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About rossoandy

  • Birthday 03/21/1958

Profile Information

  • Location
    uk kent
  • My bike(s)
    2000 rossomandello v1100,2012 Calli Anni,1976 TS250 Guzzi,

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Guzzisti (2/5)



  1. still available? send to UK ? rossoandy 2002 rosso mandello
  2. frustrating ive git the wrong spring just arrived..
  3. sTEIN DINSE ARE SENDING ONE TO ME...THANKS FOR THAT, dont look too bad to change it either.
  4. is this a record...my gear return spring has just broken...at 28500miles.....2002 RossoMandello. Just gotta find a new one for a now obsolete motorcycle...grrr Strikes me that if Guzzi knew there an issue with incorrectly manufactured parts they should have replaced every broken one FOC...its a manufacturing defect from NEW!
  5. hmm......I do agree to some point about 'patina' it makes an old bike 'original', untouched. BUT the bright candy red that WAS the essence of the bike has faded over the 22 years and has a couple of minor marks in it..I'd like to put it and the rest of the paint back to as it was when new...the grey tailpiece has faded as has the side panels and the red pork chops....the carbon looks dull in comparison to as it was too.. BUT finding paint codes is proving impossible, many paint people say they can replicate it but its a gamble, will I be disappointed....
  6. @Rolf Halvorsen do you have the tailpiece rosso mandello decals still? Has anyone found paint codes for the candy paint or indeed the greysidepanels and tail? Porkchops an unusual colour too...and need a refinish after 20 odd yrs ownership... anyone?? andy Ashford Kent UK
  7. rossoandy


  8. stillhavemineafter17years
  9. 13yrs, 25k miles and still using oe clutch an my Rosso.....tick tock.......
  10. it was mine that got burned up in the garage within 24hrs.....oops
  11. Oh, I do have a spare fuel tank from a crashed early V11, just needs painting ...just in case. I have been absent from here for a while..sorrry all but the two Calli's and the Breva have been used a fair bit over past two years. My little 2 stroke 250 Guzzi has been used once a year and picked up a couple of show prizes too! A front tyre blow out in France at 80mph put us in hosptal for a while too....so not so much going on for a while after that. Still working on my Suzuki GT125 twin, a Yamaha RD125,a Honda VF400, two T500 Suzukis, an RD400, a Ducati Monster, an RGV 250, a CB500T Honda, a 400Superdream, a 250 Dream, another earlier TS 250 Guzzi twin, plus three 50cc bikes two Aprillia and a Derbi!
  12. My Rosso now is exhibiting a large bubble in the paint at the front of the tank, about halfway up. I want to prod it to pop it but....pretty certain the tank has been erroded internally by the ethanol just leaving paint holding in the fuel! Bike has been usused for some time now (started several times though) and now I feling I should be sorting this issue out when I refurb all the paintwork on the bike. Tank paint is otherwise perfect but the grey sidepanels and tail piece have 'faded' or are otherwise pretty shabby as the paint has worn or bleached. I will need, 1) The red pearl paintcode 2) A way to line the fuel tank from ethanol attack. 3) A way to repair any pinhole in it. 4) The paintcode for the light grey on the sidepanels. 5) The paintcode for the pork chops/valve covers. 4) The silver tank and tailpiece decals, rossomandello script in red. I am considering covering the tail and sidepanels with carbon wrap.....what you think folks? Apparenty the wheels too can be wrapped? I am in the UK but any comments/suggestions welcome.
  13. Long way round on a Guzzi? ha ha ha ho ho ha ha ho ho ho ha ha ha ho ho ho sorry....but ha ha ha that's soo funny!!! Be more of a "Long Push Round"........... :luigi: Or " The Long Wait Around" (for parts from Guzzi under warranty).
  14. I used a Bosch Lens from a BMW when I needed a glass, far cheaper than Guzzis.....reflector prob same too....
  15. considering a Calli Anniversary..

    1. rossoandy


      and I bought one..95th anni, one of two in UK


    2. rossoandy


      so now we have a rosso, a 70th anniversary call and a 90th anni calli...loving it even if it did eat its camshaft in 12k miles

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