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Everything posted by v50man

  1. v50man

    oh, btw...

    It all depends on where you were raised -- and WHEN you grew up. What the rest of the world calls football has never intrigued or interested me. American football -- especially when the underrated Longhorns take it to the "royal" Trojans -- now THAT is good stuff. Congrats to you and yours, Staedtler. Hopefully, Vince will prove to be the real deal (translation: a non-porcelain Michael Vick with a solid football MIND). Eurofriends -- don't knock it 'til you've watched it... The Atlanta GIMP
  2. Then get ready to pay even more for tires. Shorter shelf life + litigation = more $$$. Like everything in life -- a trade-off...
  3. Mine abandoned my crippled ass to go to Oklahoma to visit her aging parents -- or so she says. I suspect that she may have gone there to carry on with that notorious Oklahoma swordsman Carl Allison. If -- upon her return this evening -- I cannot detect the scent of Carl's signature Old Spice on her -- I will take her clothes shopping for her Christmas... the abused, neglected guzzi gimp
  4. Westley's® Bleche-Wite® * The best name on the market for cleaning tire blackwalls and whitewalls * Easy-to-use formula * Blasts away road grime and brake dust on contact * Dominating category growth leader Available Size: 20 fl. oz. pump Stock Number: 500 Available Size: 32 fl. oz. trigger Stock Number: 555 - Pictured Available Size: 64 fl. oz. bottle Stock Number: 550R Available Size: 1 gal. bottle Stock Number: 5128D Available Size: 1 gal. conc. bottle Stock Number: 500G From their website...
  5. I'll look it up (on the bottle) when I get home tonight and post it...
  6. Dunlop D208's -- is it any wonder? Seriously, though -- one way of getting rid of that coating is to spray the ENTIRE tire with an emulsifying solution like Westley's Bleche-White -- let it sit a couple minutes -- then rinse it off and ride away SLOWLY. Not scientific, but it's always worked for me.
  7. Are the new Triumphs not "real" Triumphs?
  8. Well -- you see -- I was going to FINALLY post a new pic of the V11. When I went to upload the pic, I discovered that it was not on this computer -- but this was. Being a bored insomniac cripple, I said WTF -- and posted a picture of "Noodles" -- my cat for the last five years. You know the story: she shows up mid-winter on the doorstep -- starving kitten -- so I feed her. Five years later, she's still here... Nogbad -- the "blind racoon" line made me fall out laughing...
  9. Also -- Get the FULL kit (with headers). The one you are linked to is just the muffler. v50gimp
  10. PM me with your email and I'll send you an mp3 sound file. the forum gimp
  11. Ughparrently so...
  12. Amen, Ben. New Bike Smell -- mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. the gimp
  13. Congratulations, Mike -- I've been on both the bike you bought and the Paul Smart -- both are quite tasty. I, like you, prefer the Sport. That color looks even better in the sunshine. Be careful on those retro Pirellis, though. The center groove makes 'em a bit tricky on some surfaces. Merry Christmas -- the guzzi gimp
  14. v50man


  15. That silver/red v11 is MOST attractive!
  16. http://www.superbikeplanet.com/2005/Dec/051220a.htm Who wears the black hat now?
  17. v50man


    Thanks to all for your kind thoughts. Surgery went ok -- rehab begins this afternoon. What a pain in the
  18. Your Duc? Damage looks minimal -- better than my f**kin' hand!
  19. One look into the eyes of the late Emma, and I understand fully that I have no problems whatsoever. Shame to expire at such a young age...
  20. Going under the knife tomorrow morning -- and looking at a long recovery. Long story short -- a glass broke as I was pulling it from my cupboard -- sliced my wrist -- severing several nerves and ligaments. Freak accident -- couldn't repeat it with a million tries. No sensation in hand -- but limited movement. Swollen hand. Right hand -- and I'm right handed. Anyway, I'll be forced to READ about motorcycles rather than ride them for a while. Hopefully, I'll make a full recovery. Wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy... The only good thing to come from this is that I now realize what good friends I have. My misanthropic ass has been pleasantly surprised at all the help I've received. Anyway -- keep up the amusing posts -- and keep the rubber side down...
  21. Easily. Drill out the rivets -- pull it out -- and re-seal with the supplied metal plate. 10 minutes -- tops.
  22. Thanks -- but I'd still recommend this exhaust. Sound with the catalyser out is musical. v50
  23. I agree with the design flaw theory -- mine hangs lower than I would like. Sorry it took so long for me to respond, but I had a freak (non-motorcycle) accident Sunday and have no feeling in my right hand as a result. I'm right handed, so it aint easy. Hopefully, nerve microsurgery is where it should be. Anyway, the Quat-D could easily sit a bit higher. Take care. v50
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