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Dr Gil

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Everything posted by Dr Gil

  1. I'm certainly no expert but I always "assumed" that we're talking about which way the crankshaft lies here. "Longitudinal" is aligned front to back (I use it interchangably with "in line") on the bike (Japanese stuff) and "transverse" is crosswise (BMW/Guzzi).
  2. ok and good tip...but frankly your avatar is freakin' me out
  3. Ack! I fear I've offended you! That was totally NOT my intention. I appreciate being given ALL my options and this is certainly one and one that appeals to me (given my somewhat limited wrenching abilities) for it's "do-a-tability" (if that's a word...probably not). My concern was simply that it might be a too easy a fix and that I might have to eventually deal with the reality (possibly on the road in the middle of nowhere) that I have a gasket that's gone bad. I just don't want to take an easy fix now for a potential problem "down the road." If this fix has hung together for you as you say then I'm most certainly kicking it up to the front of my options list. Meanwhile, I'm refusing ALL cookies, no matter what kinds of nuts are involved from Guzzistas offering me their help...so don't even try to tempt me.
  4. Just to keep everyone updated...things came up today and I only had a moment to deal with the bike so I decided not to start anything till I could give it proper attention. I did give it another looking over and cannot, even with a high intensity halogen light find and cracks. I think my plan from here is to take it back up to temperature and see what develops. If everything appears the same then I am going with the silicone on the back of the bolt head and try it again. I think that seem is "weeping" for about 2 inches higher up on the engine also. Should I try to seal that with silicone on the outside or is that WAY too cheesy a thing to do and even if it worked temporarily it would be a problem that I'm going to have to deal with down the road anyway? A fellow Guzzista (stogie bill-Scura) has volunteered to come by on Friday (Thurs. is Thanksgiving and I'm sure nothing will get done then) to give me a hand and another pair of eyes to look at what I'm dealing with. Backup plan is to go for the timing cover (39 Euros IS a great price!) as I suspect that that motor mount may have done some damage during the crash. The engine did slide along the asphalt long enough to grind the engine guard off that side and that mount is SO close to where it's leaking. I'm not sure if I'm up to the job of replacing it myself and may have to run it down to the dealership. Also...is it possible part of my problem here is that it MAY have been running dino oil (I hadn't changed the oil in it since buying it...I only put 1500 miles on it and the oil had been changed by the PO when he sold it to me) and I put in synth oil? Anyway, stay tuned and thank you all so much for your support and help. thumbsup: edited to add: Oh yeah, I ment to mention that I will do that check you mentioned Baldini of removing the engine mount and see what happens...and yes jrt, I did check the bolt for tightness and it was a "bit" loose. I got another 1/2 turn on it before it was snug.
  5. I live in CA and just this last year bought a used bike from Washington. If your bike has over 7,500 miles on the odometer you do not need the emisson sticker and it's a simple matter of going through the registration process (take the bike to DMV and letting them verify VIN numbers, filling out the forms, etc.). Good luck, Gil
  6. This photo was taken less than 1 minute after I had shut off the bike an had wiped the oil from the "offending" bolt. It was flowing at a rate that in my mind made the bike unrideable. I can't see any evidence of a "crack" but will look more closely tomorrow. It made me so upset to see oil "streaming" (perhaps an overstatement but that's what it was in my mind...so disappointing) out of the bike that I wiped up what I could, put some towels down and an oil pan underneath to catch whatever might seep out overnight then took some pics for you guys and put her to bed...I had had enough. On the plus side the bike fired right up and ran strong...and today I got many of the "bits and pieces" of it put back together thanks to the Guzzista here and other online groups. I thought I had it made...with your help I will beat this setback also. (edited to include some history) I crashed due to my own stupidity. I neglected to put my sidestand up (PO had disconected the shut off) on a mountain road. The first sweeping left hander "pole vaulted" my bike and I about 200 feet down the roadway. We never hit anything and didn't tumble, just a slide...grinding away all the "hanging out bits" on the left side of the bike and myself (broken rib/collapsed lung, ground off fingertips).
  7. err, perhaps you haven't heard the latest..."wrinkle paint" is so far out that it's now in! All the cool guys have it.
  8. OK, I'm starting to feel a bit better (thanks guys). I currently have a complete set of allen wrenches and a set of the more standard sizes in a 3/8" drive but I don't seem to be able to access that bolt just above the one with anything I've got...this worries me especially if I have to remove that cover...I fear that it might be one of those "first, remove the front of you bike" things or perhaps a "first remove the engine" things...t-handles will help?
