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Everything posted by v50man

  1. ...and I now remember why I married her (the V11). Linear power delivery -- Jap-quality transmission -- cache' -- I love the old broad. The Firebolt has rocked my world -- and I now have two of the most complementary sport cycles in the world... I'm a two-timin' SOB -- and I LIKE it!!!!!!!!! v50
  2. Antonio -- Where are you getting your info? I cannot believe that Max would come back only to be humiliated by Rossi on the same bike. Are you just guessing? V50
  3. v50man


    Staedtler -- Remind me to stay on your good side. Max & Sete -- sheesh. Find somebody your own size...
  4. v50man


    That's rich, Staedtler... Kick a guy when he's down
  5. Nice call, Staedtler. Now you see why I don't bet -- I think with my wishful heart too much.
  6. Loris is back -- but probably a bit wobbly (not as young as he once was). Dark horse to win the race -- BIAGGI. This would be his first season without a win. Poor bastard has no ride for next season -- and there's a youth movement going on (DePuniet is gonna be a hoot to watch in the top class!) -- so it may be the last we see of the Roman Emperor. I'm a Max Biaggi fan -- I admit that. However, his teammate has been a great source of amusement for all of us this season. The writing's on the wall -- will Max read it -- or will he continue to push ahead in a sport which seems to have passed him by? Melandri is the bomb -- so if he takes the Honda Cup, good for him... I'm getting depressed now that the season has come to an end...
  7. Nicky will win or crash out trying (it's tradition, lads). Regardless, Marco will most likely capture the "Honda Cup."
  8. Just got back from a week in Montreal.......... Love it! But -- just overtip -- smile alot -- and try to speak French whenever possible -- and America will rule again. Next time -- dammit -- I'm going ALONE. BEAUTIES -- BEAUTIES -- I say........!!!!!!!!!!
  9. My mom is SUCH an embarassment to the family. Sheesh!
  10. Bruce -- Gonna be in the port area I believe. The redhead planned the whole trip so I don't even know what she wants to do. I've got a small bit of business, then I guess I get led around. I'd personally be happy to drink too much and read the factory service manual for my new Buell. I hate art galleries, museums, etc. Is there anything "weird" or "macabre" in the area? Haunted houses? Places of interest that are offbeat in one way or another? Anything you can tell me about that isn't boring would be great. Thanx -- v50
  11. I must be the only one in the world who doesn't "get" the Moto Morini -- everybody's gaga over it. I find it ugly. As regards quality Buell parts coming from overseas, perhaps this is because the Buells are more popular overseas than they are at home. As regards NTSC, I think you just need a PAL.
  12. Motorcycle cops in Atlanta are abundant -- all over the place. Most wave back -- almost all of them can ride the wheels off. I try to view them as my friends until they prove otherwise. On an aside, I ALWAYS wave back to kids in cars who wave at me. Doesn't cost a thing and gives them positive reinforcement that not all bikers are thugs. Think about when you were a kid and you'd give truckers the "honk your horn" sign -- and they did. My point, I guess, is that I'm going to be as pleasant as possible to everyone while cycling not only to help the image of motorcyclists everywhere -- but because it is the right thing to do. The only CONSTANT request I get from kids -- especially in the "hood" where I live -- is to wheelie -- "That thing go twelve O' Clock?" Just shake my head and wave... My
  13. If this is all the flaming I'm to be subjected to, it was worth it. As regards the dealer, this is the same dealer that gave me a test ride of the FIrebolt last November. I was impressed with their knowledge of the bike then, but let myself get talked out of buying one by my long-time pals at the Ducati/MV Agusta/Guzzi dealership. I mentioned to these same guys I still wanted one a few weeks ago and was roundly berated and hissed at. This time I did the right thing and went with what I wanted. Good thing.
  14. Seems like most of the Canadian Geese are closer to Vancouver, but just thought I'd ask. Any dealers of interest? Just curious. V50 P.S. You should really go back and read my last post in the "Bitches" forum. It regards a visit to a local H-D/Buell dealer.........
