm only posting now because my arm has not healed from surgery yet, and I can't hold the throttle open... otherwise, I wouldn't waste my time with a Scura scoundrel!
  21. dead ground on low beam?
  22. "I slipped on some oil my SS had decided to leak..." Jon, you have one too many Italian mistesses in your garage, and they are begining to fight. Thin the herd- send me your SS and I will keep it across the garage from the Tenni, hidden behind a sheet (except when I am riding it, in which case I will have to cover the Tenni's eyes). That way, harmony can be restored to your garage. Really, I don't mind doing my part to help a fellow Guzzisti.
  23. I don't know how accurate they are. The cities use them around here, and with one or two exceptions I don't mind them in neighborhoods. Every time someone comes down our street fast enough to squeel the tires gong around the corner, or grab third gear on the straight, I only hope they get tagged. On the open highway, do what you want, but in a neighborhood 25mph is fast enough. What I don't like is when they hide it right after the speed limit drops for a town along the highway and they nail you as you are coasting down to the lower speed. That, and when the town is in the middle of nowhere but the freeway goes along the outskirts and they nail you for going a perfectly safe speed that is a few mph over the posted limit. Those are chicken-shit tickets. We had a judge in Arizona throw them all out once because they denied people due process. However, the need for govt to make money eventually over-rode the people's rights.
  24. Cool.
  25. Let me know when and where to send funds, and I'll take one bound for the USofA. How does the exchange rate work out for 'merican dollars? Should I win the lotto in the mean time, I'll need more than one... Ryan
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