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Paul Minnaert

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Everything posted by Paul Minnaert

  1. That widebandcommander looks like a nice fideling unit, if you have blue lights, what's next, I can see a market for this. What I can't find, is how long the time is that it can record data, nor what the time is between datasamples. What it displays isn't a Lamba value? What is it then?
  2. Antonio, I know don't how your german is, but this is the full text, do you have other info? The cheapest thing for colannio, is to wait until aprilia group breaks down, and buy the parts they want cheap, no depts anymore to takeover. Die besten Wünsche für Weihnachten und das neue Jahr So lautet der Brief welche die Angestellten der Guzziwerk in Mandello erhalten haben. Alle zu Hause mit Arbeitslosenunterstützung vom 2. November 04 bis 31. Januar 05. Keine Bestellungen, kein Geld, kein Montagematerial, läuft nichts mehr. Die Einführung der Breva 1100 wird wahrscheinlich auf Herbst 05 verschoben und der Griso Winter 06, wenn überhaupt noch eine Einführung gibt. Problematik der Übernahme durch Piaggio: Die kleinen involvierten Banken wehren sich dagegen. Diese Banken sind in der Region angesiedelt und haben Angst dass Moto Guzzi wieder wie bei der letzte Übernahme darunter leiden wird. Sie würden eine Übernahme durch Ducati vorziehen in der Meinung dass für Guzzi die sichere Variante wäre. Abgesehen davon gehören diese kleineren Banken zu den grösseren Aktionären der Ducati-Holding. Colannino und Piaggio müssten für die Übernahme ihre Offerte an den Banken bereits erhöhen. Möglich dass die kleineren Banken auch mehr wollen um sich umstimmen zu lassen. Viel mehr kann Piaggio nicht gewähren, will sie nicht selbst in finanziellen Problemen rein manövrieren. Eine Bestätigung dass bei Piaggio kein Interesse mehr am Kauf der Apriliagruppe vorhanden wäre, ist nicht da, aber ich könnte mich vorstellen dass es ein taktischer Zug von Colannino ist um zu sagen: "Wir haben die Schnauze voll, entweder schliessen wir ab oder ihr könnt alles behalten, ich verhandle nicht mehr." Dies würde auch erklären warum die Verhandlungen so lange gehen und nicht zum Abschluss kommen. Ciao Angelo
  3. Stuart, which site are you refering too? There is a german v11sport forum, and a general guzzi forum. Both didn't talk about it for some time. v11sport: http://35229.rapidforum.com/ general forum: http://forum.world-of-guzzi.de/ you could have found these in the links section , on top of this page. :-) I met the owner of one the scura's with an exploded clutch, he is lucky to still have his legs. He has a beemer now.
  4. I think not this year anymore, they shut down the factory from 2 november to 2 januari, because of no parts, money and orders.
  5. Since I'm changing to radial brakes, this nice upgrade for all v11's. These are the calipers that are standard on rsv-r, duc 999 and more. The difference is that each piston has it's own brakepad. Because the connection to the brake is different, you need new brakelines too. I bought these new this spring, so as new. Price 300 euro for the 2, plus shipping from the netherlands
  6. The part numbers are different :-) But that doesn't tell the size. But anyway who cares?? It's only that I can't understand why they change it so often.
  7. That is stange, because the aftermarket road and track for a 999 is 56/53. So they changed it for the R, and other tripleclamps. maybe they changed the offset too.
  8. That's not to difficult, 020 is a sport/touring tire, 4 years old. The power is a real sport tire, just new. Try the bt0140 if you want to compare the bridgestone offering with michelin. Even the bt 010 is much better than a 020. The 010 gives confidence. cold or wet, no problem. But the power is a newer development. But if you want 12000 miles from a rear tire, this sort of tires won't last long enough. I don't care how long it lasts, I don't do so much distance, and the tire should always keep it's bottom down
  9. Guzzi makes no oil, as long as you have the right type, no problem. And don't mix and match different sorts please.
  10. what I've read is pretty positive. They do need to get a bit warm before they work, is the opinion. But a lot of positive reactions.
  11. that is: http://www.jwspeaker.com/catalog/forward_l...model_8100.htm#
  12. that's sure, I have a nice see-through picture here. ALso the thing is pitured on the picture from the new clutch
  13. The radial from 2003 is 51, and I know there is a diffence between stock and ohlins on rsv, because they need other clamps for ohlins. Bur anyway, rsv isn't going to fit.
  14. No antonio, rsv is 56/51mm No other ohlins is 54/54.
  15. Bruce, Do you know if the clutch has been worked on before, because one of the things Guzzi says about it, that it it occurs because of wrong mounting torque by dealers or third partys.
  16. That's the same, as long as you don't get one from the radial forked types. So all rsv until 2003 will go, on any scura®/cafe sport/rosso/nero. I have one mounted, but that's sold to italy already.
  17. Is very cheap. paint from the engine might buble off, no big deal. You can: strip all paint from the engine easy, of repaint it. The clutch isssue can be found in this forum, until now 5 off all 600 made scura's have had these problem. That's enough written about in this forum. Keep an eye on it, or get a new 2 plate clutch to make sure you get no problems. I had a scura, and it was great fun driving it. get it!
  18. Hi bruce, can you put some pictures here? I can't figure out why until now only scura's have the problem where the same sort of clutch is also on rosso mandellos and tenni's. There must be something different.
  19. Only the factory has an idea of the number of preordered corsa's. They won't make more than that. And of couse if the 4v engine is the problem, then there might be a maximum they can make. If they consume all 4V heads in stock, what when you need a head? My spares are getting more value every day:-) But if this is the case, I can understand why they don't want to build the corsa's , only good for collectors. They can't sell corsa's for 20 grand and after that tell you they aren't going to deliver any parts. There might follow some legal action. On the other hand, until now it must have cost a considerable amount of money. And throwing that away, when you're short of money.... I've seen in cast the rear gearbox part and the centerpart of the swingarm.
  20. If you want other than stock, contact dynotec: info@dynotec.de The can also plasma-nitrid the cams. If anyone has experience with 4V guzzi's it's them.
  21. For the one who wants a scura clutch, one new for sale on ebay: http://cgi.ebay.nl/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...7927451917&rd=1 Now we have a picture how it should look
  22. Antonio, you stiffhead, If you read jaap's topic about his tuning, you can see the light. Or goto HTM.
  23. 80hp@5500rpm from 1500cc, and with competition race kit up to 95 hp. That's what a centauro does standard, with racekit some more. Problems arrise when you want to take the engine much above 130hp. And even 130 is to much for the guzzifactory.
  24. That is "fuel injected motorcycles" I think www.fuelinmoto.com.au/
  25. So I have to go to work and make something of the chaindrive project :-) Why can't a 4v aircooled engine be reliable? Ok if you want an engine that is rocksolid with 160 hp and aircooling, there might be an challenge. But something less, doesn't BMW show that a relaiable 4v aircooled engine can be made? The headdesign with the cams, is very identical to the 4v guzzi engine.
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