  15. Barkin -- Glad you like it. It suits my 5'8" 160 lb. frame perfectly. The "piddle" in the driveway was spilled by yours truly while changing the oil in my truck. Back to the Buell, I got it with only 400 miles on it. Engine's real tight, so I rode her to 750 miles this weekend. Just like the GOOSE, the Firebolt will embarass me until I get a pipe on her. Deadly quiet at present, but I've already decided on a setup which I'll put on at approx 1000 miles. So far, so good with the bike. I went to Stone Mountain H-D yesterday morning because I thought it was taking too long to get down to idle from revs. Told the head tech about it and no fewer than three people came out -- agreed that it was not right -- and offered some opinions. I went to the parts dept. to pick up some frame pucks and spare fasteners, and while I was talking with Chris (the MAN when it comes to understanding these bikes), the head technician came up and asked me for the key to the bike. Sure. Twenty minutes later, the lead tech comes back and tells me that he hooked the bike up to the computer -- tested and then re-set the TPS -- and that the TPS was not the issue. Chris thought the motor was simply tight from its newness, and suggested I run it to 1000 miles -- put on the new pipe and race ECM -- and they'd dope it out (if it was still an issue) when they did the TPS re-set and tuned the EFI. No charge for the TPS re-set. I about fainted. Then, as I'm wrapping up my small purchase, I noticed a large poster advertising "Harley Owners Group" rings that were about as understated and classy as a Super Bowl ring. When asked if that was all, I cracked that he may as well go ahead and place my order for a "Buell Owners Group" ring. When Chris just smiled and shook his head, I knew I was dealing with good people. He loads my stuff into a Buell messengers pack/backpack (quite nice) -- throws a few Buell baseball caps in there -- and I thought I was being upsold. When I asked, he simply said it was on the house -- welcome to the family. Overall, a great beginning to the Buell experience.
  16. I wanna be her baby...
  17. I should be so lucky!
  18. RIDE REPORT: Much LIGHTER than the Goose -- also wigglier. Like it. Goose is still the wife -- XBR is the mistress (but, DAMN -- can she s**k a d**K). Inspires less confidence, but is fun on short rides. Am I making myself clear? Prolly not...
  19. It aint no Guzzi, but it sure is FUN. And -- NO -- I will not go "Enzo" on you. Just wanted some variety in my life, and the redhead said that it cannot come from other women. So -- a 2003 Firebolt XB9R -- something to tweak and modify over the winter and thrash in the Spring.
  20. Aww, what the hell. Get it!!!!!!! Mine is a wheelie machine that's great for urban adventures. Schoolchildren cover their ears and wince. Get it. If you decide it's not worth fixing, paint it -- and you've got a magnificent piece of industrial art!!!!!!!!!!! F
  21. Site appears to be down...
  22. Broke the brake pedal on my V11. Dealer -- as well as MGNA -- were out of this item. Had read some good things about MPH on this site and others, so I went to their website -- saw that they carried an improved braike pedal that was actually less expensive than stock. Called 'em on Wednesday afternoon -- part arrived on Friday. Back riding Saturday. Good product -- good dealer. Will support them whenever possible.
