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Everything posted by v50man

  1. Dammit, Frankie -- you're making me look like a liar!
  2. Group -- To avoid any further confusion on the topic, I emailed Frankie100Chili and inquired as to whether or not he was the famous Superbike rider. He assured me that they are not the same person, but mentioned to me that they are close friends -- and included the attached picture to prove it. Frankie 100 Chili is on the right. Racer on left. Hope this straightens everything out.
  3. The most fun I ever had on two wheels was when I test rode a Firebolt last November. The size of the bike fits my 5'8" 160 lb. frame perfectly. Almost bought it -- but -- well -- there's this Guzzi thing I've been afflicted with for 15 years. Got the V11 instead. No regrets, but I would like to wheelie now and again. There, the Buell excels. If you got the $, go for it.
  4. It is "breathy" and "full of air" at idle, but never "tinny." VERY DEEP TONE at speed. When I get moment I'll record a "through the gears" file. Love the Quat-D. In my experience, 2-1 exhausts are almost always quiter at idle. Listen to this: http://worldstormartslab.com/dropbox/QUAT-D/
  5. Got the seat. excellent. Will get a pic and post soon. Again -- thanks for your help.
  6. Any news, Tony?
  7. Manuel De Liso sent me these new photos -- thought I'd share: Manuel is the English-speaking member of the Quat-D team.
  8. Slowpoke, you f**king pussy! No -- really -- I'm in complete accord. Survived a lot of stupid riding during a misspent youth, now I trust NO ONE! Always look directly into their eyes! Also, has anyone else noticed how motorcycling makes you a much better driver? Recently went on a road trip to Tennessee with a co-worker (non-biker) and cringed at the lack of space between our car and the one in front of us. Scary. Shiny side up!
  9. Yes, Antonio -- 'twould be a dream come true.
  10. Me likes! When you gonna lose those ugly stock mirrors? CRG or Rizoma would be nice...
  11. Biaggi wins tomorrow. But only after Rossi crashes out. Or maybe he just uses his superior top speed to sneak by on the final straightaway. I love Rossi, but this is getting boring!!
  12. Seat finally arrived this evening. Perfect fit.
  13. To hell with the HD story -- my heart really DOES bleed for Max Biaggi. That's just COLD!
  14. It's 1:15 a.m. in Atlanta -- AND I CAN'T SLEEP!!!!! Tony was as gracious a human being as I've ever encountered -- riding all the way to Hollister to help someone he didn't even know (me) get a seat fitted to his bike. I take this as a personal affront. I'm pissed. I'm frustrated -- can't do anything. If this bike isn't recovered -- and isn't insured -- I'd like to be the first to offer up $200 to a fund to get him a replacement. If Jaap can handle this -- great. If anyone else has an interest in this, please post a reply. Enough of us doing the same could help out a moto brother who must right now be in hell. Can't stand it when bad things happen to good people. I'm through -- sorry for the rambling. I want to hit something, but the only thing still awake in the house (besides me) is my cat, Noodles. F**k it -- I'll just go pet her and try to think nice thoughts. It'll be hard. Hang in there, Tony. v50
  15. Guys -- Remember, Tony's bike had the unique Corbin seat...
  16. Damn, Tony -- that sucks! After all you've done, I'd almost rather have MY bike stolen. Please keep us apprised of the situation, and when you find the bastard who did this -- KILL him!
  17. Well, alright then...
  18. Bento -- I used a Sennheiser "shotgun" microphone plugged into the XLR input on a Sony PD-150 DVCAM. It's all about the MICROPHONE -- not what you record to. v50
  19. All I know is I WANT ONE!!!!!
  20. Lots of little holes. Calm air = good air.
  21. Where in Northern NJ are you? I was born and raised in Washington Township. v50
  22. For the record, I'm using a Sennheiser "shotgun" plugged into a Sony PD-150.
  23. If I can knock off enough convenience stores to afford one, I'll be sending you guys my Griso. v50
  24. So, Frankie -- Am I to take it that you own -- or are part of -- Firestarter Garage? Or are you just talking Itlay in general. Must know. v50
  25. Frankie -- In America, we're ALL outlaws...
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