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Everything posted by v50man

  1. v50man

    Nogbad's new Buell

    Good choice, Nogs. You're gonna LOVE that bike. Is it an 05 or 06? v50
  2. v50man

    Nogbad's new Buell

    Red is too much on the Bolt. Blue is nice. Black is best. BLUE!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I'd rather croak and leave an exquisite corpse... Full face always...
  4. Nogs -- The race kit includes a high-flow air cleaner, a "race" ECM, an a more sonically-pleasing "race" muffler. All told, it really wakes up the bike. You'll like it... v50
  5. Doc says I can try to ride again in a week. Ain't she purty at night?
  6. Thank you, Staedtler. Damn, I guess this Peanut Pedrosa is for real. And, oh, I do not want to hear the name "Hopkins" and "potential" in the same sentence again. Damn, I can't wait... the gimp
  7. I'm gonna pretend I didn't see this...
  8. Nogbad -- Give up -- you're done for. I'm a strong man, but was no match for this overwhelming desire. Get the Firebolt and ride the piss out of it. I LOVE mine. I let two fellow Guzzisti and one BMW rider take it for a spin and they ALL want -- err -- NEED one now. Build a shed -- then fill it with Firebolt. America loves you. Seriously -- go for it. You won't regret it. v50man a proud Buell owner
  9. It's that EGO that makes Rossi so great. I sense that the public's attitude is about to turn ohin, but suspect that Rossi is bright enough to understand that people dislike us for our adequacies -- not our inadequacies. I hated his move at Jerez, but I respect him as the ultimate competitor. However, I believe we are just one confidence-inspiring win for Sete' away from a much more competitive Moto GP season. Don't forget Nicky -- or Peanut Pedrosa. Also, don't care if I'm the only one who thinks this, but DePuniet is gonna show flashes... Very excited about the coming year..............
  10. Let's see him win on THIS... http://buell.com/en_us/mania/racing/xbrr.asp
  11. v50man

    Moto Guzzi for me?

    The pillion is plenty comfortable for legless women... Mine cried when I put her on the V11.
  12. v50man

    broken mirror

    I've got the Rizoma "Reverse" mirrors on my V11. Beautiful but not very useful. The Napoleons are cheaper (way) and much more functional -- probably the best choice now that Alberts are no longer made. Also, the CRG barends are works of art -- but haven't used them so can't pass judgement.
  13. Very sexy. First, I'd like to know the answer to Al's questions...
  14. Raceco has gone the way of the dinosaur.
  15. I "came out of the closet" on this forum about a year ago. He is my favorite racer (motorcycle) EVER. Gerhard Berger on the car side. I still think he's got another championship in him -- just not in motogp. Rossi is Michael Jordan. He's a disturbed and fascinating cat, Max is...
  16. Max can do ANYTHING!!!!!! I know -- he told me!!!!!!!
  17. MAX is THE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Looks like my garage except for the fact that it is a lot neater -- and newer. Is that bike a Dnepr, Carl? Sidehacks are the s**t! Me like. v50
  19. So -- will he win this series going away -- or will his smooth riding style not suit WSBK? Don't care what anybody says, the man can ride!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Me like.
  21. Damn, Mike -- I missed something. Thought I was the only gimp on the forum. What happened? v50 (FOUR bikes in the garage awaiting the healing of their master).
  22. Bill -- Enjoy the ride. Just sat outside at El Azteca for lunch. Best day ever in winter. Everything's ok with the operation, but recovery (full) could take well over a year. BTW, if you still want those mirrors give a call. F
  23. Michael -- That doesn't sound like the Atlanta Triumph-Ducati I've been dealing with. Details, please. This is upsetting. v50
  24. Bill Hagan in Atlanta is a first-rate attorney and a multi-Guzzi fanatic.
  25. F**k music. I find myself listening to talk radio exclusively for the last 7-8 years. When I did listen to music, classic David Bowie was always my fave... ...also, King Crimson (oddly enough, I preferred the latter-day Adrian Belew-led band)... Gary Numan, Utopia, Paul Weller, Gang of Four, Eno... I think that music only holds real meaning to young, feeble minds -- then we grow up and are corrupted by the realities of the daily grind. It's never really the same past your twenties... I will also submit that -- though I have made some $ off it -- hip hop is the final step in the decline of western civilization... Yours, the grumpy gimp Atlanta, GA sunny & 65 - grrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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