  23. It's not so simple -- and it's not an either/or proposition. I'm NOT dumping my Guzzis -- love 'em too much. Just like the Buells, too. Had one too many and bid on one late Saturday. I'll let you know... v50
  24. I believe it's one of those devices designed to trigger traffic lights. Forget the name, but it allows the vehicle to be detected by radar(?) which tells the traffic light there's a car in position. They work -- keep it on. v50 Since the introduction of electromagnets as traffic signal controllers in the 1960's (called inductive loops), the vast majority of US traffic signals have implemented the technology. Hence, motorcyclists, bicyclists, and small car owners have had ever-growing difficulty getting signals to change for them. It's because these electromagnets (which usually appear as large black rectangles cut into the lanes at intersections) ONLY recognize iron (not aluminum, titanium, rubber, weight, or plastic) - smaller vehicles, and many newer vehicles, just don't have much iron in them… So, traffic lights don't know a vehicle is waiting - and they don't change - EVER! Many people call these "stuck" traffic lights, but they're not stuck, they just don't detect a vehicle. Attach a Signal Sorcerer™ to the underside of any vehicle and those loops will detect you, and give you the green light. Equip your ride with a Signal Sorcerer™ TODAY! • D.O.T. & EPA Compliant • No Wiring • No Tools • 3 minutes to Install • Lifetime Power Supply • Bright Nickel Finish • 3/32" tall x 5/32" wide x 2" long • Weighs less than ½ oz. • #1 Gift for Motorcyclists • SAVES Time & Fuel • Keeps Cyclists SAFEl • LEGAL EVERYWHERE — GUARANTEED • Works on ALL Vehicles, even Bicycles HOW and WHY It Works The overwhelming majority of the controlled traffic signals in the United States are regulated by electromagnets. Electromagnets that are used to sense iron, instead of lift it, are called inductive loops. These loops most often appear at controlled intersections as large black rectangles in the road. Inductive loops detect iron (ferrite [Fe]) not aluminum, rubber, plastic, weight, titanium, etc. Motorcycles, particularly the newer models, rarely have enough iron to cause the inductive loop to detect their presence at the intersection – ergo, the light does not change. Signal Sorcerer™ generates a very powerful field that substantially increases the inductance in these loops, therefore causing the traffic signal to detect the vehicle it's attached to, and initiate a cycle change. Inductive loop technology has been employed in this capacity since the early 1960's. Installation NO WIRING NEEDED • NO TOOLS NEEDED • AVERAGE INSTALLATION TIME: 3-Min. Installation of your new Signal Sorcerer™ is fast and easy. Signal Sorcerer™ works best when closest to the road's surface, with no metal between it and the road. Signal Sorcerer™ may be mounted anywhere under your motorcycle where it does not interfere with the safe operation of the vehicle. We suggest mounting it to the bottom forward or bottom rear frame area of the motorcycle. Do NOT attach Signal Sorcerer™ to a vehicle's wheels or brake disks. Installation Overview Signal Signal Sorcerer™ should be attached to the underside of your vehicle, as close to the road's surface as possible, and should not have anything between it and the road's surface. Signal Signal Sorcerer™ should not be mounted on exhaust pipes or anywhere that it could interfere with the safe operation of your vehicle, such as on wheels, drive belts, drive chains, or tires. Installation Cautions: Signal Sorcerer™ will attract iron, and be attracted to iron. To avoid possible injury, do not get fingers, skin or other body parts between Signal Sorcerer™ and iron. Do not install Signal Sorcerer™ in temperatures under 50° Fahrenheit. Do not try to bend Signal Sorcerer™. Step 1 Do not remove the backing tape from the adhesive strip at this time. Locate a suitable mounting location underneath your vehicle by placing the unit in various locations, and visually checking for fit and appearance. (Leaving the unit in its plastic container may simplify this procedure.) The unit does not need to be mounted on steel. The unit will function properly when mounted to any type of surface: plastics, aluminum, etc. The critical factor is its distance from the road’s surface: it should be as close to the road as is safely possible. (See Mounting Suggestions for the best, most popular mounting locations on various vehicles.) Step 2 Thoroughly clean the selected mounting location. If necessary, scrape away any accumulated road grime or debris with a screw driver blade or scraper. Open one of the provided alcohol pads and scrub the location. Allow thirty seconds for drying. Open the second provided alcohol pad and clean the area again – this ensures there is no oil or grease on the selected mounting location. Allow it to dry for another thirty seconds. Step 3 Remove the unit from its plastic container. Carefully remove the plastic adhesive backing from the two-sided *permanent, acrylic foam tape. Step 4 Press the adhesive tape side of the unit FIRMLY to the clean, selected location. Push the unit into the mounting location several times with good, firm pressure. Ensure the bond is complete. * Signal Sorcerer™ is attached with permanent, industrial grade, acrylic-foam adhesive mounting tape. This adhesive will bond immediately, but will not fully cure for 24-48 hours – depending on temperature. It is therefore preferable to mount your new Signal Sorcerer™ when you know you will not be operating your vehicle for several hours. If you wish to install your unit and operate the vehicle immediately, it is suggested that you use masking tape, a twist tie, or a wire tie to temporarily assist the adhesive during curing. The assisting material may be removed after the curing period is completed.
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