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Everything posted by coz1100

  1. I wonder if someone could talk him into making a tank with a pickup on the left and right side. then I might think about it.
  2. go to www.streetfire.net and do a search for moto gp. Its on thier........ i watch it about once a week
  3. just my two cents on next year. ether capirossi or gibernau. I just got the feeling like ducati's starting to get their stuff togather. I mean don't get me wrong I'm glad that the gp title is in the hands of the US but I've always felt that it's a european title and it would be great if it was in the hand of a european on a european machine
  4. Your dog is named Guzzi and it was your wifes idea?! She perfect! You location for the ink sounds good and sound. Actually the idea sounded so good I think I'll hit up some local ink shops for a few prices and ideas. I figure since I work at a Jap shop, what better way to give them the finger the to show up to work with a guzzi tat.
  5. So frenchbob that was you I saw at the bar last night, nice heels by the way . But really though, All this talk about ink, plus a few drinks, I'm feeling the ich for the needle agian. It's been about two years since my last one.
  6. Sounds like the shift return spring. do a search on that and you should get something. Here you go Richard, http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?...t+return+spring
  7. Wow, there is some real anti-tattoo feelings on this board. DeBen, I've been thinking about getting this done for a while. The chose of where to put it depends mainly two things, Your job and how much pain you can take. As a person that has a few tattoos I can tell you that some places hurt more then others (i.e any place on bone, nipples, ribs, places like that.) As for work, if you have a job that might frown on a tattoo, you might want to put it some where you can cover it. Me, I have mine on each shoulder, both legs and my chest. Places that I don't show at work to much. It keeps things looking professional at the job. Actually I've been thinkin about getting ether the eagle and name, or a drawing of the engine across my back. I thought it might look kick a$$ as they say.
  8. got it, now its working.
  9. not getting anything.
  10. you're right, its just a spruced up breva. but, I bet if you could get a set of clip-ons or maybe even a set of clubmens to work on thier with some good rear sets. that might look interesting. Was that a seat cowl they had on the back? that things gotta go. deffinitly need something to improve the lines in the tail section. Z
  11. Okay, got back the other day from Pheonix. I went on the tour they provided around the campus and was surprised at how much info was avalible from the tour guide and teachers that where walking by. For the most part they gave me the info I needed or wanted to know. After the tour I told the nice lady that I had to go talk to the finace people and this is where it got REALLY infomative. On the way to the money people I got the chance talk to students in some of the classes. The first few months is just basic stuff (tool, how a motor works, how things fit in the frame, electronics) Some thought it was neat stuff some thought it was boring. Seems they want everyone on the same page when they get to the company spacific course. I can understand the need for this from some of the people thier, dumber then a box of rocks. The atmospher seems to be one that would be good to work in, vary profesional shop type of place. ya'll where deffenitly right, you'll get form this place what you put into it. I think I'm goin to go for it. I'm just waiting on my GI Bill paper work to get back and then I'll finalize everything. hopefully I can start on the 6 of november. Now I just got to decide which bike to take.
  12. Thanxs for the advice everyone. I'll be sure to keep and open mind about the whole thing when I get down thier. I guess I could go into some back ground about me. For the last 6 1/2 years I've been a mechanic working on everything from large ac units and hydrolice units to the ship main engins. As for motorcycles I've been around them for as long as I can remember and have been slowly learning to turn a wrench on them for a while now (owning the Guzzi has helped a lot ) The main reason I want to go to the class is I feel thier are a few gaps in what I know about bike, mainly electricale stuff, but I'm hoping this will start to fill in some of those gaps. Todd- I'll be sure to keep your advice in mind and get in touch with you when I get back in two weeks. again, thanxs ya'll. Z
  13. Well they called me yesterday after I had requested some info with a guy named scott. I told hime that I was planning to be in the area any ways so he said just to stop by and have a look around. Now all I have to do is get the bike ready for a trip from central washington to arizona (I love this part) Also I've mannage to get my dad to come along for the ride and I fairly sure what should be a 5 day thier and back trip, will most like turn into a 2 week loly gaging around the rocky mountains. Z
  14. SO about 2 weeks ago I woke up to discover that I was no longer in the navy. SO now that I have enough money to go school for the next few years I've decided to move from washington down to Arizona and attend a year or 2 of MMI. My question(s) is what to expect when I get thier. Has anyone here gone though any of the cources thier. Also since I kinda plan to make bike a living, do you all know of any other class or schools that might be helpful. thanks Z
  15. You've picked a topic that is close to home for me. I have tried from time to time at some of the instilations I have riden on to get them to see that the reflective vest don't really help with visability. If anything on more then one occation they have almost gotten me ran over by drivers with object fixation as they staired at the nice pritty orenge vest I was wairing in the middle of a bright sun day. Also not to mention that the majority of riders that I have gone on and off base with seem to remove the vest as soon as they leave base thus nagating the benafits of the vest where it would matter most: In the heavy traffic usually associated around many of the military base just before or after working hours or shift changes. The navy regs for riders have slowly been tightening down for the last few years. The lattes being the requierment to not only have proof of completting the MSF course but also needing to retake the course every two years. This I think is a step in the right direction. I'm not sure about the rest of you but I know I had developed a few bad habits over my short time of riding . I wish you the best of luck in this matter Bill and if thier is anyway I can help just let me know. Caio Z
  16. did they ever get them to fit properly on the LM?
  17. that looks like what I'm going to be putting together this summer using a V75 block and frame. can't wait.
  18. Mine just happened all at once. You might just be getting the ever lovely mis-shift that seems to happen from time to time. I think their was a thread written on it somewhere.
  19. they have one at a suzy dealer in saracusa. I through my leg over it for a few minuts to see what it would feel like (and cuase I figured I'd never have the chance again) The sitting position was nice and everything I could see had a good finish to it. If I get a chance I see if I can talk them into a test ride. Z
  20. I kinda think it would look better if they had just left it with two pipes coming out instead of just one. Also the lights arn't bad, just why did they have to get the light blue? Z
  21. Scoundrel More than a bit naughty - you're heading for a spot of bother at this rate - that is if you're not already inside. You don't have to be perfect, but if no one says you're a bad person, they're wrong. You are. Based on your answers, we have calculated the maximum penalty for your crimes*: Years in prison: 98 Potential fine: £9500 *Please note this is just a fun quiz so don't be alarmed by your score! The maximum penalty has been taken for each crime and no consideration for scale of crime committed. Well everyone says I'm going to hell.
  22. love the lepper print. It adds a nice touch of class........ thats spelt with a CL right?
  23. Big J your a man after my own heart.
  24. Actually thier is one on e-bay right now. You got about 5 days left on it. V11 Tank Hope that helps
  25. it's good to know that I'm out serving my country so they can do stuiped stuff like this...........
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