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Everything posted by v50man

  1. v50man


    Since I've nothing to do 'til the race starts, here's my twisted logic. Hayden has CONSISTENTLY been the fastest all weekend. He's confident and, I think, comfortable. Rossi is decidedly uncomfortable -- already making excuses -- and mentally preparing himself not to win. Biaggi is smooth and consistent, and I think these traits will serve him well a LS. Melandri's got his crashing out of the way, I think. He's probably the sport's post-Rossi star, and I just think he'll figure it out in time. These are probably more wishes than predictions, but I really believe Young Nicky can do it at LS. Also have a bad feeling about Rossi on this track. We'll see. It's going to be the best race so far because things are shaken up -- not going to plan -- and anything could happen. One half-hour 'til we find out...
  2. v50man


    My podium picks: 1 -- Hayden 2 -- Melandri 3 -- Biaggi I have a weird feeling that Rossi is going to crash out. We'll see. Watch out for Hopkins. He's due as well.
  3. v50man


    Qualifying Practice: Young Nicky --------------- 1 Rossi ________________2 Barros-----------------------3 Bayliss________________4 Edwards---------------------5 Hopkins______________--6 Mad Max--------------------7 This is gonna be GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. v50man


    FP3: Hayden ------- 1 Hopkins ------ 3 Edwards ----- 6 Some guy named Rossi was fifth, and Mad Max was seventh. Great day for the Americans. It's Nicky time -- or is it?
  5. v50man


    I LOVED the aggressive riding Nicky displayed at Assen. If he's got his confidence up, watch out. Don't laugh, but I wouldn't count Max out either (as smooth riding is a GOOD thing at LS). A Hayden win would be great for the sport, but if I were a betting man... ...Rossi. But I ain't a betting man, and I love to dream...
  6. v50man


    Dammit! The PDF of the screen didn't take. Anyway, Nicky Hayden was fastest in practice (just ended) and Max Biaggi was third fastest. Bayliss second -- Rossi TENTH!!! This is gonna be good! v50
  7. LIVE_TIMING.pdf
  8. The best news I've heard all year! Congrats, Tony -- this is amazing... v50
  9. v50man


    Thanks so much! v50
  10. v50man


    I cannot wait 'til 3:00 Sunday to watch it on Speed TV with commercials every 5 mins. You've done it before -- do it again. Pulllleeeeze............ v50 This is important -- even if we already know that Biaggi will run away with it.
  11. See these threads... http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=5205 http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=5139
  12. Tom -- The stockers were tall and wide. DIdn't like 'em. THese came off a BMW 650 (or something similar) and worked well for me...
  13. I'd say it was as much Michelin as FIA. Either way, they screwed the pooch.
  14. Power wheelies are what I was referring to. It's hard to imagine a factory test rider popping (glazing) a new clutch. Mine would lift the front wheel about as far as you do in your wheelie pic. Not exactly the "12 O' Clock" wheelie pictured at the beginning of the thread. But, then again, I do not claim to possess the skill and technique required to pop wheelies on big, fat bikes. I just figured that if my 160 lb. ass couldn't on a tweaked Centauro, there was no way a factory tester could do so on a stocker. I could very well be wrong -- though I find the thought to be distasteful.
  15. Toe -- The Aprilias will SMOKE a V11 -- if you want more performance, get an R1. If you like loads of character and torque, look into the V11. As it happens, I have a black naked with some mods... http://www.zigzagsoftware.com/pictures.html SOUND... worldstormartslab.com/dropbox/QUAT-D/ Also, check out Frankie 100 Chili's trick black naked bike...
  16. ...and then you came down from the acid trip. Unless he (the talented test rider) was a 40 lb. midget with some nitrous secreted away, I can't see this happening. No disrespect -- just my
  17. Tom -- Bought the bike new in late '98. Already had the v50III and the Ducati, but had new bike fever and had wanted a Centauro ever since I saw one on a trip to Florida. To me, the styling was astounding. It can hang in the twisties, but it is not near as light or flickable (RELATIVELY SPEAKING!) as the V11. The long wheelbase contributed to great stability at speed, but the bike's heft made it a lot of work around town (where, unfortunately, most of my riding occurs). I had Will Creedon's chip and Bub Bad Dogs, and I can say that it was easily the most VISCERAL motorcycle I have ever been on. Above 4000 rpms, it would damn near pull your arms off. It just wasn't near as much fun to ride as my old Ducati, so I continued to rack up miles on the Ducati while the Centauro would sit untouched (except for polishing) for months at a time. Last year, I decided that it was not going to be my bike anymore. Same as in the beginning -- LOVED the looks of the bike but didn't like hauling it around. Sold it. Bought the V11. No regrets, but if I were a rich man I'd have kept the Centauro. Perhaps a larger person (I'm 5'8" and go 160) would find it more manageable. I wouldn't NOT recommend the bike to anyone. It just wasn't my cup of tea. v50 P.S. Would have gotten back on this sooner but I just got back in from a six-hour ride with one of my buddies who has a K1200 -- can't get the smile off my face. P.S.S. Oil lines were a factory recall. As regards the front forks, my mechanic and I began to call WP "weeping pneumatics." Eventually solved under warranty. No other mechanical issues.
  18. People love or hate the Centauro. I bought it for its looks alone and shortly thereafter realized I had made a mistake. It was, however, the most brutal beast EVER in a straight line. Big difference between 4V and 2V motors. Sold mine to a collector/broker last Autumn. I though I was giving it away at $6500, but that is apparently all he was able to get for it... http://bradsbikes.com/view_photo.aspx?phot...px&maxWidth=700
  19. Well, where do we start. First, like the 1000S, nobody bought them when they came out. They are long and heavy. Problems with oil lines, Fuel injection, WP suspension. In 1998 the bike listed for aqpproximately $13,000. Pricey. Oh, and they were TERRIBLE wheelie machines.
  20. Photoshop.
  21. It IS a charity.
  22. Thanks for straightening me out on this, Goffredo. All Hail Frankie100Chili
  23. v50man

    Strange Dream ?

    I'm still sick about this. What's your next move? F
  24. 100 kg equalos about 220 lbs. Sounds to me like you can pass anything but a roadside pizza stand on your badass V11
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