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Everything posted by BrianG

  1. Saw the Cobra today, and that's not it either. His is a 2-into-1. The one I saw looked kinda like the old Harley XR 750 dirt-tracker one. Two separate pipes, swept to the left, fairly high with 2 mufflers.
  2. Nope, Japp, not that one either. We must have every one aside from the one I saw............ Anyone got a pic of the Captain Nemo, Cobra unit??
  3. BrianG


    Now just a second!! I bought my V-11 Sport off e-bay, and there's nothing wrong with it.......... except that it runs backward....... and makes a funny noise.... and generates a little smoke from something up under the gas tank...
  4. Sorry, that's not it either!!
  5. I poured the slab on 2" of styrofoam. It's amazing how uncomfortable owning an old Porsche can get when it's -40C!
  6. OK, so this from a guy on a "donor-cycle"??
  7. Good guess Jim! Too much time above 12,500 lately??
  8. I was looking for a pair, swept to the one side. I seem unable to log on to that site........
  9. Any pictures of it?
  10. I recently saw a picture of a "Sporty" model V-11 wearing an exhaust system that swept both pipes to the left side. Anyone know who makes that?
  11. BrianG

    clutch noise

    My 2000 V-11 Sport makes one noise when the clutch is out, and a different one when it's pulled in.......... I must have a 3-plate clutch!!
  12. Perfect! Thanks!
  13. Some time ago, I recall seeing that someone had posted a template for construction of a mud-guard for the V-11 Sport/Lemans. The search engine will not reveal it. Can anyone help me locate this thread?
  14. BrianG

    fork oil

    You have to pull the fork legs out of the triple clamps. Open the tops, turn the thing upside down, and drain the oil. You really should disassemble the springs inside there and pump out the remaining oil from inside the mechanism, too. Then ther will be room for the 400cc of oil called for.
  15. The fine are lead into the early electric petcocks is known to fatigue and fracture..... It's common to replace them with the newer (2002) manual unit.
  16. Ben, Ben, Ben......................................... ya really gotta quit smokin' that shiz~!
  17. The thing is, I'm in Canada. Getting stuff across the border is a 2 week adventure, at best. And....... can the dust-cover be removed without damage? Is it normally replaced at the same time as the seal is ?
  18. My 2000 V-11 Sport has the Marzocchi forks. I blew a fork seal and need to replace it, but of course the local Guzzi dealers don't stock them and it'll only be 3-4 weeks before they place an order. DORKS! Is there a standard size fork-seal that will cross? Must be something Japanese that uses this size of fork seal! Anyone?
  19. Tomsp, actually my 16 yr old daughter claimed the VTR, while the 18 yr old son and I rode the twin 900RR's. The VTR is a torque-monster, and light enough to lift the front wheel any time she wanted. She loves the thing. Let's see......... March in Edmonton.... -15 and the forks are off the Guzzi, new fork springs arrived, Aprillia bar-ends are here, gas tanks' off, PC III's sitting in the box, rear fender is laying on the floor..... Super-charger for the 928 just arrived........... We find stuff to do...........
  20. To properly drain an upside-down, cartridge fork, they should be removed from the triple clamp, turned upside-down (or rightside-up ) and pumped until the residual oil in the bottom is all out. (guess where the really dirty crap is!) 2 hours?? They got good techs!!
  21. Thanks Todd! I got this unit today fromthe local Canadian BMW dealer. An what with the current Canadian dollar being worth $0.80 US, it stands to reason that the thing only cost me $31.00
  22. OK, why is the pickup not at the back?
  23. Crap, I had ordered it with the model specified!!
  24. Anyone have a factory-green carapace that they'd like to part with?
  25. Carl, it is, however, a great place to take the triggering signal for the relay that WILL feed the vest or hand-grip heaters. I'm quite sure this was what ya meant, anyway!
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