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Everything posted by v50man

  1. Thank you for the insight. T.E. was THE MAN........
  2. I see no indication of an accident, macguzzi. Were they THAT well built? Amazing if true. Also, a tough choice to argue against. Stunning...
  3. If ya like redneck sluts... From the wildly unsuccessful documentary...
  4. So, I'm a bastard......... Deal with it....... F
  5. A comp taken prior to lighting...
  6. Below average photography. Above average girl. Spectacular bike.
  7. This silly email came to me this morning: Strange Dear Abby Letter Dear Abby, I'm a crack dealer in Beaumont, Texas, recently diagnosed as a carrier of HIV virus. One of my sisters lives in Pflugerville and is married to a transvestite. My parents live in Fort Worth. They were recently arrested for growing and selling marijuana. They are financially dependent on my other two sisters, who are prostitutes in Dallas . I have two brothers — one is currently serving a life sentence at Huntsville for the 1994 murder of a teenage boy; my other brother's currently in jail awaiting charges of sexual misconduct with his three children. I've recently become engaged to a former prostitute who lives in Longview. She is a part time 'working girl'. All things considered, my problem is this — I love my fiancé and look forward to bringing her into the family. I want to be totally open and honest with her. Should I tell her about my cousin who supports Barack Obama for President? Signed, Worried About My Reputation
  8. v50man

    Hi from Bulgaria

    Dimo - Welcome to the forum. I tried to reply to your other post but could not as I believe it was listed in the classifieds. I believe those bits are going to be a dealer item. I leave mine off most of the time, as I'm constantly putting it up in the air on a rear roller stand. Most rearstands are too narrow for the v11, but redlinestands.com makes some that work. You can also order the V11-specific stand from certain vendors (probably TLM would be closer). Ride safe. v50man
  9. Don't go on and on bout the latest R1................
  10. It's too small of a community to play like that.... Gonads shall hang from olive trees!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I, too, will likely purchase an 1125r this year. CANNOT RESIST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  12. Me like very much. Those "ugly" scoops are not so bad in person. Kinda looks like a Harrier Jet...
  13. sizing is similar to shoei/nolan....
  14. UPDATE! Price lowered to $69.99 on remaining helmets... http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?f...&category0= Don't miss out, fellow cheap peeps!
  15. Welcome. I'm running the Diablo Stradas on my v11 and couldn't be happier. Very predictable. I'm running the Skorpion Syncs on my Buell XB9R. WORLDS better than the stock Dunlops. Very soft -- sticky -- and LIGHT. A GREAT "around town" urban tire. Remember, these tires are essentially Supermoto tires. Great stiction, but they will not last as long as the Stradas -- especially on a heavy bike like the V11. Personally, I'd stick with the recommended sizes. Handling will be much improved with new skins. Hope this helps...
  16. The Velvet Underground gonna bring yer mood UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Alright, let's clear the air here. "Rebel Scum" is MY film. I'm the producer and Video Rahim, my partner in film crimes against humanity, is the director. While on the road shooting an EPK on Dropsonic, we witnessed the Dirty Works -- and were taken aback. And intrigued. I used the money that I make from doing commercials for advertising agencies and music videos and tour visuals for the likes of Usher and Puff Daddy, and spent over $100,000 following these guys for two years -- then nearly another year editing. Previous to encountering these guys, I was unaware of this subculture, and I needed to understand from whence it spawned. During the filming of the movie, we encountered many uncomfortable moments -- and several guest cinematographers were too scared after a single trip to Knoxville to ever come back with us. This is dangerous filmmaking. The idea was never to "exploit" Scum and company, but, rather, to find out what made them tick. Watch the movie, and you'll see we succeeded. When I finished this edit of the piece, I remembered that "jihem" was a rock journalist in Brussels, and wrote him to see if he would be interested in seeing a screener of the film. He agreed, and fast became a champion of the piece and -- unselfishly -- spent a good deal of his time trying to get a European distribution deal. Please remember -- and this speaks to all of us -- that my sole connection with "jihem" was v11lemans.com. The Guzzi brotherhood, it seems to me, may contain some cranky old bastards, but overall we seem to be a solid, honest and caring lot. While the efforts of "jihem" have yet to bear any fruit, we are still hopeful. Several Hollywood "big shots" have agreed to a look-see, and I am absolutely confident of distribution deals worldwide in the near future. Everybody gets into this business (film) claiming that they're going to make a movie. Few do. I have, and I'm quite proud of the effort. I put my money where my mouth was and shot all "B-Roll" in FILM rather than video. This is why the piece has an "organic" look about it. The edit and soundtrack are superb -- thanks mostly to Video Rahim. The presentation of the subject is balanced because of the differing political views of its creators (I am a 40ish white guy who leans toward the Libertarian POV while Rahim is "inspired" by Barack Obama. Enough said there.) A famed criminal defense attorney who came to one our test screenings believes that the film should be required viewing for pubescent youths as it illustrates the dangers of alcohol and drug abuse in an unparalleled fashion. That's his opinion -- not mine. Regardless of whether you are interested in the piece or not, please understand that it is not exploitation or pornography -- or anything like that. Rather, it is an all-too-real peek into a reality that few of us wish to acknowledge. Finally, my idea in posting this was to share -- NOT to create a divide. I understand that it's not everybody's cup of tea, but it IS an independently financed and crafted work of art from a fellow Guzzisti. Thought you might be interested...
  18. Got 'em on today. The biike is literally transformed! Mad confidence where there was once trepidation. A HyperPro or Wilbers rear shock and I will be --------- IMMORTAL!
  19. I am not among the technical geniuses of this site, but the only thing I can think is that the tubing is clogged. Try pulling off the tubing and blowing through it. My tank suck disappeared immediately upon removing the tipover valve . Good luck.
  20. Ahh, to be an American rube...
  21. Me no understand. It is not football as I understand it...
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