  9. To bring you up to speed as quickly as possible I am new to Guzzi's (previously a Triumph kind of guy). I crashed my '02 Le Mans in August after owning it for little more than a month. It was totaled by the insurance company. The bike started easily but didn't run it long...I wanted to change the fluids first. Understanding I have limited wrenching ability and not having much of a workshop or tools I still chose to buy it back from them and make what I thought were mostly cosmetic repairs. I've been waiting on parts ever since. This week I've finally gotten pretty much everything and I spent the day dropping the pan, changing the oil (Valvoline 20/50 synthetic...not sure what was in it before) and filter, cleaning screens, tightening bolts and in general just getting everything ready before I started the bike in earnest. After spending MUCH longer than I thought I would replace parts and get things ready I fired it up. It started immediately and was music to my ears (love that Guzzi rumble). I let it warm up to temperature (5 minutes or so) and started checking my fittings and gaskets for any leaks. None...and then, I couldn't help but notice this HUGE leak coming out of an area I hadn't messed with. It's what I think is my timing cover (I am so new to this) gasket and flowing pretty freely out of one of the bolts holding it on. (oh yeah, do disregard what looks like leakage where it says "disregard" it is left over cleaning solvent) So someone please help me. I have no idea why the bike would suddenly have a problem in this area. It doesn't seem crash related at all. Has something gone totally wrong internally in my engine? I'm freaking. I was able to tighten the bolt a bit but it still leaks and its companion bolt above us is all but inaccessible without doing some major disassembling that I don't think I'm qualified for. I am 250 miles from my "local" dealership and there is no one willing to work on Guzzi's locally...so it's either me and you guys fixing this or I'm going to have to trailer the bike down to Moto Meccanica in Santa Rosa for repairs and I'd just as soon not spend the $$$ doing that. Someone please tell me "there, there, it's no big deal."
  10. I've just discovered a gouge in the rear rim during the rebuild after my crash. Please ignore this post...I found the needed part
  11. Interestingly in this month's (Dec) Rider magazine Clement Salvadori (a man of unimpeachable creditentials IMHO) chose to do an article on motorcycle tires. And I quote, "I've been riding a lot of years, gone through a lot of tires, fallen down a few times. If someone asks me what the most important advance in motorcycle technology has been in the last 50 years, I say tires. Though brakes are a close second." [rant mode on] To dismiss these huge advances in tire shapes, sizes and compounds by putting tires on your bike that were designed for completly different type of vehicle (they're designed for a vehicle with FOUR wheels fer christsakes) on a motorcycle is insanity. I don't really care how much money he's saving (yeah, bike tires are pricey and they don't last long), or how well he says they handle. Iit's all foolishness and I believe I will continue to put the best possible motorcycle tires I can on my bike that I can find. If I can't afford motorcycle tires for my bike I can't afford to ride...simple as that. [rant mode off]
  12. Yup, flaming death...
  13. I'm still trying to get my '02 Le Mans back on the road after my August "get off." I'm having the devil of a time coming up with a few last parts and have put in requests at various bike breakers and here on the "wanted" classified section. One of the parts that seems ridiculously hard to find is a replacement for my front foot peg. I have heard that many Le Mans owners have swapped their pegs for other, rubber-coated brands. Since I didn't actually love the stock pegs I'm considering switching to something else but have no idea what suits or fits the bike. Can someone enlighten me...brands, styles, pictures or URL's would be wonderful. ALL info is greatly appreciated! Gil
  14. I am STILL looking for parts for my '02 Le Mans after the August crash. I am down to needing just a few more items to get to the point where I can at least get it back on the road. I still need: -Both front and rear lefthand side turnsignal assemblies (complete with stocks and oval lenses) -A number plate tail lamp (the lamp that illuminates the license plate) -A left front foot peg. ...please contact me by either PM here or at drgil@pacbell.net if you have ANY of these parts available. Gil
  15. Sorry Pep Bros...I'll see your Meno County and raise you to Humboldt County for REAL NoCA roads Still it would probably be more logistically practical to have a get together in the Bay Area. My Le Mans is temporarily out of commission (a crash...sigh) but I'm TOTALLY up for attending a NorCal event! Hopefully I'll be back on the road before too long (waiting on parts...whine) and Sport-Touring is my thingie and I have lots of time off during the winter months. I'll keep an eye on this thread and try my very best to attend whatever.
  16. LOL! What you suggest is SO obvious that it never even occured to me. For years I've been warming up my bikes, letting them sit the specified amount of time, straddling them, standing up as straight as I can manage, bending over and unscrewing dip-sticks then screwing them back in and then checking the level... I can't believe I've overlooked this totally obvious alternative...once again I'm amazed at what a putz I am.
  17. Dr Gil

