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Everything posted by coz1100

  1. That would explain all the hiar on the keyboard...
  2. I've always thought it fun too stand the bike strait up with the clutch in and give it a rev. When you standing still, it'll pull the bike to the right. It's a fun way to show off to the friend. This is counterd by the shaft when the bikes in motion. Engin rotates clock wise, drive shaft goes counter clock wise. It seems to eliminat most of the jerks.
  3. I would be out on the road today, but thier is still just enough mud on the road from flooding that its kinda like driving on ice with a healthy dose of oil on it. freaking sicily. Z
  4. Actually, as much as I hate to say it, I've been giving this some thought lately. I think mainly I just need to get off my lazy butt and get out on the road. It's probable has something to do with my disappointmet in the riding experience over here in sicily. Something to mull over in my head for a little while. Z
  5. My other rides, I miss them. Right now I've only got my V11 (Aphreal) up and runight here in sicily. Other then that though I have a 750 NTX project that I've been putting off for the most of the year Back home on the other hand I the lovely Jane, a 2002 V-star 1100 silveredo. I miss her . That bike took me a lot of places and I had a lot of fun on her. A whole lot of fond memories. Z
  6. coz1100


    You know, I was thinking about getting another tattoo this weekend. Hmmmm....... Maybe right around the left wrist. Bring on the neddle!
  7. I'd seen those on goldwings years ago. Kinda hoped that they had stopped doing that.
  8. I saw the list of what you need. For the trun signal just go to a harly dealer and order a set. The Buells have the exact same setup, pluse you get the clearn lenses instead of the yellow ones. I'm pritty sure that you could get the at napa or someother car store (unless its some kinda special piece ) As for the foot pegs, can't help you on that one. Sorry Z PS: the turn signels should cost you more the $70 ( if I remember right). Had to replace the on my budys buell when we where teaching his wife how to drive. Fortunitly she was okay.
  9. You'fe talking about on the gas tank right? I've I remember right, just give them a good tug. It worked for me. Z
  10. Welcome to the 21st century Guzzi Glad to see you could make it. I think their beautiful. Now, lets see if they can get distrabution for parts and everything squired away.
  11. For some reason that makes me feel like a kid before christmas
  12. ::sigh:: the coulees I miss thoughs. Driving up from soup lake pass the dry falls up pass the lake. I have to admit, even being over here in sicily dosn't compair to riding in washington.
  13. 1200cc?! Wow. I think I kinda like it. Of coures I also think that with the guzzi engine set up, these bikes don't take to well to full fairings. Maybe if you chopped it just below the turn signal. Kinda make it a naked-sport-tour? that's a bit of a mouth full. I deffinitly like the upper fairing though. Z
  14. Then I guess the quetion is How much would one have to modify to put a set on the LeMans? Obviously it can be done I just want to know how much work I should look forward to. Also I guess a price for them would be nice. Z
  15. I love those wheels. They would look great on my Lemans with a nice red candy coat on them. Does anyone sell them or are they a one off?
  16. So I was at this REALLy good fight one time. Things where going great when out of nowhere a hocky game broke out. Man, I hate it when that happens!
  17. Sorry Martin, but the quiz says: "Now for something different. The quiz point for this one will be given to whoever finds the bore, stroke, compression ratio and carburetor size. You can try and guess the make and model too but no point for that!!" Now Jaap did lend you a hand with that rather juicy hint but you where the first to put down the info. Sorry bud, looks like your sruck with it.
  18. You got volocity stacks on that?
  19. I go with .2in/.25ex. If I remember these numbers vary from person to person. Maybe try a search and see what you find. Just my
  20. SWEET enjoy the ride
  21. $300? how can you go wrong? Take a look at it first though.
  22. I'm quit fond of my V-star silverado. Its a rather nice ride for the driver and with a little $$ you can get a REALLY nice passanger seat. So nice that I managed to do a 4700 mile round trip from centrel Washington to Texas. Also the fully loaded 1100cc only coast me a little $1100 brand new and out the door. Z
  23. ....... on second thought.
  24. Looks nice. I'm running the road attacks right now but maybe I'll give these a try.
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