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Everything posted by PEPPERONI BROS.

  1. Boy, I really started something here! I made up the name "Pepperoni Bros." out at Bonneville as the Cooked Goose team was falling apart. I guess it had something to do with the fact that I won't go out to the salt without 1-6 sticks of Margherita Pepperoni that my brother [new Guzzi owner!] sends me from my ancestral homelands of upstate NY. I love cappicola too, but it is hard to get out west. This site is great, I'm being well prepared for the V11 bugaboo's. Right now, my Mille GT is on eBay, I've sold a bunch of music gear, all to get my hands on this Sport! I'm looking forward to trying some of these fixes, and hopefully will be able to contribute a few of my own, once I get more used to "the modern world" Have fun, Tom
  2. Thanks for all the advise, the tight valves make sense, I thought that motor was too quiet!
  3. When I took my prospective V11 sport out for it's 100 mile test drive last weekend, the only negatives that I noted were, A] a fair ammount of driveline snatch off and on the throttle and B] stalling when coming to a stop, especially on an incline. Is it possible to dial some or all of that snatchiness out? Any ideas on the stalling? Things That a potential V11 owner should look for? Thanks, Tom
  4. Hey everybody, My name is Tom Liberatore, the person responsible for Pepperoni Bros. Racing. I campaign a '73 V7 sport out at Bonneville, keeping the flame alive. I'm 55, grew up in the frozen northeast, discovered bikes at 16, had Indians and Ducati's before they were worth anything. After Viet Nam, traveled the US on a Daytona 500, ending up in northern california where I am still happy to be. I joined this list because I made the mistake of test riding my friends '03 V11 sport and now want to buy it [he doesn't like it]. I'd like to find out as much as I can about spine frames before I take the plunge as it requires the sacrifice of the bulk of my musical instruments and Mille GT
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