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Everything posted by BrianG

  1. I'm a chiropractor, and I have a complete black Magni in the box, if anyone's interested. It has the Gustafsson "dark smoke" windshield. I can't fix Me!!
  2. Run the grip power from the battery through a fuse then through a relay then through the manual "temperature selector switch". I powered the relay from the tail light wire because it's close. This relay system precludes draining the battery by inadvertently leaving the heaters on.
  3. I'd probably get my finger caught!
  4. I added me, but I like the thumb-nail better!
  5. A die grinder gently applied to the u-joint cage looks to be the answer.
  6. Nope it's sho' 'nuff a Magnum Research o'riginal! But she said I could use if for the IPSC Black Badge Course next month!
  7. She wanted a baby... so I got her one! A baby Eagle that is!! I sure hope she doesn't take a fancy to learning how to use it!!
  8. At $200.00+ and shipping from Europe on top of it, that's just a bit steep........
  9. Well ya got the results from step #1 already!~! We got rid of the WOT mid-upper range lean flat spot. Merry Christmas!! More to follow in the Spring!!
  10. Todd, how aboput these without the lightening holes? image 11 1019020 polished billet aluminum fin guards for square fin big twins pre'02, with holes $62.95 pair I can build the plastic from there!
  11. Are they available for purchase?
  12. It actually has CHT available, with the kit included in the LM-3, and I have EGT sensors from my aircraft. I worry a bit about haveing more information than I'll know what to do with!!
  13. The WB O2 sensor is the best tool we have, and although some say that it is not correlated directly to A/F ratio, it is close enough for most engineering purposes, and is certainly close enough for mine. I prefer to get out there and do something toward attaining my goals, rather than to sit and argue minutiae, while accomplishing little.
  14. Indeed.......... we shall see.
  15. Perfect!! And looking reasonably easy to replicate! (unless JB supplies them???)
  16. I'm running Michelin Pilot Road tires as they were newly installed on the 2000 V-11 Sport when I got it last year. I will be switching to Pirelli Diablo's for next season. I would like something more substantial in terms of cylinder protection in case of stationary tip-over or low-speed low-side fall. I have no illusions about the value of "frame sliders" in the context of substantial speed.
  17. Perhaps you should re-read post #57 again............... Without the doobie!
  18. Not a claim, but one of the goals of the whole exercise. "...............which should result in notably better milage .........." Plus..... you will note that I had mistaken the lean numbers for rich in that first post.
  19. Oh CRAP!!! And here I thought someone had actually come up with an intelligent slider design! I guess I'll have to asssume the development responsibilities for that kind of slider. Does it appeal to anyone beside me, if I do??
  20. Yes it does.... The Dyno pull was done indoors on Dec 2, 2004. Street tuning runs are proposed for April, when the snow goes! Mostly spinning wrenches. I have to install the Penske shock on the V-11 and dis-assemble and lube the drive shaft along with the oil changes. I might even chase the transmission leak. I also am in the throes of installing a supercharger on my 928. I might end up just drinking if some of this doesn't go well!!
  21. It's December here in Canada, so while the answer is "yes", it isn't going to be any time soon! We're busy!!
  22. I snagged the LM-1 / LM-3 combo and added the XD-1 guage. It's a pricey bit of kit, but with it I can log wide band A/F plus any 4 other channels of data, including RPM, injector duty cycle, vacuum/boost, fuel pressure, TPS output, and it has a built in accelerometer if you like that kind of thing.
  23. Fortunately, I think your village called, too! Actually, after the dyno run of early Dec to adjust WOT fueling, to fix my boy-racer issues, I intend to use my LM-1 / LM-3 wide band O2 sensor and engine data logger to make some passes at common cruise speeds (actually defined as Throttle Position Sensor values) to see where those A/F ratios fall. The PC III map displays the "fueling value" matrix as function of TPS position vs RPM. From my aviation experience I understand that I want to see 12.5-12.8:1 at WOT because that's where "best power" is to be had. I will want to see 14.0-14.5 ("best range" A/F ratio) at cruise throttle settings. So, I'm going to build my own matrix with data points at the 30mph, 60mph, and 80 mph steady state TPS positions. These points will correlate with the cruise A/F ratio, and I'll blend the numbers from each those data points, toward the WOT fueling numbers where I'll leave the dyno-determined best power fueling numbers I now have from this dyno session. I hate it when he's right................ especially when he knows it!
  24. I just saw the new GRISO 1100 ad in Cycle world. THis is the ad with the black bike / black background / bare foot fellow hugging the tank/cylinders. Anyway, I NEED a set of cylinder sliders like that!! Are they available after-market?
  25. Truer words were never........... whaaaaaaaat???
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