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  • My bike(s)
    '73 V-7 Sport "Boom Boom" '03 V11 Sport

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  1. It's not quite as bad as all that, they are more than happy to pay me to repair it, I did agree to maintain the bike after I sold it but was not prepared for catastrophic failure. I agree that no 16 year old should be anywhere near a fine machine like the V 11, let 'em try and blow up a Honda! It is depressing to see a machine that I polished into a fine jewel, ground to a halt in 800 miles, though. Thanks, for the input, Tom
  2. I sold my beloved V11 Sport to a friend of mine who let his 16 year old son ride it, it showed up on my doorstep the other night with a seized engine. There was plenty of oil in the crankcase, although it seemed burnt, when I pulled the filter cover to check that the filter hadn't loosened, there were some small square copper flakes in the bottom of it. I have no idea what this kid was doing with the bike other than he mentioned hitting the rev limiter a few times [i didn't even know it had one!] I'm not ready to pull this thing apart yet as my race bike is still apart from it's spectacular blowup at the BUB meet last year, and was wondering if any you might have an idea what might have let go. It is locked up tight! Thanks, Tom PS, when it goes back together, it will have one of Pete's plates in it!
  3. Lime Green Jelly Bean; House of Kolor Limetime Pearl,feaux anodizing on wheels, valve covers& alt cover. Rich Maund seat, Buell Ulysses footpegs, Speed Triple handlebars, Fenda Extenda. Ready for summer!
  4. Here's what I did, House of Kolor Limetime Pearl, LeMans 1 decals, feaux anadized valvecovers, alt cover & wheels, Smokin'!
  5. I didn't have to shave the sides, but you still have to make a bushing. I bought some 7/16" round stock, cut it to length and drilled out the center [ I think 1/4"] on my mini drill press, but you could probably eyeball it in a pinch.
  6. I used the ones from a Ulysses, 'cause they had the widest, most comfy pad. Most people use the sportier ones, I belive from an S1. Tom
  7. Count me in the raise the seat, lower the pegs camp. The Buell footpegs, combined with Rich Maund's excellent seat, and a set of Triumph Speed Triple handlebars make this lime green jellybean all day comfy!
  8. The Buell pegs are about an inch lower and a little further back, Gina, the fun loving cockatiel, prefers Itialian bikes!! Whart part of NY are you in, I grew up in the Finger Lakes before escaping to California many years ago...........
  9. Another way to go is converting to Buell footpegs, I used ones from a Ulysses and am really happy with the results, cost: less than $50! Tom
  10. Not if you remove the canister! Tom
  11. Congratulations Pete! Your ability to translate Guzzi myth and gobbledigoop and turn it into useful information has saved us all a lot of work and worry. I am forever grateful for your well written instructions on shiming a 5 speed shift drum, the job was not going well until I discovered your paper on Guzzi Tech. Thanks to you and all the other great Guzzi folks that helped, we now have a V7 Sport in the record books and I intend to keep it there! Have fun, Tom
  12. My early '03 Slime Green Sport came from the factory with the spacer on the wrong side as well, I wondered why one of my brake pads was worn a lot more than the others!
  13. Bob, I've had good results using Graham from NZ's suspension settings along with Rich Maund's recomendation for 7w fork oil. Graham does a good job of explaining how to set the sag and what compression and rebound settings bring the best results. Have fun, Tom
  14. Say Bob, If you & your cock ever make it to the states, Mrs. Buck Buck here could use a conjugal visit!
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