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Everything posted by coz1100

  1. coz1100


  2. Oh really now? Auto store prices you say? It wont be till next pay day that I can do much about it, but I will deffinitly call you guys up when the time comes. It's also a shame that all bike stores in washington are closed on the same day. the days I'm off are the two days youre close....... cause thats a fun ride over the mountains. Ciao Z
  3. If I was near you I'd buy you a beer. You just made my night guzzipete. Ciao Z
  4. got the bike put togather, wired and ready to roll. Put some gas in her to get her started, turn the key all is well. The knew dash lit up and everything. Hit the started and after a year and a half she started right up........ and then gas went everywhere. thought I might be a hose but I wasn't so lucky. it was the pump it self. I was wondering if anyone had the specs for the fuel pump. I'm gonna see if I can track an aftermarket one. Thanks Z
  5. In the shops Ive worked at I've never heard of that. Has the economy gotten that bad for some shops?
  6. Thanks Guzzirider. Look forword to the race.
  7. Now if they would just tell us whene it's on tv.
  8. Got some more work done on the girl. Got the pork chops back from the powder coaters. New stainless steel bolts and away we go This is where I found out about watching where your clutch line is. I actually had her completly put together when I discovered that the clutch hose was pinched in the tranny frame mount. Back apart and back together. Not one of my finest moments. Tried to get the pic strieght put it didn't work. Anyway, she's standing on her own for finally. Started working on the wiring and cable routing. If anyone happens to have the pic of thier bike with the tank off it would realy help. Mainly on which wires go where. I've got the tail section sorted fairly well though. Started from the back and working my way forward with it. I'm changing out the dash/clocks with a trail tech digital unit. Not as cool I know but efficent and cheep at $180. I've got a rough mount made for it...... It will work till I can get something more made. I'll have to make some changes to the wiring but nothing to major. It comes with 4 indicator lights so I'll just have to come up with someway to mount the other two lights. Just reminding myself what a V11 Lemans looks like. I don't know how lived without her. Was replacing a vavle cover gasket on the 1200 sport and decided to see what the tank would like on the V11. I'll keep this one to remind myself never to do that again. Ciao Z
  9. Dude...... Thats like 5 mins I'll never get back in my life. Thanks.
  10. Foto: Yes the frame was staightend. Turns out the stearing head was kicked in 3/4 ", rotated 1 1/2 a degree clock wise, and and bent slightly to the left. Not sure how I mannaged to ride it for 6 weeks in that condition but she handled fine. richard: actually there is two italians. I also got my 1200 sport in there also. Ciao Z
  11. My V11 has been in pieces for over a year now do to a bent frame. Finaly after getting the space in my shop (read: bedroom) Yes I sleep in it so forgive the mess if you will. I decided it was time to get it back to gether..... Repaired a sheared off bolt on the transmition. Was doing a parking lot repair on the return spring and got a little carried away with torquing everything down. And the engine. Bit of a dirty lump ain't she? Engine, meet transmition. You two should hang out more. Everything back in the frame. I ended up doing 35 ft-lb on the frame bolts. if thats not it ,please, let me know and I will make a note of it in my shop manual. Finally, over a year later she's back on her own two feet. I guess I should have a taken a picture before I started putting her togather. She really was a basket case. A few boxes a frame and an engine. I didn't know how much I missed her. Loading the bike was not as easy as it seem. The canopy was a little low for the bike to roll in so, between two guys with bad backs, we leaned it over while bent over and strong armed her in. The two wires you see hanging down had a strang way of getting aroung my neck. Almost hung my self twice on them. Anyway, droped her off at a shop in Tacoma and the guy said he'd have her done in a week or so. Finaly, Straight! Got her home and took her all apart again. First and for most Clean the block and tranny up. Pluged up all the ports and hit her with some engine degreaser. Kinda worked. Still ended up spending part of the day with a rag and brake cleaner. In the prossess though I found out that the bolts to the pick up sensor where loose. Hopefully problem solved. Probably the cleanest she'll be for a while. Thats about as far as I am for now. Waiting on the pork chops to get back from the powder coaters. should be here in the next day or so. Had them done a gloss black. Figure with some stainless steel bolts and polished levers it should give her a little bling. Also I'm planning on getting my quat-D system ceramic coated this year of next so that will help things stand out that much more. Ciao Z
  12. take it to your local bike shop. They'll have a bairing clap and a 10 ton press. It will pop the thing right off. Then with the right piece of tubing it will press the new one on to the stearing stem and away you go. Ciao Z
  13. The 1200 sport does have Preload. A for which side is which. I can't remember. sorry Ciao Z
  14. Thanks JRT. I haven't done a think with them. Right now I'm just doin the rugh assembly. Once everything is strait though I'm thinking of taking a day and buffing them out. It would be a nice touch to a bike thats seen some hard miles. That and mybe the rims. I don't know. There are alot of little things someone can do with a bike that will be completly stripped to frame and moto like this one will be. Ciao Z
  15. Thanks guys. I used the usually common scense of guzzi and now shes standing on her own two feet for the first time in over a year. I had forgotten how much I liked this bike. starting to get a little giddy about having her back on the road. The 1200 sport is a really nice bike but it just dosn't have the snort that the v11 does. Also considering I only have a about 4 and a half hours into it I'd say shes coming along nicely. I'll keep you posted. Ciao Z
  16. 6 weeks. not really sure how many miles I traveled though. I took the time off from school packed the bike up and just strated driving. I didn't take any spares with me and just got tires as I needed them. did the service where I could and just kept going. The trip after that though ( a weekend hop to san diego) my lighting went and in the process of fixing that I found I had a bent fram . Other then that though. No problems Ciao Z
  17. I'm finally geeting my V11 reassembled after sitting for over a year in pieces. The frame still needs straightening and the guy needs a rolling chassis. What I can't seem to remember or find is the torque specs for the frame (motor mount and pork chops) and weather or not there is a certain procedure for assembling the frame around the motor. thanks Z
  18. Thank you Karl. With everything else that has gone wrong this year that was some much need good news. Ciao Z
  19. coz1100

    Scura Griso

    You think the cluthes will grenade on this one? But really though looks nice.
  20. 1510 here.
  21. hey Crazed I hope to see you there. Anyone else going to the rally?
  22. "Fast Idel: ECU takes care of the AFR you just make the idle increase" hate to quote my self but............... ciao Z
  23. to go into it a little more: Choke: blocks air to the motor. AFR goes up Enrichener: adds more full. AFR goes up Fast Idel: ECU takes care of the AFR you just make the idle increase Ciao Z
  24. 10%!! wow, that make's it worth the trip. Not to mention the roads from there are really nice.
  25. Awsome. There just up the road from me. That's a lot better then driving to the other side of Phoenix.
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