    Why So Slow?

    You guys are aces. I just love this Guzzi networking. It's almost as cool as the bikes themselves. I have duly noted your suggestions of Agostini, Spares GB (althought they seem to have changed their name) and eBay (names the same). I've been corresponding with Todd at MPH Cycles and while he's as frustrated as the rest of us about parts delivery (perhaps even more so since his business depends on it) he's come up with some interesting options for my needed parts and been upfront and clear about those that contain that rare and difficult to find element, "UNOBANIUM" (back orders from Guzzi...oh my!). With Todd's help and a little luck (in short supply around here lately) I am once again optomistic about getting the Le Mans back on the road in the near future...it may not be "pretty" but it will be rideable until such time as I can make it "perfect" and that makes me very happy
  18. ...a photo would be cool I've considered putting a rack on the back of my Le Mans and actually did a bit of web seaching trying to find what the Stucchi rack looked like but came up empty.
  19. Dr Gil

    Why So Slow?

    A quick bit of history...I crashed my Le Mans back in August. The insurance company totaled the bike and I'm now in the process of rebuilding. The damage was mostly cosmetic and on only one side (left). So, being new to Guzzi's I figured this was a swell opportunity for me to explore some of the different sources available to me for parts. I ordered my needed parts, totaling well over $1000, from various sources. Sharing the wealth and giving me an opportunity to make some decisions about who I would order from in the future (I plan to own this bike for a VERY long time). So, while most parts were not on the shelves of the various Guzzi parts dealers they acted as middlepersons and ordered from their sources. I received about 1/2 of my orders from each source in about the same amount of time (a few weeks). Now I am on hold...from ALL my suppliers! It has been literally MONTHS and still no parts. I don't understand why. I could order directly from the motherland (Italy) faster than this. One reputable supplier (not to single out anyone but their name rhymes with Moto International) refuses to talk to me any more...vague answers with unkept promises to return calls on the phone and will NOT answer emails. So, what's the deal? I know many of you have probably been down this route before. I was forewarned when I started this project that it could take up to 6 months for parts but I dismissed that as ridiculous...now I'm not so sure and I certainly don't understand why. I mean after all, one of the parts I can't get is a simple clutch lever How can that be so difficult? I'd love to be enlightened on how this network of Guzzi parts works. Anyone?
  20. My wife and I will be traveling to the U.K. next April ('06). While we have visited Britain many times this will be our first time traveling to the Isle of Man and to Ireland. We're planning 2 or 3 days on the IOM and while there would very much like to fulfill a longtime dream of riding the TT course...on two wheels naturally. What I'm hoping for is that some of our members here on this forum, who live a bit closer to the area might have some "insider knowledge" of places that may be able to supply what I need. What I am looking for is somewhere, on the Isle of Man (I would rather not rent in Britain and deal with the ferry ride on this trip), to rent a couple of bikes and necessary gear (we will be traveling by rental car for most of the trip and are packing accordingly). We're not being fussy about the type of bikes we would be renting...any brand, any model, any size. So far we're pretty much been limited to web searches to find such rental places and have not found much so far. I do have a couple of shops that were given to me over on the ST.N site and am chasing them down (international phoning is sometimes challenging). Any and all help will be gratefully received!
  21. Oh woe is me...when replacing parts for my crashed '02 Le Mans I found (or it found me) a replacement for my stock windscreen. During the re-build I managed to drop the bike from the Guzzi stand (see another thread) and while the damage was somewhat light I cracked the replacement screen that I got such a deal on. So, has anyone here replaced their stock screen with an aftermarket and have a stock windscreen that will fit the '02 Le Mans lying around? If so shoot me your deal...I'm in need. Thanks, Dr. Gilberto
  22. After crashing my '02 Le Mans and starting the rebuild I've taken the opportunity to spread my business around a bit and deal with several Guzzi shops. Todd at MPH has been far and away the best stocked, competitively priced, most helpful (he actually sent me a digital file of the complete parts list and diagrams for my bike...huge help in rebuilding) and personalized service I've gotten. His communication is excellent (email and phone) but yes, his website does suck. He tells me he's working on it. And no, I'm not in his employ or getting a kickback. I'm just a VERY satisfied customer and he's pretty much exclusively getting all my business in the future.
  23. rachet...the bike seemed stable after initially putting it up on both the paddock stand and spool (I gave it a shake) but in all honesty didn't actually eyeball the mounts after I originally lined the paddock stand up. edge, the amount of lateral force I was exerting was minimal. I was pushing high on the bike a bit (mounting a mirror) but the push was still quite light. In the future I think I'll follow your lead about using an overhead strap. Paul, Yes that's the culprit (but I also had the "spool" piece under the oil pan to hold the front end up)...except mine has cheaper looking plastic wheels. Also my tumble-down garage doesn't have a tiled floor or large art on the walls.
  24. I purchased a used Guzzi shop stand to help in the rebuilding of my crashed Le Mans. I have seen some discussion here on what the best way to use it is...handle forward, handle rear. Yesterday I put the bike up on it for the first time (handle right-side, forward) using the bolts at the bottom end of the pork chops. As I pushed down on the rear of the bike I had someone put the stand under the engine for me. There was some concern because it seemed to wedge pretty tight pretty quick but I inspected it and while I wished for more clearance to increase my options it seemed stable enough. I gave the bike a good shake and it seemed stable and I left it to take care of other weekend chores. I returned a couple of hour's later and started working on replacing the side mirrors through the fairing. I was not exerting much pressure at all but the next thing I know the bike is falling off the stands and onto its side. While scary the damage was minimal. My concern is that I can't rely on this stand to reliably hold my bike up. Heaven forbid I had one or both wheels removed when this happened! My question is, "what am I doing wrong or what is it I don't know?" Anyone have experience to share?
  25. Dr Gil


    There are some pretty nice examples of "how not to break" there. ...LOTS of locked up rear tires leaving black strips down the tarmac
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