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  • My bike(s)
    V 11 Rosso Mandello

Pascal's Achievements


Rookie (1/5)



  1. Pascal


  2. If you read French, the guy which Zebulon talks about explains the conversion in this page of my website: http://www.twinzone.fr/V11/Preparation/v11carbu.html
  3. First: 6 000 miles Second: 8 000 miles Third: 11 000 miles Then I made the David Boyd modification. Now my Rosso mandello has 26 000 miles and no problem any more...
  4. Pascal


    Hi; Does someone here use an MSD modified ECU, or have you heard about it? Thank you. http://www.msd.it/
  5. Yes a "hiccup". I think its an injection problem not the ignition. I'll look to the VDH solution... But if you have an other idea...
  6. Hi; The bike: Rosso Mandello; 25 000 KM; Ninja mufflers; Stucchi X over; K&N filter; PC III The problem. Under 4 000 rpm & particularly between 3 000 / 4 000 rpm the engine "cuts". This appears only when the throttle is at a constant position. Otherwise, the engine works fine, no problem when I accelerate and no problem after 4 000 rpm. (The problem exits already before mounting the PC III) With my workshop we've replace the TPS, the oil temperature jauge, the air temperature jauge but the problem persist. Has somebody an idea about this problem??? Thank you.
  7. Thank's a lot for these wonderful CD'S
  8. Hi; Thank you for my "excellent english"... 1. What did you use to cut the hole in the plastic subframe? A dremel tool? Yes. I've removed the entourage (4 screws) and I used a dremel tool. 2. From the picture, it doesn't look like the hole is big enough for the connectors. I'm hoping that it really is and that you didn't remove and then reattach the connectors. It didn't sound like it from your description. No problem when the entourage is remove. 3. It looks like the seat can still pinch the cable. Is that the case? Would it be better to have lower hole and run the cable through the subframe? No problem. I works fine so. 4. Why did you find it necessary to remove the cloth sack before mounting the box? For the serial PCIII, I just mounted it in the sack. I agree that you would have to make a hole for the cable, so maybe it's better to just remove the entire thing. The box is still protected from water, mud, etc. with the sack removed? I think that the grip is better for the velcro grips removing the sack and the box is protected. The next step is the tuning of the PC III in a Dyno center to have a map which fit to my bike. Merci bien pour reponder. If you have other questions, Go to my home page, you can mail to me. Best regards Pascal
  9. Hi; I have installed a PC III USB in my Rosso Mandello. You can look here the page about the PC III on my website http://perso.wanadoo.fr/twin.zone/powerco.htm about the installation. The text is in French, but I think the pictures are good. So long.
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